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Posts posted by Slic3man

  1.     Gravelord Vinzakra looks to his fellow kin, sharpening a blackened blade as they prepare to continue their hunting of the mass produced soldiers of the North. Mounting a blotted horse, he'd begin to move through out Anthos; sure to find one of the many aberrations. 

  2.      Gravelord Vinzakra laughs at the Elves who've assimilated into Human culture and now compete with each other competitively for titles and land. It was funny to see a race attempting to be what once committed genocide on them, as well as destroy themselves even further than they were before.

  3.     The Hochmeister begins to put out new posters and such, layering about the world as before. The papers would appear to be unable to be burned, and are indestructible. Such would be the following:



    To all which hold no calling, to all which wish for the duty of battle and honor, especially for the loyal and thirst for brotherhood,

        The Teutonic Order now lays as a Holy Order within the Church of the One True Faith, and is seeking able-bodied men to bolster into the Order. If you seek to serve the Creator through dedication and loyalty, we will supply you with the means to do so. Your brethren will stand by your side, and yours to them; outside and inside battle among the blood of your enemies. The Black Cross will adorn you, make you apart of what is coming in the tides of the holy light of the Creator. Join the Teutonic Order, Join the Holy Creator's servants, Join your calling to the Hochmeister and fight for your beliefs. 

        Take your application and send it to Kreuzberg, you will be sent back a letter in return. I wish you luck in your endeavors, and to further the Creator's cause upon this world. - Hochmeister Kudo Kamura.


        Applications lay near the posters, it would seem a lot of parchment were being made these days. Aviary birds were nearby for mailing the letters, and they all waited for a letter. 

  4.     The Hochmeister gets the letter, then has a Sariant copy said letter down onto several pamphlets. Said pamphlets are then sent to other lords of Oren who had a previous opinion. Then he would check the original and lean back into his office's chair. It wouldn't take him long to usher a response, and toss out said response via a pigeon to wherever the last note came from. 



    A very sincere dear to the highest ear,


         If anyone wishes to contact me, they may come to my fortress that stands over your land, an apparent aberration that was to be unharmed by the orders of a previous King. One of which who brought you what you have now. You may be surprised to know that I was previously the Duke of Furnestock, to which I gave the land to said King to which he gave order not to press my holdings. It is being made more and more apparent that people cannot hold their word however; nonetheless another's.


         If you were intelligent in some sort of way or the other, or perhaps had any affair with a previous King then you would know exactly what the previous paragraph stated. However, should you or your lord make a sudden decision to appear before Kreuzberg for diplomacy instead of their messengers, then I may speak to you on a civil level. I grow tired of Kings and Lords who cannot speak for themselves, and go down the nature of a grape vine to get their ideals done. 

         Follow in the footsteps of the one who founded what you have today, whether it be the Carrion or Godfrey, and meet for your own diplomacy. Secondly, I will not negotiate with those who cannot keep oaths, or even withhold any sign of dedication to a degree. For whatever steward this is, you are no Emperor, you are no dragon. I would hope those of dragon lineage could even uphold legacy standards. Albeit that has been failed already, I hope to see a presence of a Lord of King in the coming days within Kreuzberg to have conversations instead of speaking between pigeons like some deranged scientist.


         Perhaps some of the more respectable of the Orenian society could do this for you, elsewise there's no use is speaking to a piece of paper. Kreuzberg will remain where it stands until we can speak in proper conditions, and if further action is taken then I will meet you upon the fields that those before you failed to claim. While I still hold strings of hope connected to the Orenian kingdom, the blatant lack of honor, chivalry, or any sign of holding word is wearing on my mind. May your travels be well, and your battles the better.

    Enjoy the land while you have it, cherish it before the one below or above you pulls it out from under your feet.

    Hochmeister Kudo Kamura.


        The bird would soon fly off to its correspondent, the Hochmeister sitting within his keep all the while. He'd expect a letter sent back, though he wouldn't be surprised if they simply arrived. ((To those before, lords of Oren and those who've been told they did not see the letter sent out by Konrad, they were now sent to you and can be viewed.))

  5. What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: - 




    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?:-
    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?:
    You understand you can not be on both of these accounts at once?:
    You understand that if one account is banned, so will the other(s)?:



    In-Character Information
    What’s your character called?: - 
    Angor Irongut.

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - 
    (Cave) Dwarf. 

    What sex are they?: - 

    How old are they?: - 
    125 years of age. 

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family: - 
         Angor Irongut is the son of Gamle Irongut, raised among the Irongut clan with an unawareness of who his mother was. It did not seem to matter too much anyways as most did not, but he lacked a motherly figure. He was raised with the usual traits of an Irongut; brown hair, darker skin and the sorts. When he was but a Dwarfling he was taught the ways of combat and forging just as most would, though he partook more into mining. 
         Some of the other Dwarves would bully him due to his shorter stature that ran in his genes, but it didn't put him at much of an disadvantage in a race full of shorter-folk. Angor aspired mostly to prove himself to his family, Yemekar, and the Dwarven Nation. He was born within Kal'Azgoth and stayed out of the attention of most of the others while he honed his skills. Inevitably as the days grew worse with Odnarch and the Scourge he migrated to Kal'Ithrun with his brethren. Now he seeks to pursue his ambitions forward.

    What are they like (personality)?: - 
         Angor would be seen as somewhat of a patient Dwarf, and intelligent. He is slow to anger and can be proven to be useful in combat. Family is an important aspect in his life as with most Ironguts and he's a somewhat of a religious figure. 

    What are their ambitions?: - 
         This Dwarf seeks to prove himself an honorable being among his nation and mostly his family. Whether it be through combat or other means he wishes to prove himself to all that can see him, from the heavens to the people around him. Though greed curses him; which may get in his way. 

    Do they have any special skills?: - 
       Angor possesses a decent capability with the use of the axe, though if he decided he would take on a magical art he would progress well. It runs in his blood after all to take part in such.   

    What are their weaknesses?: - 
         As with most Dwarfs, he is shorter than most, albeit it is replaced somewhat with bulk and heftiness. Among his other Dwarves his blood makes him shorter, which can prove to be a difficult attribute at times. 

    Give us a description of how they look?: - 
         Angor is a 4 ft Dwarf who holds a reddish tinted brown hair, both on his face and his head. He has somewhat of long hair upon his head, and possesses a well braided beard that he is fairly proud of. His bulk replaces what he lacks in height, and he wears robes that drape over him nicely. 

    Anything else you want to say about them?: - 

    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - 
  6.       I'm not a Dwarf but I'd suggest having more of a central point where all the Dwarves would have the availability of RP. Pretty much like how Salvus had markets surrounding one area with the statue, and people were more bound to that area to RP because it felt right. The way I see it right now things might seem too spread out RP won't be too easy to be centralized.


         Maybe in the shops are the markets could be surrounding a sort of center point where people can RP. Generally the smithing, shop, and clergy area look like they could progress from this; or at least have such places. Just my two cents.

  7.      One of the Gravelords surely heard of such a klomp, one of decades past now coming to fruition. He'd think for a moment, before talking to himself in this isolated room.


        "Have the Orcs fallen so far from their ancestors that they cannot even keep tradition in tact? It seems the days of honor and tactic are gone, Krug would be disappointed. To see his children, allowing such blatant disregard of culture and precedent. The world truly is changing, and with it, the mighty warriors of the desert fall to their own conformity." 

  8. Gosh Bless it, give me ET Builder perms temporarily to whip you all a Arkham Asylum set-up for villains, throw them in there where they will be able to find RP any ol' ways.


         Something I've been saying for awhile, lol. All you need is a big prison, with lotsa guards and you could have a nice RP experience for both sides. 

  9.      IRL days in general is not a good system because the guards, nor the villains would like to sit within the jail for that amount of time. The system of allowing villains out within a certain amount of time is due to the lack of RP guards give in the first place when they are imprisoned. If you supply RP for the entirety of their experience, enjoyable, they would be power-gaming by soulstoning. Make it fun for each.

  10.      If a villain is providing RP that is both agitating to the general public and is persistent in not providing adequate roleplay, then take screenshots of said roleplay and send it to myself. If this grows to be too large of an issue, it would be bad and I would rather see it that we deal with this without the process of needing to punish all villains, rather than the sum that do provide good roleplay.


         I would also like to see screenshots of said guard messaging said villains trying to work things out, without sarcasm or a condescending tone. Let's look at both sides and work it out among players/VAT before the need for a rule is made. Especially one that could harm the villains that do good RP as well. 

  11.      I'd rather have this than people actually doing this in character. As in, I'd rather see parody of a game where no negative intent in made and is just being silly, than someone doing what's depicted with their actual character. Try not to take the yellow text too seriously sometimes, I know it's shiny and near gold color.

  12.      The Gravelord hangs a notice up next to the following. The paper would be fitted with a fine writing, of that of an educated individual.


        "I may wed you and your lovely wife. Do tell when, where, and the names of said people. We may go over the vows sooner or later, to which we may put you under the blessed altar."

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