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Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by danic

  1. #Eat Babies2012

  2. #ReadTheForums2012

  3. #WeHeardUAlreadySoShutIt

  4. #Zane4Admin2012

  5. ~sleep~ and I am on my phone, therefor, no changing it yet

  6. ~sleep~ and I am on my phone, therefor, no changing it yet

  7. 1000 minas for a small house. Damnit Elves, still haven't given up your Aegis housing methods >:c

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shiftnative


      Live in tents, kill creatures - we'll be on this map for a long time, no need to rush things!

    3. bloodofgore


      500 for a small house, that's to pricy for these hard times of starting out in the world!D:

    4. danic


      They keep raising prices ;~;

  8. 2 more days of break. Looks like I was right, the server WOULD be down for the entire time...

    1. danic


      And I'm not counting the destructive temp server.

  9. 2102 Nabnu retsaoc

  10. 2K games was nice enough to give all the people who preordered BNW a free copy of Civ IV :D

  11. 4,045 profile view :I I don't know why you all want to look at me so much

  12. 72 dank neil dagrass sagan memes

  13. A Divine Comedian? O_o

  14. a+ gold star 10/10 would watch again would recommend

  15. aaaa What server should I choose for Gw2 o3o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lym


      It's EU though :\

    3. Praetor


      Then it's...T-something forest I think.

    4. danic


      aaaaaaaaa Stupid validating email is broken, it just leads me to a 404 error site >m<

  16. aaaaa I can't post. Stupid Cloud guard thingy stops me and shows a broken Captcha >.

  17. aaaaa I got a free upgrade to the iPhone 4 but I have to wait an hour to use it #Firstworldproblems

  18. aaaaa I just went to clear out my inbox and found all these really old conversations from like, January ;~; Good times and fond memories omo

  19. Admin: CEO. GM: Human resources. FM: Floor manager. VAT: Security. AT: Interns. ET: Door welcomes.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Supremacy
    3. MrSyth


      Also, the MT for butlers?

    4. Praetor


      VAT are the security service. Hardcore.

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