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Everything posted by Garet867

  1. This is not a debate about Minecraft mechanics. Pretend that we weren't using Minecraft and that having tiny bits of stuff was actually possible in the game, like it might be in RP or in real life. Your input of Minecraft logic was interesting, but unnecessary for this situation. If connected many small pieces together is not plausible in RP then I understand and would want this post moved into the "denied" section. If no-one is interested then this idea can be tossed. If making this new material ICly is possible, I would want someone to invent it RPly. I was originally going to make a post about plastic, but I decided that changing the molecular formation of oil was too complex for our time period. I thought this spam/bologna/wine cork/sedimentary rock material would be an OK replacement.
  2. Trying to think if new posts I can make to increase my server reputation. Hopefully in a good way.

    1. Tom_Whiteman


      Post a BR on someone, always works

    2. Yoff


      Don't get caught up in the Forum hype, it only gets more depressing from here. Just go and RP, that's what the community is for.

  3. Sorry for any misconception. But Adobe bricks are a material created by indigenous peoples of the Americas in California. The brick itself consisted of clay, sand, and plant fibers. A similar concept to what I was suggesting. I have no idea why they named the computer application after this Eco-friendly brick. I had assumed most people had already heard of it but then I remembered that not all human beings grew up in southern California. ( Brain fart )
  4. I have thought of a material that could be used in many ways. In a way it is an alloy, of non metals. You see if I got an experienced mage, to break stone, clay, dirt, cloth, and wood into bits smaller than grains of sand, possibly on a molecular level, And then combine them, it would create a dry brittle substance that would be cheap to make once harnessed correctly. This material could also be created in some sort of compression chamber. Forcing the molecules to form together. For now lets just call the material Adobe. Water might weigh down some of the components of the materials, making it expand or contort as well as possibly loosening the bonds between the elements. Adobe is both brittle and slightly malleable. it can be bent to a small extent but once put past its breaking point, the part will snap in half. Similar to a baby carrot. It is very difficult to fracture a baby carrot without snapping it in half. Most weapons could easily penetrate the Alloy. Adobe is not suited for combat. Another downside of Adobe is that if damaged, parts cannot be easily mended and are better off being scrapped to make new parts. If not fused correctly, Adobe will crumble like sand. It would weigh whatever its original elements did. It would look something like this This is an image of a sedimentary/metamorphic rock. Imagine the different colors of this rock were actually different materials, such as wood, Cloth, stone, clay, dirt. It would feel very similar to the biodegradable flower pots you may have seen IRL Only that it would be much thicker and quite a bit stronger. You could have golems be created with it. Or possibly have it be a new, lightweight ammo for Catapults. It just seems like a way you can make something stable, that doesn’t have to be Metal, stone, or wood. Sturdy like stone. Light weight like wood. and cheaper than metal. I have a been thinking of a few names but have not decided. I will not pursue any further if the community is not interested. I’d like any input you guys have on this. Constructive criticism is welcome. Feel free to say its a dumb idea, or that It needs to be reimagined in any way.
  5. Teamspeak why u be down. I do not like radio silence!

  6. I found this wiki page about one of your great wars. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War

  7. Bumping my own comments page. If that makes any sense.

  8. Jarzun Gorkil Nicknames: N/A Age: Year + 23 Gender: Male Race: Orc Status: Sentient Description Height: 8’11 Weight: 340 lbs Body Type: Triangle, Broad Shouldered Eyes: Dark Maroon/Cayenne Hair: Unknown Skin: Underlit Grey (Black) Markings/Tattoos: Battle Scars Everywhere Health: Decent Personality: Contemptible Inventory: Worn Two-handed Weapon Further Details: Can’t stand non-orcs. Believes all other races are pests and should be annihilated eventually. Life Style Alignment*: Chaotic Evil Deity*: Krug Religion: Undefined Alliance/Nation/Home Orcish Nations of the Uzg Job/Class: Post-Blacksmith Warrior Title(s): Nob Profession(s): Physical Violence Special Skill(s): Smithing, Head Smashing/Chopping Flaw(s): Doubts others powers. Often gets butt whooped. Magic* Current Status: Atrocious Arch-type: Shamanism Sub-Type: Misapprehension Rank: Defective Weakness(es): Inability to cast any useful spells Strength(s): Doesn’t feel too butt-hurt about it. Current Spell(s): Shamanism Enumeration (/Spell List), Brain-Fart Weaponry Fighting Style: Two-Handed Preferred Melee Weapon: Large Orcish Greatsword Favored Ranged Weapon: Multi-Shot Crosbow Archery: Acceptable Sword: Masterly Daggers: Unsatisfactory Spear: Inferior Biography Parents: Unknown Siblings: Unknown Children: Blak Gorkil Extended Family: Unknown Pet(s): Rabid Crokolisk, Several Tamed Boars, Lab Experiment. History I am too indolent to write one.
  9. Does my post here go to an advert board of somthing. or do i have stalkers.

  10. I have gold vip. I still don't have it as my status.

    1. HuskyPuppy


      Speak to a GM/Admin

    2. SparehoeCakes
    3. Garet867


      Meh.. to lazy. il poke rhia or mog on ts. they seem to "like" me.

  11. lol just reilized that in the orc channel of TS is "no bi-polar conversations with yourself on your profile page." must not wright these things wile on TS any more.

  12. acualy i think it should have been called hagaaaaay.com just saying

  13. I head Sakah was an orcish curse word. would that work?

  14. more bad words in orc NOW! Skah is not enough. if i went on a cursing spree, saying skah, skah, skah, would just be saying the same thing over and over again.

  15. latz guta run, bub'hosher dan me arruw!

  16. rep is now 0 again... gota stop posting things. either that or +1 my own post instead of -1ing them. also "STONE MINER" whooo 101 posts yay!

    what ever happend to my bi polor talk? i will eat your soal mwuhahahahhahahbannanas!

  17. reputation +1 -level up music-

  18. -_- killing yourself is NOT the answer.

  19. >:-0 U and your arrow to the knee jokes, you will be the next to die!

  20. this conversation with myself if very awkward. then i took and arrow to the knee.

  21. hello you how am i doing today? are I a idiot me will ask i and you will wait for you to answer your own question.

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