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Status Updates posted by Lykos

  1. Congrats on the wedding coming up! I hope you create memories you will be able to cherish together.

  2. Gah! I don't want any math on my forum!


  3. Gonna have a hack-job on my mouth at the dentist tomorrow... 2 fillings and a pull. Dont worry, though. the tooth to be pulled is just a baby tooth that is jammed in the gums and not letting the adult tooth come in.

  4. Woot just re-earned my 100 in swords. Im just... so happy. Now to figure out how to get my damage bonuses from levels 25 and 50 back...

  5. Just walkin' round the forums being a post count *****...

    1. Shadow_DragonBane


      Note I can send you messages sometimes cause I sometimes but rarely go to places with internet... like right now.

  6. Went from 100 in swords to 94 and the +damage from reaching 50 is gone... stoopid other people getting their stats corrupted! :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lykos


      There was no word on balance changes, this was merely a roll back with some pain-inducing side effects

    3. AutomatonX


      I mean, should we /modreq this or wait it out? I can already feel the disadvantages during my hunting...a full heart of damage makes all the difference.

    4. Lykos


      I know... I hunt as well... I tied modreq'ing already, but it was ignored.

  7. This better not be 2.0 loading up... I'm not carrying my supplies on me atm :O

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. corlark


      Wouldn't they have posted about it being 2.0?

      Or no?

    3. Arbrek the Ancient
    4. Ogedi


      I'd die of happiness and joy.

  8. Anyone know if golden armor has been buffed yet?

    1. awesumninja123


      I don't think it's ever going to be buffed.

  9. Just joined in to be surrounded by undead and monsters... oddly i was invincible. TIME TO SHINE! :P

  10. and good luck with your app.

  11. happy birthday dude.

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