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Everything posted by Goliath

  1. I think Goliaths memory loss could make some really interesting RP, especially as he thinks he's a 26 year old man, the times when he was bitter due to unacceptance and deceit. This means more blood being spilt... More of an attitude... And a huge hunger for vengence. However, one bad thing is that, well... He doesn't know who you, or the pack are, or what Asulon is for that matter.

  2. Remember, Goliath doesn't know of your existence yet! :(

  3. What time, GMT is the Salvus event?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Danny


      If I know right, it's in an hours time, which is 6/7 GMT.

    3. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      Can't you just look in the warclaims?

    4. Goliath


      Thank you Danny. & Hawk, its in EST in the war claims.

  4. Goliath and Jullius were just hit by lightening, now Goliath has memory loss... oh no...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goliath


      He only remembers his Aegis life... :/

    3. Raptorious


      :O OH NOES! Not another one! Ialready revived one wolf's memory :/ lol he was afk for like 3 months :P

    4. Goliath


      This is going to be a serious change for Goliath, as his mind is set 30-40 years in the past, completely mad, savage and wishing to not believe Iblees has fallen :/

  5. Kill off Goliath: Y/N?

    1. 0000
    2. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      yes.... who is he?

      no he sounds awesome

    3. Goliath


      Goliaths an old man, cannibal, friend to some, enemy to many

  6. Just walked under a ladder on Friday the 13th... YOLO

    1. Cappy


      UMAD life?

    2. Lykos


      My mother's back is already screwed up.... So i get to step on as many cracks as i like.

    3. Teemo (Beast_Teemo)

      Teemo (Beast_Teemo)

      I once ran under a ladder 3 times to prove to my friends it wasn't bad luck. On the 4th time, I hit my head on it... D:

  7. Much love, bearded admin

  8. This is a very good idea. I support.
  9. It has been long...

    ...too long.

  10. Would love to see a disease spread throughout Asulon, with like a 1/10 chance of you catching, killing off animals, etc.

    1. gabriel101x1


      Someone suggested this in the event section, but I guess It never went through. Pitty because this would be awesome.

  11. I fear... boredom is at large at the moment. I may take a short break until RP increases slightly...

    1. Daniel


      Happens to everyone

  12. Back from skiing now!

  13. Farewell for a week, school skiing :)

  14. Have... what... what have I done? Where's the charters gone...?

    1. Eledyr


      They got moved to The realm of Asulon sub forum

    2. Goliath


      Ahhh, thanks!

  15. 1 hour later: Startup repair is still loading...

  16. Has the topic which lists all accepted villains and what they're accepted for been deleted due to the 'Accepted Villain' forum?

  17. Oh that ill feeling... :/

  18. I will be posting an initial lore of the games soon. My basic plan is that due to a high amount of tension between the nations in the early years of Aegis, they were introduced. Of course this will be explained thoroughly.
  19. *Sigh* Didn't win a prize in the Novella... took me so much time and effort :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raptorious


      *nudges Goliath* Hey um...those um....those are nice cookies you got there....care to, uh...share em? :D

    3. Goliath


      *nudges raptor* Eh, no, but that SuperSodaPops now has VIP... should we mug him?

    4. Raptorious
  20. Thanks for the support guys! If you want to help in setting this up if/when this is accepted, please do comment!
  21. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/46989-the-asulon-hunger-games/ SHALL THE STRONGEST SUCEED, SHALL THE WEAKEST FALL. ALL NATIONS FIGHT ONE ANOTHER IN THE LARGEST TOURNAMENT OF ASULON! HAZAAR!
    1. Ursolon



  22. I sure this has been mentioned before, but I hadn't seen anything in this section, so I thought why not? Here, Asulon... is the Blood Games... Event Planners, MC Names: Myself, A few others, and anyone else who wishes to (Comment!) Event Date: Not yet decided Event Type: Competition Players/Nations effected by the event: 4 from each large nation Event Location: Due to being on a large scale, it will need multiple locations. I am hoping for most of them underground, but to be completely honest, where ever the GMs see fit. Summary: The Asulon Blood Games! From each nation, a random 4 will be chosen to compete in the blood games, a life or death fight till the end. On the forums, you can apply to be picked from the 'Blood Games Hat' (This will be added if this idea is supported by GMs. To apply you will need to pay a fee of 50 minas to get the event started and to pay winners. If you are not chosen, there are no paybacks.) Once 4 from each major nation is chosen, forward they shall step in the most fierce tournament they shall ever face. Before the killing shall commence, a race to the finish shall start this tournament. Everyone watching shall poll who will leave victorious, those who chose correctly will win 100 minas. The race is underground, involving hazardous jumps over gauges in the ground, fighting back the mobs of the deep and even a savage boat race up a fast flowing river. Those who make it through the river will then face a mad dash to the finish, where teamwork and backstabbing is key. They must face a final horde of monsters beside the finsh line. Now, as the winning nation stands victorious, a few days wait is ahead of them as the real Blood Games commences. Half in the burning forests, and the rest in the deep mines of Asulon. The teams will be seperated each side of the treacherous forest. The Hunger Games begin now. With a golden sword each, tactics is the aim of the game. A chest lies beside the teams, filled with wood, bows and arrows. As they collect the items, a chime shall echo through the forests, here, they shall start. Climbing the burning trees, stalking opponents, the games shall start. The nations best will fight till the death in these games. Monsters shall lurk within these forests, along with traps as they go. Some may chose to set up in the tree tops, firing down at their enemies, while the others stay on land, it is up to them. Once a second chime echos, it tells Asulon that two of the nations representatives stand. Together they will walk into the caves, either side. A third chime tells the two teams to commence, and through the traps, through the monsters, through the fast underground currents, they shall fight. The winning team shall be pronounced the 'Blood Games Champion' and behold an extremely rare enchanted weapon, perhaps a VIP? Other Information: If you have any ideas to add to this, please comment. If you would like to be a part of this, please say so. Remember, this is a work in progress, so of course there will be mistakes. I assume this event will be livestreamed so we can all watch it!
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