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Posts posted by Slic3man


    Blood soaked the land of each mortal race, its crimson stain a worse taint than that of Northern beasts. Absurd visions of prosperity seemed to plaster themselves to the minds of many within Anthos' maw. Nonetheless, it seemed inevitable that this ideal would spread far across even the filthiest of dirt. Most of this blood was more crimson than an apple plucked from a tree. It was quite rare to see even a drop of azure, besides that of assassination and deceit. All the while, the mountains still stood, and the plains still brought gentle wind. Mistakes were made and many were to take up their consequence; ones sought to push back the evil slipping into the lands. Swords rose and shields adorned their arms, helms firmly sitting upon their shoulders. Hammers slammed on anvils and the horses were mounted. Soon enough there would be change for the entirety of lands to see. All were at work as black ink stained cloth and steel alike in preparation for what was to come. Altogether it began to form the remembered Black Cross of the Teutonic Order, their goals expanded.





    The Humans fought for rebellion, some for just causes. Elves sought to militarize and defend their own lands from the grasp of the Vagatren. Dwarves lay idle, until surging forth with a single rebellion to end them all. Within that Orcs marched as clans and withstood the test of time. All was fairly well, though lurking the Vagatren was. Many times before the Order had held back the Vagatren while others faltered, and now their ideals were to expand. With the nations propped for warfare, they would soon become involved, blood to be spilled. This corruption was less-viable than that of Vagatren taint, and is to be put to an end. Crimes against the mortal races were committed, and were to be put an end. With that the Sariants mounted up alongside their Hochmeister, emitting a hymn baritone enough to shake the very mountains they inhabited. Kreuzberg shaken by the mighty outburst.


    Meinae veri beliae doe Orden, Mienae veri beliae doe King, Meinae veri beliae usielligen.




    Seeking the end of this corruption, they marched out, chanting along their way. Should you wander by these scouting Sariants, they would give you papers. Each would contain the same instruction, one of which offering you the chance to become a Sariant as well. Brethren side by side they'd continue to move on, and seek those who wish to join them in their crusade against the unjust and treacherous deeds done by those seeing themselves higher than the Creator himself.


    ((Below is the thread for recruitment should you take heed and join the Teutonic Order. Duenn Jurizel))


    * http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/95863-the-teutonic-order-recruiting/ *

  2.      A Sariant brings the application to the Hochmeister upon its arrival, quick to unseal it to eye its contents. Soon enough he'd begin to jot down a reply, and send it off.



     To Morgrim Grandaxe,

              I will be expecting you within the coming days to travel to Kreuzberg, in which you will be interviewed further. Good travels and I wish you luck trekking the snow.

    Sincerely, Hochmeister Kudo Kamura.



        The letter is sent out through the birds of Kreuzberg, sent off to their proper applicant post-haste. Soon enough they would arrive and drop it at their feet before taking off back toward Kreuzberg.

  3.      The Hochmeister overlooks the lands around Kreuzberg upon leaning on its heavy stone foundation. Pondering the meaning of this call. Before long he speaks to himself, and perhaps some of the surrounding Sariants. He had only recently heard word of this, but it did not take long to process through his mind.


         "Sounds like a scape-goat for a nation's rebellions to end. After all, they may have done this such a long time ago should they truly have given any thought. To what end I must wonder they seek for this to go through, after their past aggressions upon many of the mortal races. Perhaps I'm not the only to think this summit is not for everyone's best interests."


         Spoken somewhat silently, only a few select Sariants hearing, he'd descend back into the depths of Kreuzberg. Letters were to be sent out.

  4.      The one time we did go into Oren, or other areas, it was mainly encountered with instant PVP or people running off without an allowance of a reaction so they could get more friends. To be honest, the main issue with spreading it out is the different opinions of combat. We're not so able to use our magic in PVP, so it's more of a one sided fight.


         As for the clique ideal, I'd have to say the same. Characters should be characters, while at the same time a common goal can be wrought up. Groups have and are formed, it's just a matter of really not trying to make it so we're considered a single group of people altogether, or an antagonist as stated before. Activity however, that can be done.

  5.      The Hochmeister eyes the single application that was sent in, beginning to unfurl its bounds and read it. Eventually he begins to reply in quick succession.


     Dear Ezekiel "Fletcher" Horen,

         You may report to Kreuzberg for further screening at the nearest convenience, if not earlier. We'll be awaiting your arrival, and will then be able to further your recruitment into the Order. Good travels, and beliae doe Orden.

    Sincerely, Hochmeister Kudo Kamura.
         All preparations are made and the letter is mailed out, its carrier bird clutching the sealed note. Soon the applicant would find the reply at their feet, with the bird returning for their daily meals.
  6.      The Hochmeister attains the current only application he received within the Elven day. Soon it'd be unsealed and Kudo would begin to write down a reply to the applicant.


     Dear Lotherein Elandan,

         You may report to Kreuzberg within the coming days, in which I will be waiting there to review you further. Good travels on your way, seek a Sariant if you become lost.
         The letter is sent out relatively quick, an aviary bird whisping off to the single applicant. Soon enough the reply would be dropped at his feet, and the bird would return home.
  7.      The Hochmeister eyes the single application left upon his desk, before picking it up in his grasp. He'd unseal it and soon enough begin to reply with a quick jot of his feathered pen.


     Dear Archibald Vallero,

         You may report to Kreuzberg in the nearest time accessible. Be prepared for further review and an overview of your person overall. If you cannot find Kreuzberg then seek out one of the many wandering Sariants. Good travels, and good luck.

    Sincerely, Hochmeister Kudo Kamura.
         The single bird would be sent out rather quickly, soaring off toward its proper applicant. The note would drift down to his feet against the wind. The feathered companion would soon return back to Kreuzberg without further boundaries.
  8.      Scribes turn the newest applications over to the Hochmeister, in which he'd begin to unseal them. As he surveys their contents he'd begin to jot down his own reply to each.


     Dear Konrad Loken,
         You may come to Kreuzberg in due time. Upon your arrival you'll be sought further in terms of being interviewed. Be prepared for inspection and reviewal of your overall person. Good travels.
    Sincerely, Hochmeister Kudo Kamura.

     Dear Victor Pascal,
         I'm aware of your family and its varied members. You may begin your pilgrimage to Kreuzberg in which you'll be given proper reviewal of your overall person. Good travels and well met.
    Sincerely, Hochmeister Kudo Kamura.

    Dear Enoch Magwyn,

         You may direct yourself toward Kreuzberg in your nearest time. We'll be awaiting for you to process you further. Hope to see you soon, and good travels.

    Sincerely, Hochmeister Kudo Kamura.


         The responses are sent out to each within even pace to one another. Birds soar over and drop their letters down to the applicants to which it would land at their feet. Afterwards they would be seen flying back to Kreuzberg at fast speeds.



  9. The Hochmeister soon arrives, alongside him his recently appointed OrdenMarschall. Their armor shifts and crushes the grass beneath them as they move to take their seats. Kudo would only look over the masses of people in the courtyard, figuring this would turn out worse than the Northern Men meeting that fell into despair. Nonetheless he simply remains seated and silent.

  10.     The Hochmeister recieves one letter this day, quickly replying to it with the proper seal. 


     Dear Sam Dracaena,
         You may report to Kreuzberg in the coming time. We, alongside your brother, await for you to get to the fortress for further inspection. Good travels.
    Sincerely, Hochmeister Kudo Kamura.
        A single bird is sent out during the night, dropping the proper note at the man's feet. Upon arrival it would send off on a departure back to Kreuzberg.
  11.     The Hochmeister sits down as his men prepare the many devices for war. Running here and there in search of both weapons and armor to don. He receives his most recent letters as usual, and begins to reply to the waiting applicants.


     Dear Maginhart Hossler,
         You are to report to Kreuzberg in whatever time you can for further inspection. If you cannot find your way then you may seek out one of the Sariants roaming the continent and they may guide you there. Show them this letter, and you may be granted access. Good travels.
    Sincerely, Hochmeister Kudo Kamura.

    Dear Lerin Hrak,
         Report to Kreuzberg in whatever time you may, I believe you know the way. If not, seek out one of the Sariants and they may guide you there. I'm certain they know you from the different services you've provided us in the previous battles. Good luck.
    Sincerely, Hochmeister Kudo Kamura.
        After sealing his own envelopes with the patented seal, he sends them off from the aviary birds. They'd drop the notes at the applicant's feet, and soon drift off to Kreuzberg to which they'd rest. 


  12.     The Hochmeister and his troops begin to muster up within the confines of the mountains, chants descending down its slopes. Its roar envelopes the surrounding area and cracks through the air like a whip, "Meinae veri beliae doe orden, Meinae veri beliae doe krigg!" They can be seen hammering down steel and iron within the fortress, others hastily putting mechanisms together.

  13.      The Hochmeister retrieves his ink and quill, beginning to reply to the newest applicants. The aviary birds are attached to their newfound scrolls, and are sent out to the proper recipients. 


     Dear Matthew Fereldas
         You may report to Kreuzberg in the coming hours, be prepared to be interviewed further and reviewed to join the Order. Failure to report to the fortress will result in the assumption of your leave. Good travels.
    Sincerely, Hochmeister Kudo Kamura.


    Dear Andrew Fereldas, 
         Report to Kreuzberg in the coming days for further interviewing to join the Order. Until you reach Kreuzberg and do this, you are considered an applicant. Good travels. 
    Sincerely, Hochmeister Kudo Kamura.

    Dear Beren,
         I expect you to come to Kreuzberg in the coming days for further review into the Order. Be prepared for questions pertaining to both your life and you willingness to join the Order.
    Sincerely, Hochmeister Kudo Kamura.
        The aviary birds are sent out, bearing the scrolls mentioned beforehand. They drop them to the applicant's feet, before veering off and back to Kreuzberg for feedin' time.


  14.      The Hochmeister receives the daily letters and mail, cutting them open with a Teutonic Order branded letter opener. He'd begin to read the recently sent applications before sending replies to each of the applicants.


     Dear Felannus Flin,
         You are to report to Kreuzberg in the coming days for further reviewing. I will await for your arrival, as well as the other Sariants will welcome you to the outskirts of our fortress. Good travels.
    Sincerely, Hochmeister Kudo Kamura

     Dear Grant Kamura,
         You are welcome to travel to Kreuzberg, in which you'll be reviewed further. From there on we'll decide on how it goes on. Safe travels.
    Sincerely, Hochmeister Kudo Kamura


    With the last flick of his wrist, he signs the scrolls. They are sent out to the applicants, bearing the mark of the Teutonic Order. After they drop from the sky to their receivers, they swoop back to their complimentary roosts within the aviary.
  15.     A hooded figure would look over some of the posters, shaking his head in disagreement. On whatever posters he could find he'd begin to jot things down upon them. "Do not believe these people, their previous rankings announced themselves as Tyrants." The Hooded man would nod thoroughly, leaving his marks upon the posters as he makes haste away from the areas.

  16. An anonymous figure crosses out the glowing letters with regular black ink, writing something beneath it. 


    "The present day does not forgive past actions."


    He would nod his head affirmatively, taking off not a moment afterwards. His gut fulfilled that he had fixed the issue.

  17. The Hochmeister receives the new mail from a Sariant, flipping over the several papers in their assigned piles. He opens each of the applications and begins to send replies to the people via aviary birds.


     "Dear Gwaddyn Nighstrom,
         You have already reported to Kreuzberg and gone through the process, in which you're obviously accepted. Remain an active plebeian and continue work along with the other Sariants.
    Sincerely, The Hochmeister."

     "Dear Blake Whitewolf, 
        You are to report to Kreuzberg for further review under myself and the other Sariants. Be aware this will determine whether you're accepted or not. I expect you to come in the soon arrival of days.
    Sincerely, The Hochmeister."

     Dear Maluril Telmani,
         You're to report to Kreuzberg for further inspection under myself and the other Sariants. I expect your presence in the coming days for such reviewing. Good luck in your travels. 

    "Dear Merendir, 
         You've been chosen to report to Kreuzberg for further review. Upon arrival you'll be allowed in for inspection of your person. We will wait, good travels.
    Sincerely, The Hochmeister."
    The letters are sent out to their respective applicants, before the birds shortly return to the aviary within Kreuzberg.





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