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Posts posted by Slic3man

  1. [!] A letter is sent to William Harcourt at his nearest disposal, an elephant sigil stamped over the wax embedded in its papers.


    "To Whomever it Concerns, 


    Greetings fellow brother of the world of Athera. I am an aspiring man looking to become a knight in the coming Saint's Months. This land may be beginning to my journey upon this very realm, where I may begin my life upon this new world. If possible I would like to inhabit this land as a means to create a homestead for myself and possibly others given the capabilities. I am an earnest man, but as a vow I hold no money to my name, only my word. By my honor I may protect the land as if it were my homeland and attempt to earn it through merit. Whether it be for the people who I seek to live there in the near future, or for my brethren's needs. If you so seek to assist me in my endeavor I will be in your debt for a favor, of what I may not know, but the Creator shall see us through. Good luck in your future endeavors, and may the Creator's light guide you.


    Sincerely, Adrian the Elephant"

  2. Minecraft name:




    Skype ID:




    Time zone:


    Eastern Standard Time.


    Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report:


    I've not recieved a strike or been banned. 


    Do you hold any other staff positions?


         I used to hold different positions upon staff, at a time I was both on the ET and the GM team, though currently I do not hold any staff positions. 


    What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member?


         My character is currently Gravelord Vinzakra, a Wraith and different user of magics. I do my best to continue to provide RP through this venue but feel I may do so again through events and other means as I had before. I would be willing to spare time and give up time in order to help the server and provide RP. 


    What race/group do you think your events would best cater to?


          I feel as if there's no particular group that I could cater to, but instead I would be able to cater to whomever needs at a given time. It would be useful in order to support the different groups to be able to cater to whomever is needed. However I feel as though I can cater best to whomever is more freelancing than others, it is simpler in that demeanor. 


    What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?


         The key factors for a successful event is understanding for the main part. Coming to an understanding of what the other group would want and obtain is something that's key for events targeting a specific demographic. It is important to remember most what the other factors are and have in mind when you're planning and doing an event. 


    When was the last time you saw a event?


         I last saw an event yesterday during an Undead attack. Though it may not particularly be based around the ET I believe it is part of complying to becoming an event. 


    What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing? Tell us!


         Through the Event Team I would be able to further provide RP and allow players to meet interesting prospects in the digital world provided. There's also the side in which I am able to come to an understanding with some players and have experience dealing in the factors that are confronted when you deal with players and the event team's doings. 


    Why do you want to be part of the ET?


          I wish to be part of the ET so I can further help the server and provide a good interaction with the playerbase from both a staff and player perspective. It's a simple but sometimes hard-to-do prospect. 


    Create three distinct RP scenarios/events that you would organize. 


    For 1-3 person/peoples


         There are tales of a hermit living in the deep ocean, words spread through a greedy-appearing Dwarf looking to get some loot from the mysterious man. It is up to the players to not only find the man through the help of this suspicious dwarf; and possibly get their hands on some of this loot, but also discover how this man is living beneath this ocean. Was this some sort of magician, or is it some other force allowing this man to find shelter in the tides of blue? 


    For a group of 5-10


         A crack in the earth has recently revealed itself in a rather violent way, by cutting through the ground itself and forming a rift. From above and outside of the rift it would appear to nearly go as deep as one to assume the center of the realm, though not is all what it seems. From within monstrosities of never-before-seen abnormalities have begun to sprout from this rift, and are feeding on the denizens of Anthos. 


         It is up to the players to figure out what lies within this rift, how to seal the wound in the land, and what has caused such an intervention in their daily affairs. Deep within will hold a secret for the characters to discover, and possibly gain from, depending on their dynamic actions within the event. 


    For a group of 20+


         Spirits known as Graven have recently begun to rise in near armies, all having one purpose in mind. They seek to rend nations at their feet and cleanse the world of its so called "scars." Any one versed in the knowledge of a Graven would however know that they in fact had to have only come for a strong reason, and all have one purpose in mind if they've gathered so vehemently. 


         The leader of these ghastly aberrations calls himself the "Apostate" and has no tolerance for the other mortal beings on Anthos. Upon furthering the event, players will soon discover their purpose, and their need to fight them in order to stop a golden horde. There is more than meets the eye with these peoples of old remainder, and perhaps more than a single way to put their plans out of motion.


         (Of course all of the following ideas are just that, and would require proper approval from the head of the Event Team in order to go through. If at anytime the secrets of these events wish to be revealed, I may message the reviewer with such, just so these possible future events aren't spoiled for the players involved.)



    How long do you plan to stay in the ET?


         I plan to stay in the ET for a long while, and to make my activity present for all of the following time. Not having any other staff positions or current important roles in effect, I am able to contribute a lot of time, and thought into the events. 


    Tell me what you want from the ET.


         I want to be given the ability to provide RP on a new scale from just a perspective of the player. To be given the ability to make enjoyable stories, and make them come to life for the players to delve into. Though this is possible from a player's standpoint, I wish to make it even more immersive with dynamic scenes and abilities that will help contribute to the storyline. It would be great to take part in the providing aspect of the events on the server, and to give back to the playerbase as a whole.

  3. Minecraft username: Slic3man/Sheekah.

    Age: 16

    Time zone: EST.

    Do you have any past experience moderating Minecraft servers?:


        I've only had a limited experience in moderating small time MC servers and dealing with issues between players concerning such things. I otherwise don't have much experience moderating on other MC servers, but rather dealing with some issues singularly on LotC as it's been my hub of Minecraft since I've gotten it. 

    Why have you decided to create a trial GM application?:


        I decided to create a trial GM application in order to try and assist the server in dealing with both current and future issues from players to staff problems. Through working alongside both areas I feel that I can provide a decent opinion of my own and carry opinions for others in order to express both sides and show insight into both. At the same time I've my own thoughts on situations, that'd be bent to the situation needed to fit and compromise when needed. 


        Overall I believe I'd be able to express the issues going on, if not already visible, and deal with those that are currently there while working with all that is available. Alone I believe I'll be able to solve some issues, but there's definitely a means in which everyone involved needs to compromise somewhere; and that much I see is possible. I feel its a means that needs to be expressed more to see from another's POV as well as be able to see one's wrongs and rights, so that both sides can be a bit more humble and understanding, as opposed to only their own views. Mending some of this, alongside dealing with issues presented, may be one of the most needed things among others, but is definitely not the only one.

    Additional information:


        I'd like to thank those that have read this application and for the current teams presented for their work and sacrifices so far. Sometimes it's a bumpy road, but inevitably it can be solved.

  4. I am confused with the aura manipulation, or how you worded it. I understand that you can morph it into a dense axe and everything. Though what is the limit really, as in. If you make a tendril, how far can the tendril go before it cannot go further? How much aura does one individual have if they were to manipulate, can they use all of their aura?


    The larger the object the more difficult it is to keep up its continuation. The bigger things are they are less likely to be as dense/hardened. The smaller they are they are more prone to be harder or more dense. So on so forth, a sword made in a hand would be hard, but a tendril may only have a hardened tip akin to a spear. When aura is manipulated it will be used in the process, but it is also taken from the world around it, or from whatever has aura. It'll leech from other aura as its own is manipulated.


    Of course it all depends on their advancement in the magic itself, and how versed they are in the subject.

  5.           As Pops said the title was a bit misleading, but I can see it as a good idea to hide the reports from the players. It'll decrease the amount of drama going on while at the same time allowing them to report those who need to be reported and so on, so forth. I'd support the idea of players being able to make topics in this sub-section, but only GMs and Admins having the ability to see these reports. Whoever takes said report would probably have to make a group forum PM with those involved, but overall it's a good idea. 


              I feel as if appeals should remain however, though the same idea as above. A player who's dealt with the issues should have to appeal in the same type of sub-forum to ensure that it's documented and the other GMs won't have a problem figuring these things out. All and all a good idea, 10/10 would view again.

  6.     Sariant Heidmark peered at the man he was near to ending, approaching him in a slow manner. Upon his enroaching movement the 'man' shot for the stars, and soared into the skies above. Later he would take the situation into his mind once more, only reasonable explanation he could think of pertaining to dark arts and the sort. 


    "Praise the light, praise the Creator, and all that is holy to slay whatever beasts still wander with these abilities..."


        Heidmark would end his silent prayer to himself, continuing to feast with the rest of his brothers; and hope to later ensure that no such being would ever plague the ground, nor sky, a second time. 

  7. Heidmark listens to the Hochmeister as he speaks, wrinkling his nose as he usually does when he hears some news or another that brings a mournful thought to his mind. With a regular salute he'd depart from the the throne room, shaking his head.


         "Each brother is one to me, one of Hansetian blood and the blood of our very Hochmeister. Though he has decided his own fate, one that was not fit for the motherland of Hansetia. Perhaps this is what was due, but he will not be forgotten. Both in remembrance and to remember what it means to be a true Sariant."

  8.      All of the following applicants are accepted, though do note that you're liable of removal if the Necromancers see fit. We hope that each and every one of you enjoy the time, and spread that same enjoyment to those who encounter you. Before you begin your steps into Ghouldom, add me on Skype; Slic3man. Unless if I have you added already, in which case I'll see ya around. 

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nksp7zjrYE


    An average day of Abresi passed on, though in this hour something lurked close; beasts of unfathomable strength approaching. A towering man donning armor of custom make, as well as a gargantuan blade lurked within the tavern about the crowd, not attracting much attention regardless. Nonetheless he seemed to be searching among the town for something, surely the form couldn't be there for nothing. Though soon it was made apparent what he was after, as an ungodly snort was heard about the tavern. 


    Nay attention was drawn regardless, though a strong slam against the roof signaled those inside that something was awry. Some of the warriors within moved out of the structure, gaze drifting to the visage of a monstrous Bohra's form. Some upon the rooves already gazed upon its thick matted fur, before it slammed into the lower scales of the buildings. Its hands and feet slammed along the wooden shingles before it slammed into the streets with an unruly crunch.




    Nonetheless a large figure stood in his path, that of which was surveying within the tavern. He was not alone; warriors beginning to surround the beast of burden. A gluttonous squeal tore through the city for the first time and tore the ears of those nearby as they closed in on it with various strikes. Although assaulted and gored, it seemed to remain unhindered in blood-lust and rage. One slammed by the blade of the rage-induced swine. 


    Wounded by the warriors of Oren, it turned its  at the nearest figure nearby; a familiar tower of flesh. The giant stood firm, bringing its blade up to catch the Bohra's blade with equal strength. Sparks shot out from the sequence of catches, before the steel man shoved the pig man toward the stone wall in a gargantuan parry. Many weapons o' might rained down upon the beast, one of which shattered its knee. Soon it fell, and with it a second screech shot through the sky; calling for its master.


    An adventurer's worst scenario flashed through his mind, fearing the worst his voice bellowed out, "To the rooves, quickly before the beast comes!" 


    Each warrior moved to the rooftops, including that of the man who shouted the command. Before long the flapping of wings emanated about the city, and a shadow was cast above its stone. A mighty drake soared over the city, words of unknown origin barked in anger and spite. Each stared in awe, as it came to a stop to gaze down at them. 




    "None can cull my children, but one..." It's words haltered, gaze staring down to the behemoth that had helped slay the Bohra. "You!" The ebony monstrosity barked out, recognizing the soldier from previous encounters unseen to the public eye. Before long it shot down, seeking to attack Wulfriche, one of the warriors alongside Dmitri to aid the stranger. Nonetheless the drake was veered off by the large warrior, sent to the other rooftops as the giant's blade missed its target. 


    However the bliss of peace did not come, monotone voice shouting out to the beast, "You shall not pass!" It flaunted. To no avail however it appeared, as the aberration shot forth, wings bashing over another warrior of bravery as well as the steel tower. All that was seen was the strange large one tumble off the roof, blood following his fall as he landed next to the post. 


    "Breathe your last breaths giant, you have been felled!" The familiar voice of the demonic drake burst out, before it soared off into the sky. 


    A warrior of creed laid against the post, the others gathering toward the wounded comrade. His voice reaches out to them, seeking to speak to them in his encumbered voice.


    "Gather... my brave brethren..." He would say as if unable to stay much longer. "The story does not end here... I mustn't die before... he is slain." 


    "A drake by the name of Malghourn, a plight to the skies. We must slay him, we must drag him to the land in which we dwell, to bring him to its grasp. I cannot do this alone, we together will fight this beast."


    "What is your name?" A voice would speak out to the armored figure, in correspondence the monotone voice turned to the comrade, "Admetus, the Giant as those have previously dubbed me."


    A healer soon mended the new-found man's wounds, Admetus slowly rising using his blade that was impaled into the ground. Weaving the story to the people before him, he soon would need to depart. Small words were traded among them, knowledge of their next meeting given to the champions who assisted him. The man departed, leaving them with the information needed for their next occurrence. More was to be done, and the story was not to end here. 





  10.      Poltergeists wouldn't be too much of ghouls. As it says in the lore, they're more so meant to be expected to be PK'd, albeit then a new ghoul can be made upon that one dying. Therefore one specific ghoul shouldn't be focused on, this is more so a thread recruiting people and allowing them to play Ghouls for the Necromancers. Feel free to apply regardless. You do not need a current dead or alive character for this.


         Thanks for the applications so far, we'll be waiting for a bit more before we go choosing any so far. Good luck all.

  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rE7S4nLrThs




    “Thou can nay tarry in eternity, f'r in azure light seek thy name none can see the mortal arbitrament within. Fellow comradery may nay absolve what live within; but look f'r which such wander of the most. Find what thy experience hinders, as what thy ponder most.”




    Admetus was once but a man of simplicity and sovereignty, to which only some would understand to great extents. His codes were brash and figured in textile demeanor that often left many confused on his true goals. How would one discover such a man’s means, for each would justify an end. Always seen as a man of the simple mind, ruse ensued wherever the giant would walk. Born of large visage never made him welcome within the lands of most, discarded and seen as nary more than an aberration of the womb. To which extent put forth his own growth from childhood, and further on to his own beliefs and horrors.


    His stature acquired most of the attention from personas from wherever which land he traveled. Thus dubbed by men as “The Giant.” None would ponder what other name-calling this abomination would have, seen no more than beast beside man. Mortal lay beneath the flesh however, nae bestiary and a thing of husbandry. One of peasantry would take such non-judgmental steps through evolution, indulging upon the man’s curse from the womb. Mother taken by birth-right, and father staked to the dirt with nails of grief.


    Name was to be given to such creation, the one of soil bestowing him name-call, thus Admetus. Confused the hamlet would be upon monstrosity toiling with their farms, harvests for the newborn such as he once was. Not one or more souls knew of origin of Admetus, it was simply… forged. Knuckles creased and skin pulled, the servant worked farm by night and day. Tired he did not, though weary he became. Time was but unknown cryptic, as wind swept what years Admetus knew as one word; youth.


    Tundra and white laced through a beast-man’s plump toes, condensing beneath his steps to a future veiled. Though each Adam possesses Eve, and each Eve seeks the bulwark to their livings. Said Eve was pronounced by Admetus as beauty. Her ensnared and lithe fingers outstretching his figure to see what was within. Dedication sought its servants, Admetus sought his beliefs. Love found once found twice, the giant conglomerated with what absolved him of his death, servitude.


    Mortality can only find limited tenure in lands unaccompanied by peace’s clutches; no hindrance gave breath to Admetus. The sun will be the son while the moon will be the daughter and the land is its law. Beasts from the covenant of feminine-man make are not bound to societal beliefs; this the former knew very well. Servitude is dedication; akin to Admetus’ marriage to such binds. Shadows cast upon land just as the azure light may, ebony flesh overlapping what was once opaque purity. No acceptance can be given to those granted diversity from others granted life only to pass.

    Matter not did Ademtus’ suffrage to which he gave life unto. Blood stained careers clung to the slave similar to parasites upon hosts. Lack of nourishment was but sneers to a singular round-eared construct. Prisoner to self-belief and crackling flame, to which gives no accompanying warmth. Nae but hissing numbness, frostbitten toes tinging with pain wrought of betrayal. Azure glow promised hilarious outcome to Admetus, though what was sought gnashed its jaws. Such a beast his; gnashing jaws and deceitful skin. Birthed under same titles, his rival; Malghourn.

    Admetus the Doldrums, sealed away from self-harm, sealed away from fate veiled by thick blizzards and white flurries.




    “Th’ exiled remain borne, just as the banished remain concept. Society tear at they until rise f’r fall; though most dedication be found branded in flesh. Survival remains difficult in loveless land and jagged monstrosities.”

  12.      While I think that a guide shouldn't be made for a profession as much, since the assassin job can be often dynamic, it's good to see someone who's not one himself making note of what may make things enjoyable and their view. Make sure you note they shouldn't be too obvious and act like a Gary-Stu or Mary Sue all the time, lol.

  13. Minecraft name:




    Skype ID:




    Time zone:


    Eastern Standard Time.


    Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report:


         I've received a forum strike once before due to me posting on a ban report I wasn't a part of back in the day, though there was no report. It was mostly due to the rule being made an hour before, and I hadn't noticed it; the warn was since taken away and dissolved. 


    Do you hold any other staff positions?


          I do not currently hold any staff positions, although I used to hold a position as a VAT member, and before that an AT member. 


    What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member?


         On my main account Slic3man, I play a Wraith dubbed the name Gravelord Vinzakra. Though this character once had many roles, he has died down somewhat since. On my alternate account, Sheekah, I play a part time Orc and an Ent known as Mossroot. 


    What race/group do you think your events would best cater to?


         Although I don't feel my events will cater to any specific race, they will most likely target the more adventurous and curious parts of the server. Essentially any willing to go forth and delve more into the situation than a simple PvE or combat roles. There'll be puzzles and the likes, but other such things that'll continue the interest if they're involved. 


    What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?


         I believe some key factors to an event would be the sort to make the player actually feel like they're getting into a story, and accomplish some goal by the end of it. Some don't give the player much to think about, nor make them feel like they are in an adapting world. My events would have factors that help make that feeling come across fresh, and give both a feeling of accomplishment and interest.


    When was the last time you saw a event?


         The last time I saw an event was in Lenniel or Leaniell where horsemen came to get back a scripture previously taken from them while it was in Oren. Ran by Gaius, as well as merrymoogle at the time.


    What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing? Tell us!


         The strengths I could contribute to the Event Team would be that of being able to make some intricate stories, as well as immersion-filled events. I do feel I have a good grip on lore such as the second question states, and I do like to get organized for the things that I do so it's all set and done. Such things could be brought by myself, and could play a stable role in the Event Team if I were to be brought in.


           I've played many characters in the past that may be considered much more event-labeled than a regular character. Such as a Wraith, Ent, Troll, and my own undead abominations in order to provide RP to the server. Though I'd like to do so much more fluently, and with more story than a character itself.


    Why do you want to be part of the ET?


         I want to be a part of the ET because I've recently found myself looking to provide more RP for the server, and some of my roles have died down since recent RP. Thus I've found myself with more time on my hands while I'm on LotC, and too much of it spent running around doing nothing. I'd like to make something of this time and make events for people, to which will be a large chunk of my time spent on LotC if I were brought in. 


    Create three distinct RP scenarios/events that you would organize. 


    For 1-3 person/peoples


         There are tales of a hermit living in the deep ocean, words spread through a greedy-appearing Dwarf looking to get some loot from the mysterious man. It is up to the players to not only find the man through the help of this suspicious dwarf; and possibly get their hands on some of this loot, but also discover how this man is living beneath this ocean. Was this some sort of magician, or is it some other force allowing this man to find shelter in the tides of blue? 


    For a group of 5-10


         A crack in the earth has recently revealed itself in a rather violent way, by cutting through the ground itself and forming a rift. From above and outside of the rift it would appear to nearly go as deep as one to assume the center of the realm, though not is all what it seems. From within monstrosities of never-before-seen abnormalities have begun to sprout from this rift, and are feeding on the denizens of Anthos. 


         It is up to the players to figure out what lies within this rift, how to seal the wound in the land, and what has caused such an intervention in their daily affairs. Deep within will hold a secret for the characters to discover, and possibly gain from, depending on their dynamic actions within the event. 


    For a group of 20+


         Spirits known as Graven have recently begun to rise in near armies, all having one purpose in mind. They seek to rend nations at their feet and cleanse the world of its so called "scars." Any one versed in the knowledge of a Graven would however know that they in fact had to have only come for a strong reason, and all have one purpose in mind if they've gathered so vehemently. 


         The leader of these ghastly aberrations calls himself the "Apostate" and has no tolerance for the other mortal beings on Anthos. Upon furthering the event, players will soon discover their purpose, and their need to fight them in order to stop a golden horde. There is more than meets the eye with these peoples of old remainder, and perhaps more than a single way to put their plans out of motion.


         (Of course all of the following ideas are just that, and would require proper approval from the head of the Event Team in order to go through. If at anytime the secrets of these events wish to be revealed, I may message the reviewer with such, just so these possible future events aren't spoiled for the players involved.)



    How long do you plan to stay in the ET?


         I plan to stay in the ET for a long while, and to make my activity present for all of the following time. Not having any other staff positions or current important roles in effect, I am able to contribute a lot of time, and thought into the events. 


    Tell me what you want from the ET.


         I want to be given the ability to provide RP on a new scale from just a perspective of the player. To be given the ability to make enjoyable stories, and make them come to life for the players to delve into. Though this is possible from a player's standpoint, I wish to make it even more immersive with dynamic scenes and abilities that will help contribute to the storyline. It would be great to take part in the providing aspect of the events on the server, and to give back to the playerbase as a whole.

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