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Everything posted by Chrome

  1. ((Sorry, we didn't get the message in time, next time use the Skype chat!)) Edit: Was talking to Jackary, also religion is cool.
  2. OOC: 1. IGN: Chrome_ 2. GMT: EST -5 3. Country: USA 4. Do you have skype (Required) and TS3 (optional): Both 5. What age do you wish to have your character start as (Max 4 years old): 2 6. Do you understand that you will have to make Villain applications at certain times in your life and you will have to be patient in times of your character's progression: Yes 7: What do you rate your PvP skills on a 1-10 score? 7 8. What do you rate your RP skills on a 1 - 10 score? 8-9 9. Suggestions?: None yet
  3. I believe the flails should be included on this. Preferably higher priority than pillows and melons, if you will.
  4. Looks like we'll be able to get a lot more members with this, also nice graphics +1
  5. -MC name*: Chrome_ -Do you have a VA, and if no are you willing to make one?*: I do currently have a minor VA, but am willing to create a normal VA. -Do you promise to obey to the OOC rules?*: I do. -Do you have Skype? ((For communications sake))*: I do have Skype. PM me about it. IC- -RP name: Valin -What do you wish to join as, why?: Haze, as I have always been a person that valued stealth as more than simply a means of completing the objective and more as a lifestyle. Other than that I don't care about glory or fame, so long as I do my job well. -What can you bring to the Frozen Thorns, what are you skilled in?: I grew up as a thief and stalker, and eventually a highwayman. I also am very knowledgable in the mechanics and inner workings of explosives and traps as I had learned from a elderly tinkerer in my youth. I'm an saboteur at heart. -Race and Sex: Human male. -Do you swear to follow the rules of the Frozen Thorns? Refusing to do so will amount in your death: I do. -Do you have any previous or current loyalties?: I owe loyalty to no current faction. Haze--- You are ordered to go to a certain Arethor noble and get the money he owes you for weapons by any means you deem necessary. My first order of business would be to find a suitable time and place for me to confront him, and if possible, bring along a weapon or two that he owes money for. Once I confront the noble, at a suitable time (when he's alone), I'd attempt to make the business as quick and simple as possible. In other words, attempt to reason with him (quickly of course), then attempt again to reason with him, a little more painfully. Making sure not to cause any real injury, just cause a lot of pain until he gives in and hands over the money. Then, if I have any more time, charge a fee for paying late. ((By the way, can I apply as a Frostbite later on once my character has gained more experience?))
  6. ((Minecraft account name: Chrome_ )) Name: Grayther Race: Human Age: 21 Do any kingdoms dislike you? If so which ones and why?: I don't think so. What are your survival skills like?: I learned survival skills from books in a library, so I certainly know what to do, though I'm not very experienced in that respect. Are you good at remaining concealed?: I spent much of my childhood sneaking around my family's manor, as I believed my curfew was much too early. Are you good at navigation?: I have an uncanny sense of direction and was taught how to read a map. Are you a good hunter?: My father hired an experienced hunter to train me (upon my (many) requests) how to hunt, and I've been on several hunting trips since. Do you have any particular talents?: I'm quite good at swordsmanship and my years spent helping villagers haul lumber and goods into town have not been wasted, as I learned the value of hard work and got some muscle along with it.
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