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Status Updates posted by Tristanx7

  1. I actually like your avatar. I still watch regular show.

  2. haha yeah. I liked the DnD episode. I was waiting to watch that one for a week and actually missed a sports practice to watch it.

  3. Hey Respiren. I am studying in Skravia in Argos's Grove. Would love some company! Please drop by soon!

  4. Hey there buddy!

  5. Dude Vanya's computer got fried in a power surge. Looks like it will be a while till she is RPing with us again.

  6. You will be missed, I am sad to see you go.

  7. Dude LOVE your avatar. DN FTW

  8. I love your profile picture. I play the RPG that it comes from.

  9. I like your picture falks

  10. where is your profile pic from?


  12. I now manage ALL the money

  13. Oren cannot take Kreuzberg. That wasnt something we said they could take.

  14. "Basically Fabio, but a Kha." -Abraham Lincoln

  15. I really need some friggin chimichongas.

  16. With all of the warring between good and evil going on, I find it hard to find a place to fit in. So, I am now starting the Chimichonga faction

  17. #FreeFaZeYolod33n

  18. Where did my god go?

  19. Apparently people can rip off the witcher II, but I can't wear red and black armor due to it resembling comic book characters. I call BS.

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