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High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

Iron VIP
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Everything posted by High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

  1. 16 posts ago, I reached 1k posts. FEELS GOOD, MAN.

    1. 154684321654951


      I know that feel bro, well on other forums...

  2. Gotta work on more art today, go to work, come home and more art :>

  3. *rubs head and nods. I'm fine :> *pulls out brownies and eats them

  4. Nupe. :> Alt is le secret, to see if people enjoy my rp as much as they say. Mwhaha

  5. ...I totally started a "this status is for..." trend. You guys

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ
    3. everblue2er101


      This status is for Mezua, whom we all follow like lemmings.

    4. Haelphon


      <3 Hehe Pumpkin^^

  6. This status is for Aleknaar :D Cause he comments on my stuff a lot. Signed, Auzzy

    1. Aislin


      inb4 he ignores this.

    2. 0000


      @Aislin. NOPE! Chuck Testa

      <3Thanks Auzzy.

  7. Sigh. Kinda disturbed, but I shouldn't be...

    1. 0000


      What happened nao?

    2. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      My ex has a gf. I mean, I knew he did. He blocked me from FB and I recently noticed I was unblocked and saw the picture of him and his girl in the thumbnail and it kinda bugs me. But he's a big jerk. Soo..yea.

  8. Le head hurts.... Gonna let my head stop hurting then go all awesome on my art homework

    1. Maximas1211


      .. What happened? :( ... Still suffering as well .. Hope you get better soon..

  9. _____________________________


    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ~~~~ /(˳□˳/)

  10. Dear Kal, This status is for you. Just cause. Signed, Auzzy

    1. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      This all happens so fast.

      *manly tear



      ♥ ♥

    2. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ
    3. KarmaDelta


      Tri-Heart? Tri-Force's worst nightmare?

  11. *touches it

    *the triangle falls


    ▲ ▲ ►

  12. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh A triforce! M-may I touch it?

  13. Dear Thrally, this status is for you. :D Signed, Auzzy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swgrclan


      F**K YEAH.


    3. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ
    4. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Some day ... I will have my own shout-out. It will happen. I just have to believe.

  14. ...Yes. Didn't you comment on that status? o.O


  15. Just kinda maybe sorta took a nap. I NEED TO WRITE THIS ESSAY.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hypercrit


      I kinda maybe possibly probably likely don't really understans why exactly in all probablity that I am sort of writing escessive words to explain my possible interest in this status.

    3. bungo


      Me am writing essay tuu.

    4. Swgrclan



  16. I know. I find it ironic that I posted that video on my status a few days ago, then you have the avatar :>

  17. Thoroughly enjoying your avatar, sir.

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