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Status Updates posted by Lita

  1. You're application is well done, you should be proud. May I suggest looking at your powergaming definition again? It's a slight bit confusing.

  2. About your application: I advise you expand on the Open Response Questions quite a bit, act as if you were actually playing it out, saying, I did this, or he did that. Also, expand on the bio, capitalize, and punctuate. Just some friendly advice from someone who was accepted :)

  3. Expanding my minute knowledge of java code, wish me luck.

  4. I am seriously disappointed with the new flow of applications.

    1. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm
    2. Mystery


      It's partly because they don't understand they have to fill it out :P

    3. Lita


      It is in the beginning, but then they repeat it, even after being directed to the post by a GM/FM/Admin/etc.

  5. I made Vaq make bows incredibly hard to make! /achievementget/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FORƎST


      Makes sense to me. Well done.

    3. DrakeHaze.


      Bows break rather fast. This is gonna be a pain in the ass xD

    4. Lita


      I believe the code was level/2-5 as the percent chance of success, and you only get a stick if you fail. So even if your level 50, you would have a 20% chance of making a bow. ;P

  6. In the process of creating my first human character, Deacon. Here goes nothing!

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Mold your vision out of clay, taking in every last detail... then cast you own flesh of and wear that clay as your flesh.

    2. Goliath


      Oh! I need to speak regarding the race!

  7. Cut up my knee falling off of my bike, and friends are being jerks about it.

  8. Your name is a reference to FMA. Win.

  9. I hate being in eight grade. Too much drama.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Space



    3. Lita


      @Space: That's the problem. Everyone thinks that the smallest thing is the end of their lives.

    4. Hatanu


      Well I'm going to 9th grade, soon I won't have to worry about 8th grade anymore. Instead, I'm going to be forced to worry about 9th grade.

  10. Let's see the voting people!

  11. LotC website while in last period of school :)

  12. Villain App complete, minus references. Monk App for other char done too!

  13. Working on my Villain Application, in which I'm creating a new charactor, Lain Desmeres.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Guest



    3. Raptorious


      I think you got that one done pretyt well Aislin, :P

    4. Lita


      lol thanks Lovely and /trollface/ Aislin

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