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Everything posted by Brent

  1. Just comited suicide when I was about to be executed.

  2. ...come at me bro.

  3. Brent

    I don't, everyday I was scared to get LotC because I thought he'd be there when I spawned to rape me.

    1. Rilath


      But, I don't know how! Could you teach me how to duggie?

    2. Brent


      Sure! As soon as you support them!

  4. Yes, actually. You need to get the GMs too.

  5. I learned you're an Admin rapist today.

  6. How does one gain magical powers? Preferably evil :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Brent


      I'm having second thoughts on being a golem. Thank you ShadowGunX, I will look for you.

    3. Rilath


      But you must realize how picky we are. We are currently the -only- shades, and we have had many people ask. You must be an excellent roleplayer to join, and be able to go with the roleplay as it happens.

    4. Brent


      I am a beastly RPer, at least I like to think so. I have provided amazing RP with being a villain.

  7. Attention everyone... ... .......... Hello

  8. On the path to becoming a golem. I win.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. danic


      I mean I would... If I knew you and Danic was still a crazed Allomamcer bent on world destruction:)

    3. Brent
    4. Redbaron™
  9. How Mogroka already admin?


  11. HI I'M ALPHY.

  12. If you make an NPC name "Guard" he will be in the master chief skin.

    1. atticusmas


      I used to do that all the time on a server i ran. Some people actually talked to them. I made a notch NPC, and everybody thought it was actually notch lol

  13. I want my mina back.

  14. Riiiiiiiiiight, and I sprinted up Mt.Everest with my legs tied together.

  15. Thanks to my extremely low knowladge of computers, after a week of messing around with everything, I am able to returne to LotC!

  16. *sigh* got in a fight with soldiers. Dat maintnence.

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