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Bedrock VIP
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Status Replies posted by Eleatic

  1. *Mezua posts status* *instantly obtains countless comments*

  2. I'm sorry, but I may not be on LotC much longer...

  3. Just hit 320,000 mina.... :D

  4. How do i lvl excavation ._.

  5. i was denied once so heres to second times the charm

  6. Im thinking of ideas for my application, can we become golems straiht away?

  7. Im thinking of ideas for my application, can we become golems straiht away?

  8. I don't want to do homework...


  10. ./global gais. I'm stuck talking to myself in global. :C

  11. Well.. my first app got denied. Im disappointed but, i wont give up just yet!

  12. So...... i will donate 200 dollars in a little while ;-D

  13. Wait so every friday theres no OOC?

  14. *dye hair red* I AM GANONDORF

  15. Dear Blizzard, I consistently beat Silvers on the ladder. Can you excuse my one placement loss and get me out of Bronze please?

  16. Buisness in the Elven Kingdom isn't as booming as it was in Alras. I can understand, they're tense because of the Mori threat. Did all of the elves move further away from the Mori caves? Because I wish to spread my sparkly, shining, spinning, glowy, magical, amazing pumpkin magic to the world, but I can't if there's nobody around to sell them to. If, for some strange reason there are no more elves, I will be returning to Alras until it is requested I bring my magical orange ch...

  17. I Am Really Annoyed At Hiw Many Times I Get Denied

  18. I Am Really Annoyed At Hiw Many Times I Get Denied

  19. I Am Really Annoyed At Hiw Many Times I Get Denied

  20. I want to be implemented! D:

  21. Oh spiders, why won't you just give it a break and piss off for a while?

  22. I want to join....

  23. Worst headache in the F*cking world...

  24. I will kill every mori if they touch her.....

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