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Status Updates posted by gingernut97

  1. *arrives home from school* Great! NOW I can do soem revision and hopefully rela- Dammit I have an hour of maths tutorage! x3 Aint no rest for the wicked!

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      not until you are done.

      GET WORKN!

  2. *Begins to drum his fingers out of boredom* "I'm waiting for a second season, Sankarea and Sword Art Online. Hurry up!"

  3. *Begins to plant a sign into the ground, smiling at his handiwork. The sign proclaims "Less immolation, more celebration!"*

  4. *clutches LotC, dragging his finger nails on the floor* No! Not school! I dun wanna!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gingernut97


      Bamboo cake or carrot cake?

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      .. It's chocolate starfish cake . o3o

    4. Dargene


      Cheesecake is the one true cake!

  5. *drums fingers patiently whilst he waits for his wheat to grow*

  6. *friends Jeff the Killer, begins sharpening machete* Come. At. Me. Bro.

  7. *glances despairingly at Pumkin's AT App* "I'm so...so screwed."

  8. *Glares evilly at Anawkin* "Firthy Praystaion Prayer!"

  9. *has been on temp server for half of the day, crashes in Asulon- instantly loses spot on server* FFFFFFFFFUUUUUU D:

    1. gingernut97


      *shrugs shoulders* "I ain't even mad"

  10. *has just realised he can touch-type*

  11. *has just realised how many GoT surnames there are in LotC*

  12. *is looking forward to The Walking Dead*

  13. *Is not on Minecraft trying to get on 3.0.* "Calm yo clamz pplz. 'Tis only a game."

    1. Merkaken


      Some people want to play the game.

    2. Bethykinss


      A game filled with candy, love and hate!

  14. *is sad*

    1. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Feel happier your Shogun demands it!

    2. gingernut97


      *strains a smile upon hearing the Shogun's order*

  15. *Looks around TS excitedly for channels to join*

  16. *looks at past staff applications and slowly realises he's going to have wait for more than 4 months to have his application reviewed* " Oh shi.."

  17. *loves his electric blanket*

    1. gingernut97
    2. Amorphbutt


      *Has an electric blanket.

  18. *Patiently waits for a second season of Sankarea*

  19. *patiently waits for monday* Not too sure whether to make a pointless anniversary post or not...meh.

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      Ermeghurd, wun year arnerversary

    2. Dargene


      pontless post about anerversary plese

    3. Dargene


      pontless post about anerversary plese

  20. *really wants a Subway sandwich right now*

    1. comanderbly^


      *cries "We don't have them in Portugal."

    2. Joe_Blackman
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