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Bedrock VIP
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Status Replies posted by nepir

  1. I have been thinking about trying out a new character idea of mine. So I had to ask wether half-elves were alowed (aside from Adunians) and what restrictions there are when it comes to; aging, appearance, physical traits etc.

    I was thinking about combining Highlander (Human) – Mali’ame (Wood Elf)

    1. nepir


      So far I know yes, the mix comes from the parents and it seems completely reasonable to have such a mix. if you had a halfling olog I start getting worried

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. I don't know if truly necessary, but I'd like to leave on this dude's profile that he is a very helpful guy. I don't know him THAT well, but the time that I've spoken or RPed with him, he was great.

    Helped me solving my minecraft error

    Thanks Nep.

    STay strong!

    1. nepir


      I am willing to help with any Pc problems. just throw them at me and I will see if I can help out.

  3. Offer upgraded necromancy and blood magic for titanfall 2

  4. Excuse me, I found weird cave and I was wondering if it belonged to you  Just wondering because a friend and I want to check out portal in there maybe do an event. Can you send a message back if you can? I'd appreciate it. Also there's this sign that said to msg you, I believe I found the right person, if not, please send a msg, thanks!

  5. i had found the book that you put in near the old high elf city was wondering if you can tell me the ridle that was supose to go with the book


    1. nepir


      so i dont have too hold on to the book any more?

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