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Everything posted by Brent

  1. ((Hmm... Sounds good. I won't be online for a while though.))
  2. Accepted. ((I'll be online in an hour or two, assuming your MC name is Mirishboys...))
  3. ((Maybe. Could an FM move this then?))
  4. ((Change of plans. No bandits here <.< >.>))
  5. Wow, some people... W

  6. Could I do it by myself and take control of the entire place?

  7. Is it possible for me to assemble a group of people, and make a war claim on the entire Dwarven nation?

  8. Gotta stay up working on this stupid project .w.

    1. Flynn


      I told my teacher to F off once when she was bothering me on a project...

      Do the same, it worked.

  9. You're talking to yourself on your profile. .w.

  10. You're talking to yourself on your profole. .w.

  11. You have 666 posts :O

  12. MC NAME: brent42817 RP NAME: Sinkrus. GENDER: Female JOB/STATS: Cooking: 99 Swords:99 CITIZENSHIP (Over or Under): I'd prefer over because I'd need to go hunting. SMALL DESCRIPTION: A hunter and fisher that catches her own food, and cooks it herself.
  13. MAJOR social studies project due in two days, I haven't even started on it, and I'm sick :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. someguy45187


      I, your almighty cousin, shall do it for you.

    3. someguy45187


      I, your almighty cousin, shall do it for you.

    4. Brent


      Yeah right...

  14. 74 rep...I feel important.

  15. 74 rep...I feel important.

    1. V0idsoldier


      I know how you feel dude, when I came back and my rep was 77, I was like, shweet.

    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Tell me about it <3

  16. Is the application team accepting members? I applied like last week and nothing...just wandering if they secretely denied me.

  17. New character. I'm a female Dwarf :3

  18. New character. I'm a female Dwarf :3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Phibbup


      Go Les-bo like Ever/Ingot did. End up succeeding in destroying Renatus this time, though.

    3. Brent


      Ingot was lezby?

    4. Brent


      Ingot was lezby?

  19. I gots a new photo

  20. I gots a new photo

    1. trotski24


      Badass with blue aura, liking it.

  21. I have to pee and I'm 20 minutes away from home :(

  22. The problem is he's orange. With a big bright nose.

  23. Please tell me that your avatar and photo is not your actual MC skin. Because it looks odd.

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