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Bedrock VIP
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Status Replies posted by Eleatic

  1. Sunday already... WHY!?

  2. Happiness has overcome me, my love has returned:)

  3. The lack of views on my profile is saddening.

  4. The lack of views on my profile is saddening.

  5. Who was it that actually made LOTC? Noob question i know :P

  6. Figured out how to hack and get OPed on any server :v

  7. Excited about RPing this new ghost character :)

  8. I am a gold VIP yet i dont have a group for it ):

  9. One does not simply play minecraft and say he has a life.....

  10. Is there any importance of finiding a spawner? 0.o

  11. This server = amazing. TROLLOL

  12. Trapped in a hole with a spider web, not willing to soulstone incase it's a purposely made trap by the mori. I don't want anyone to get mad or anything. Though the hole is kind of cozy, and I've met a few people.

  13. Trapped in a hole with a spider web, not willing to soulstone incase it's a purposely made trap by the mori. I don't want anyone to get mad or anything. Though the hole is kind of cozy, and I've met a few people.

  14. I don't understand a **** of how to start playong this game

  15. I don't understand a **** of how to start playong this game

  16. I don't understand a **** of how to start playong this game

  17. I don't understand a **** of how to start playong this game

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