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Posts posted by Coaster

  1. What do you think about Brazil? And about me? Uhmmm favorite steak?


    Hot girls. 


    You're a funny ******* guy, and I always appreciate when you barge in to the conversation, you colonial bastard spawn.




    I do not know you personally, but you seem like a good guy. Good luck out there.

    Do you regret that your shot at kingship spiled so early, or do you appreciate those who had replaced your character? Also, do you accept the good King Olivier as monarch of all men?



    I had a lot of plans for the direction of Oren, and the server in general as Andrik, and I guess part of me was dissapointed that they never came to fruition the way I planned. However I never intended to be King for very long (I had only returned for the specific reason of bringing them back from splintered shitdoms),and things kinda ended up working out anyway and so im very content with how things are now. Oliver is a good guy.


    i know for sure the head on left is Jonathan Black and i m pretty sure the one on right is the hansetian whoress liltims char (w.e name was)


    best moment(s) on the lotc?


    do you think all your time on the lotc taught you any life lessons or morals or sh i t that you will remember? or is it something you think you'd rather have spent the time doing something else?


    best of luck going PMC, i hope you will enjoy your line of work and make a career of it see whether you or csalz the wall street investor makes more dosh. stay in touch while ur not spreading capitalism to the 7 corners


    (taste my fists sucka niqqa)


    1. taste my fists sucka ******


    2. When I first joined LoTC I was a 16 year old, racist, sexist, homophobic dickweed. I'm not anymore, and I guess that says something for it. I can't say I enjoyed all my time on the server, a lot of the time on here was really frustrating and just annoying, but I've made some great friendships and the good times def outweight the bad. 



    What is the difference between a Private Military Company and mercenaries?


    Mercenaries are strictly prohibited by the Geneva convention. PMC's are not. Their official role is always to defend or delegate protection onto assets by contract, not to attack or wage war for money. 


    So pretty much there is no difference.


    that was only for like 3 months...pls forgive




    how do i give her what she deserves?


    From my experience it's thinking like that which leads to depression and anger and fighting and all sorts of bad things. Best not to wallow in what you could have done or should do but just enjoy the time that you have.


    You never know when it might just end


    I remember when I first joined LOTC and one of my first encounters was with the Hallowed Bandits, you guys were great and I had made it my goal to catch and arrest you guys (yeah I was part of one of those small towns). I even remember being kidnapped and brought to your fort where you's threw me into a pit and made me fight to the death with other captives, honestly some of the most fun I had on the server and I always wanted someone like you guys to be around again. Honestly from what I know of you you've always been chill and I've always looked up to you (even though I was always fighting against you whether it was against the bandits or the flays or the blackmonts and even when you were King of Oren), I hope you do well wherever you're going and a good guy like you deserves to do well in life. (Wasn't really a question was more of a statement soz.)



    Thanks man, makes me smile to read it. Those were also my faovrite times.


    What was your favorite part about being king of Oren?

    opinion of me as well


    I legitimately hated being king of Oren


    You're a good kid, I think very intuitive and mature beyond your years, someone I've always enjoyed talking to and observing from the sidelines but eccentricity sometimes leads you to getting upset or excited about things you really shouldn't. (don't know how else to put it) 


    I'll miss you dude, we had some great ass times. I still want us to meet up IRL at some point.




    would you PM me your number pls


    Did you bang an asian chick yet


    what do you think of me :33333333333


    Yea sure.


    I did not have intercourse with her


    One of my best friends (and I don't mean roflcopter internet friends.)


    Do you support Arkantos the Muslim or Paul Ryan the Republican as best Privy Councilor for Andrik Vydra??? 


    Is Fat Tommy Shmurda REALLY the king of lifting?


    What are your thoughts on the GOP, and of me? 


    Both of you were (and the rest) were the only reasons I made it anywhere as King. In my opinion the best team of players to have as administrators I've ever seen.


    He's weak as a bird


    I'm more aligned to the GOP then the heretics on the other side of things, but I'll always be a libertarian. 

    I was impressed by you the first moment I talked to you, and still am to this day. Intelligent, well spoken and very well educated individual. 


    Do you want a hug?


    I'm ok

  3. dude are you doin' okay?


    Taking life one step at a time


    how are you doing pal? 


    Been better, but I've also been worse


    are you going to get shot


    I might, but I'll have the means to defend myself


    Hey dude I lived in Seoul for 3 years, it's a ******* dope place! Have a good time.


    What are you doing for work?


    Favorite gun?


    d-do you.... like me sniffle


    Seoul is great.


    I work for both a nonprofit organization and a Private Military Company (as an intern). I am very passionate about both fields and hope to have careers in at least one in the future


    Without a doubt the 47 variant of the Kalashnikov, I prefer a Wasr make. In my opinion the perfect firearm 


    You're a good guy



    Do you have any favorite moments on LotC? Also who do you think your favorite character on here was?


    My favorite memories on LoTC would have to be Aegis as a whole and the very beginning of Asulon. 


    As Asulon began and people made makeshift starting villages next to the cloud temple, me and my group of goons claimed dominion over the denizens, taking taxes and kicking ass. It was great. 


    I've only ever had three characters on the server


    Will Chapman (basically nobody)


    Prince, August Flay/Blackmont 


    Andrik Vydra


    August was a character with an incredible amount of depth and story whose development was all of result of things that happened in game. I sincerely enjoyed playing him and he is most def my favorite character.


    Vydra and Chapman were just boring and I did not have a good time playing them

  4. Any staff you hated?


    You think people need to stop being whiney on this server?


    I legitimately hated Respiren and Dusk. A ton. I understand that they wanted to be those "tough no nonsense GM's" but those two were beyond despicable in my opinion. Snide, rude, and conceited. Mau5noise showed that you don't need to be an absolute cock to be that kind of moderator. 


    Yes, I really do, but in the end it's a game played by mostly children and teens so there's not much you can really expect. One of the problems is that the staff is also comprised of a lot of those same children and teens whereas it used to be adults with some common sense. 


    Favourite Atwar map?


    Song of Ice and Fire map


    All I want to know is what is your honest to god opinion of me?


    When I first heard of you, I believe you had applied to be a Blackmont. I denied you or just ignored you on account for I was certain you were a spy. 


    A couple weeks later you got GM, and I'm pretty sure it was for the sole reason that you were an australian in that time zone. To me you were always just one of those people that I'd never heard of that the staff decided they should make a GM for some reason.


    However since then, especially since I came back, I've heard nothing but good things. Whenever guys in the Orenina privy chat would be pissed because we had no GM's or admins to hear us out or help us, they would always mention that at least there was Sky, a guy who made the time to listen and try and help out.


    You're a good guy.


    Pepsi or coke?


    Cake or pie?


    Ass or boobs?


    Mac or PC?


    Army, Navy, Marines, or Airforce?


    Kush or drank?


    Xbox or playstation?


    If theres snakes in the grass what do you do?






    Ass obviously


    PC because I can't ******* undertand macintosh computers. How do I copy and paste? How do I right click? what the ****?


    I don't like any of them.


    I'll always stand by my roots as a man of the bottle


    neither, idk or idc




    was i the best gm?


    One of the better ones, even though you were filthy teuton scum

  5. Yeah it was pretty silly of you. But I understand completley. anonymous advice and venting to people you don't know with no consequence is great sometimes, especially when it comes to relationship trouble


    Don't really remember, but it depends entirely on your body type atm and what direction you're trying to go

  6. 1) Potato or Tomato?

    2) Garden or Yard?

    3) Why is your name Coaster?

    5) Why is there no question 4? 

    6) Who am I?


    1. Potatoes because never forget the great famine of 1845


    2. Most def a yard


    3. It's an shortened version of coastercam0 which was the mc account I first used on the server, the account I got from my friends little brother.


    5. ****


    6. Honestly not a clue

  7. did you really **** on a rival frat's lawn?



    whats your honest opinion of me (yh its gonna be one of those questions)



    abridged version: yes

    unabridged version: yes


    This is what actually caused me to be dropped from the first fraternity I pledged



    I don't really know a lot about your personally, but I have heard - on multiple occasions - that you've changed a lot over the years and not really for the better. In what way I'm not completely sure but you probably know better then me. 


    If I could give you an opinion based on what I know I'd say you're a good kid but not really the best GM based on what I've seen or heard (which is not a lot at all so the statement really holds no credibility as to your actual ability).

  8. A post is left on many cities across Athera



    "I am a private collector who is willing to pay top mina for any and all books with content of any of the following:



    - Culture

    - Language

    - History

    - Warfare

    - Biographies



    Contact me ((pm me please))

  9. I don't think their race should be conquered and a barrier should be established.


    How about that mog?


    You can say Oren had established RP reason to go to war with Haelun'or over the death of their king, till you realise that their king died trying to forcefully take them over demanding vassalge.


    If the barrier shields against that, then your point would be moot. Whats your opinion on that?


    [And why so hostile?]

    Just a note: Andrik was trying to enforce a treaty between HE and WE btw (in particular the high elves dropping the term that recquired unpure elves or whtever to leave cerulin) :)) not partaking in this convo just a note

  10. becuz it shows they dont care lol because they too col for minecraft roleplay!!! :))


    Or it's because sometimes there is a legitimate reason (being drunk, being short on time, etc) but it's pretty much always for the reason above, which is really sad.

  11. Ok. Sorry I hurt your feelings. As I said, I don't like you very much, but I've kept my distance from you for well over a year and a half so at this point so I don't think it'll be an issue.

  12. I dont know. You seem to be holding some sort of grudge against me. I can remember a few posts were you were just attempting to **** on my lols


    You're right. I don't like you very much. A grudge though? The feelings are not nearly as hard as that. As I said though, I wouldn't treat you any differently because frankly my issues with you are from a very long time ago and not something I'd consider in the least when speaking to you nowadays. 

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