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Posts posted by xDK

  1. this is not lore it's a creative writing thread, it doesn't matter if it wont be lore approved. the OP is just doing a hypothetical, what if, if you would.


    it's a well written piece, no more on lore. please

    Do I hear sheep baaing?


    Guys, gals, this is a creative writing thread. What does that mean? It means this isn't someone looking to get lore accepted; they are just writing creatively.

    Thanks & Thanks for understanding the purpose of this subforum.

  2. c1f33556479641ec4e827ebeac3d051a.jpg



    (Small story)


    Weiss Cloven closes his eyes as he leans back in his big red chair. The warmth from the fireplace in front of him, can be felt throughout the otherwise hollow and humid room. The stone walls and flat ceiling, has been standing since forever. So it has felt nonetheless. Weiss stretches his legs, adjusting the foot stool to his needs. For so long he has waited for the arising moment, yes, it had to be soon. His ears twitches as the sound of footsteps can be heard from the northern corridor. The double doors to the living room suddenly flies open. Without as much as a flicker, Weiss turns his attention towards the open hallway. A women appears to be standing in the doorway, her black robes almost touches the floor, yet stops at her angles. She seems distressed, no, it's more than that, she seems furious about something, or someone.


    Gretel Strain grabs the dagger from the cloth. "It appears that the village has abandoned you dear." Small chuckles and silent laughs of excitement can be heard throughout the dining hall. Gulps and chokes can be heard from the helpless man kneeling in front of Gretel, his arms bound, and his mouth shut. Gretel immediately raises a hand, as the hall becomes dead silent. Gretel pats the mans shoulder, before moving the blade down slowly in front of his eyes, almost touching his nose, as it comes to a halt at his neck. Blood fills the cup almost instantly, as the remaining hits the floor, streaming down the stone steps towards the two long tables where eager Lessers jumps violently up and down in excitement. Gretel lets go of the corpse still leaning against her left hand, it falls to the side, leaving only the cup with blood in Gretel’s right hand.


    Weiss, who is now staring at the furious women, slowly raises himself from the otherwise so comfortable armchair. He begins his slow walk across to the other side of the room, where a cup and a glass bottle is neatly placed on an old bookshelf. "You know, this bottle has been standing here for hundreds of years. They say, that it is the finest." Weiss says pulling the hood off the bottle. Blood slowly drips into the overly engraved metal cup, in Weiss's left hand. "Why were you not at the ceremony like the others? You know it is the duty of the three families to be present at such occasion" The woman suddenly exclaims as she steps into the room. The woman’s name is Gretel, Gretel Strain, she is said to be the toughest of the Vampires, but she is surely the toughest of the Strains. "As you know by now, I am not as fond of our recent discoveries as you may be. I have seen what the four descendants can do." Weiss says as his tone becomes cold, and serious. "For thousands and thousands of years, we have lived in silence, uninterrupted by the outside world, living in secret, covering up our needs as course of wild animals. I think it is time for change." Gretel says as she attempts to calm her voice. "That doesn't seem to stop Keeling from staying away, he must have known that the ceremony was tonight." Weiss folds his hand in an angry posture, as he looks down at the cup in his hand. Gretel who has calmed herself a bit, shakes her head, as she steps behind Weiss. "We must not dwell in the past, Keeling has his own endeavors, and has chosen to step away from our traditions." She lets her hand rest on Weiss shoulder, as she slowly turns to walk down the corridor from which she came, letting her hand drop to her side again. "Lets see what the descendants have in store for us."

  3. Minecraft name:


    Skype ID:



    GMT +1

    Have you had any bans or strikes? If yes give a link:

    Yes, I can't seem to find the link.

    Why do you want to be a builder for the ET? 

    Quite simple actually, I am good at Building if I should say so myself, and I enjoy building stuff in Minecraft. I have previously done alot of buildings, I also have my own MC build team.

    What are some of your most treasured builds? (screenshots if possible):

    This was probably the second biggest project that I've started, but the whole thing got deleted when the server I was building on, shut down D:


    Meh, these builds are old, but old is not always bad.



    What MMORPG/video games do you play?

    I don't like MMO's, but I have played TERA a while back, and I am going to start BDO soon.


    Please provide screenshots of any medieval builds strictly you have built and a description of each:

    Medieval fishing town, not completely done, but close.




    Please provide an example of a decent sized ruin build (stone or otherwise):


    Please provide an example of terraforming:



    Please provide an example of an organic build:

    I personally think that I am a really bad organic builder, when it comes to the creation of creatures or animals I wouldn't be the guy to call.

    Please provide an example of a High fantasy build:

    I guess I will refer to this cathedral build.




    Also this WIP build.





    Oh yeah, and this, but this is old.


    And this small house I made, just to show I don't just do massive structures.


    Are you an independent builder, and are you capable of handling all aspects of a build?


    Do you know much about redstone?


    How long does it take for you to complete a build?

    A day to a week, depending on the size.

    Tell us how you plan on constructing a large build, a medium build, and a small build.

    Well, they all start the same, with the bottom frame in place, and then I build the facade, and then start working my way around the building with the same style in mind.

    Additional details (Do you know how to Voxel? World Edit? Craftbook? Etc...):

    I know all the commands and plugins I need to know, to make a good build, but honestly I don't like using them very much, since I appreciate builds which is mostly build in hand.

    Tell me a trick about building (eg: floating torches, custom heads)

    Use barrierblocks to have an invisible block to lean ladders, trapdoors or doors in general on.

    Tell me what you want from the ET.

    A place where I can get to meet some other great builders, and learn other ways to handle a build etc.


  4. I think I can relate to the type of Meta you are refering to. My character has been accused of being a frost witch for far too long, just because I have the name "witch" in my bio. I've been killed a number of times, without even being related to the frost witches.

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