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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. based irl money for killing characters

  2. pvp defaulting an event gg guys

  3. oh yeah like, da server is back up


  5. Great, I have to write an app just for lockpicking -.- I thought this character was nearly able to not have a VA

  6. I left it because there was no point in being in it. And members are becoming more relaxed, and the fires of ban reports have started :P. So I left because of two reasons. 1.No way of getting apps and 2. Making sure I don't get the blame when the app team stuffs up. So yeah :P

  7. Just login to the server..

  8. Ooooh~ That would be nice :P.

  9. Cause I'm cool like that~

    -Puts on shades-

  10. *Licks the back of his neck*

    Creepy enough my pet pirate?!

  11. Yeah I read that, It's quite fine XD

  12. Thomas, I shall brush that magnificent beard of yours and you will shiver with excitement

  13. Never knew how hard it was to find some premade male High Elf skin. It's just like, blarg.

  14. #LotCModeratorReignSupreme 2013

  15. Dgco broke the server!

  16. Maaaannn these forums are bloody sexy now! Hopefully I'll be back on LOTC soon, stupid internet providers.

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