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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Swgrclan

  1. This is a sopa-relevant status.

  2. IS THIS NAME BETTER? Will I now get spammed with "HI AUZZY!" and comments on my page? Come back, my loves~ *sob

  3. I don't always get nose bleeds, but when I do, it's done by idiots who can't find the right person to get mad at.

  4. Damn Krug's loincloth.... Pregnant again.

  5. I HATE blackscreening...

  6. I HATE blackscreening...

  7. IS THIS NAME BETTER? Will I now get spammed with "HI AUZZY!" and comments on my page? Come back, my loves~ *sob

  8. It is time...to return... to le college. ^_^ Oddly excited, but means -much- less LOTC time.

  9. So I haerd simon lieks Mori

  10. I don't always post status updates, but when I do, they're about Mori

  11. Slenderman is watching.....

  12. I need to know from my fellow peeps who RP with me, if I make a VA for Kya's split personality would you support it? *looks at everyone with irresistable puppy eyes*

  13. For a new character, do I just need to kill of my current one and create a back story for a new one?

  14. I HATE MY ****** LIFE!!!

  15. Might donate :>

  16. Apparently, whatever civilization existed here before wrote backwards. I wonder what kcorkcalB ehT means.

  17. Will, y u so dense. I hate playing this character sometimes, because I /have/ to be stupid for most things.:/

  18. We have no food, and no direction of where to go

  19. Shame I never gave the care and attention I'm giving the Orcish and Mori'Quessir languages to highschool Spanish...

  20. Selling apples 60 minas each. Do I need a villain app for this kind of extortion? c:

  21. I'm done. I don't like how much the forums and server have changed since Spetember. I know this may ruin lots of RP, but I just can't deal with alot of these new people who think they know what's what when they clearly don't. I like the new map, but it's the players who define the game. My firend once told me "The thing that matters most in a game, is not the graphics or content, it's the players" and i'm sticking with this. Bye guys.

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