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Status Updates posted by Garet867

  1. I have gold vip. I still don't have it as my status.

    1. HuskyPuppy


      Speak to a GM/Admin

    2. SparehoeCakes
    3. Garet867


      Meh.. to lazy. il poke rhia or mog on ts. they seem to "like" me.

  2. Trying to think if new posts I can make to increase my server reputation. Hopefully in a good way.

    1. Tom_Whiteman


      Post a BR on someone, always works

    2. Yoff


      Don't get caught up in the Forum hype, it only gets more depressing from here. Just go and RP, that's what the community is for.

  3. Does my post here go to an advert board of somthing. or do i have stalkers.

  4. hello you how am i doing today? are I a idiot me will ask i and you will wait for you to answer your own question.

  5. wow, your one of the best rpers iv ever met. how do you do it. its as if ...(dramatic music and sound) that... you are a villain in real life! (dun dun dun)

  6. this conversation with myself if very awkward. then i took and arrow to the knee.

  7. >:-0 U and your arrow to the knee jokes, you will be the next to die!

  8. -_- killing yourself is NOT the answer.

  9. reputation +1 -level up music-

  10. rep is now 0 again... gota stop posting things. either that or +1 my own post instead of -1ing them. also "STONE MINER" whooo 101 posts yay!

    what ever happend to my bi polor talk? i will eat your soal mwuhahahahhahahbannanas!

  11. latz guta run, bub'hosher dan me arruw!

  12. more bad words in orc NOW! Skah is not enough. if i went on a cursing spree, saying skah, skah, skah, would just be saying the same thing over and over again.

  13. I head Sakah was an orcish curse word. would that work?

  14. acualy i think it should have been called hagaaaaay.com just saying

  15. lol just reilized that in the orc channel of TS is "no bi-polar conversations with yourself on your profile page." must not wright these things wile on TS any more.

  16. Bumping my own comments page. If that makes any sense.

  17. I found this wiki page about one of your great wars. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War

  18. Teamspeak why u be down. I do not like radio silence!

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