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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Swgrclan

  1. I'm dead. Also I believe I'm a sword, in the Void with Iblees, AAND somewhere else.

  2. I'm dead. Also I believe I'm a sword, in the Void with Iblees, AAND somewhere else.

  3. Is in the Trolol mood. Again. Still

  4. Is in the Trolol mood. Again. Still

  5. Is in the Trolol mood. Again. Still

  6. Le Sigh… *waits for VA to be read and accepted or denied* Waiting is the worse thing in the world.. next to arrows in the knee

  7. Just noticed my rating went up. BOOYAH!

  8. Dalek Paralyzed me and threw me into an altar of lava. Awesome RP today.

  9. Ah yes. Any of you Admin/GM/FM folk want to inform us as to what's going on with the server? Pretty pwease? With honey and waffles? :3

  10. Might turn Malakai into a demonologist, and just someone who is generally interested in the Gods of Aegis, Might be interesting seeing as how there isn't much lore behind the Angels and Demons of Aegis- Well, From what I've seen.

  11. Not going to lie...today's been pretty sh***y. But I'm going to get drunk tonight so...yay?

  12. I told Thral about a week ago that we really need to RP over Christmas break. We ended up planning a war. How's that for some RP?

  13. Going to the Star Wards Cube in Cali~ :D

  14. I told Thral about a week ago that we really need to RP over Christmas break. We ended up planning a war. How's that for some RP?

  15. Just watched Harry Potter Deathly Hollow's 2...... all i can say is WOW. I thought Snape was Harry's dad at one point in the movie :\

  16. I told Thral about a week ago that we really need to RP over Christmas break. We ended up planning a war. How's that for some RP?

  17. That feel when I sell goods to Ingot for the Purge and turn around to defend LOLahar.

  18. Clouds are awesome.

  19. Soooo i made the internet go depy. and im sick. i apologize for not being on.

  20. Highlord Regaki. I like it. ^_^

  21. I think I'll do some...VILLAIN APPLICATIONS! Dun dun dun!

  22. Sooo I'm in California~ :D And I'm tired! The plane ride was AWESOMMEE~

  23. Are you a monster?

  24. Are you a monster?

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