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Status Updates posted by Swifty_Digger

  1. Correction, You are whining and you are complaining.

  2. Woah sorry for that can you delete all the posts below? its lagging for me and wont work lol sorry

  3. All set for my Appeal tommorow!

  4. So in 14 hours I am allowed to post a ban appeal? if my calculations are accurate.

  5. Question: I have 14 hours till I am allowed to post a ban appeal?

  6. Yay Auvreaeath is streaming! join now http://www.livestream.com/Auvreaeath

    1. Skippy


      Scared to join... *Remembers last livestream.*

  7. Hey Pumpkin :D Are you still doing signatures? Because I was wondering if you could make a big host of them like:

    Wood Elf

    Dark Elf

    High Elf


  8. Welcome to Asulon!

  9. I have thought about my actions, with posting appeals and will take responsibility by add ing another 5 days onto my time banned from the server, if thats ok with you.

  10. Hey Shift would I be allowed to make Lore for the Wood Elves, like new and improved Lore?

  11. So if Native is a Koala what does that make me? A Troll?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 0000


      We're no strangers to love~

    3. Swifty_Digger


      Nice troll Respiren!

    4. Swifty_Digger


      Actually thought I was for a second...

  12. Hows the Wiki coming along?

  13. Submitted my final ban appeal before I wait 2 weeks and submit my last ever one

  14. Just made a mori App!

  15. I cant message you, message me.

  16. Loving LOTC at the moment :D

    1. Cappy


      I know right?

  17. hi i have been accepted into aegis but i am still a wandering soul may you please help me by letting me in? I would really appreciate it if you need profe here

    link: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/24707-swifty-diggers-application/page__p__116102__fromsearch__1#entry116102

  18. hi i have been accepted into aegis but i am still a wandering soul may you please help me by letting me in? I would really appreciate it if you need profe here

    link: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/24707-swifty-diggers-application/page__p__116102__fromsearch__1#entry116102

  19. Hey i love you in candle's lp! i would love if you replied to my application it has been just posted

  20. I hope someone accepts my Application

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