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Status Updates posted by Repiteo

  1. Whelp, computer's busted.

    1. Nero


      WHAT >:O NO!

  2. This is a test of the emergency status update system. This is only a test.

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      AHHH!! IT'S AN EMERGANCY! EVERYONE PANIC!!! OH GAWD!!!! Wait, it's just a test? Aww man...

  3. While youre changing the fonts, I think you might as well change the bedrock VIPs to something that doesn't blend in the background

    1. Antharin


      The forums are beautiful!

  4. It seems I cannot comment in apps... Well... That's a slight hinderance.

    1. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      I used to comment on apps, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

      I really need to stop doing arrow to knee jokes :P

  5. OH SHIZZLE. I just remembered the Ambassador program is on its second wave now! *goes to grab 3DS and download 10 GBA games*

    1. Cyt37


      >not using emulators

  6. I need to get TS so I can join in on the shenanigans next time.

  7. That message saying I spent all my skill levels is getting very annoying... And I don't know how to fix it. D:

    1. Goldrim


      /togglexp , You're welcome.

  8. I just remembered I got both Skyrim and Portal 2 for Christmas, and I have yet to play either of them in all this time... I truly am a heretic.

    1. Lykos


      Play portal first... if you play skyrim you wont be back in existence for a while.

  9. 6000 Profile views. Clearly I'm just as unnoticed here as I am IRL. Clearly.

  10. This current chain of events on the forums... Interesting to say the least.

    1. danic


      *stirs his tea, adding a dab of suger* Indeed...

  11. Whelp, time to update dat Gee Emm app. *starts scribbling what to amend on the app in his Calculus class*

  12. Why yes Internet, I DID want you to go off in the middle of the app team meeting.

    1. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      oh god app team meeting

  13. Oh how I love opening night performances, the musical went splendidly ~ ...Bruised myself from my character tripping countless times, but whatevas.

  14. From "How to Train your Dragon" to "The Super Mario Bros Movie"... Quite a transition.

  15. An application guide forum? ...I suppose now is a good a time as any to start writing up some application tutorials.

    1. 0000


      Step 1: Format Questions neatly

      Step 2: Answer Questions with good grammar/spelling and effort

      Step 3: Answer Questions correctly

      Step 4: Follow directions

      Step 5: Don't bother Application Team / GMs

      Step 6: Wait

      Step 7: Profit.


  16. *posts something about voting* *gets instant attention by other members*

  17. Any hype over blaze rods are about to be greatly diminished.

  18. The "trials" in Skyward Sword are downright nerve wracking...

  19. well... I was the 11th person... Now its down to the last 10.

  20. Christmas is a huge priority right now... Srry forums... Still

  21. Must... Resist... Making... The_Grinch... Account...

  22. Happy new ye-... *snore*

  23. Schools starting up tomorrow, and I'm headed in cold turkey... Meaning I'll not be on here until Friday/Saturday at the absolute earliest... Whelp, there goes any RP mini-events I was planning out the window. :/

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