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Status Updates posted by gingernut97

  1. Vaquxine= Protector of LOTC, well done sir knight :D

  2. Still alive after making my own dinner last night! +100 xp cooking

  3. Just made my own dinner by grilling burgers that turned out to be delicious and unburnt, now wondering if I have food poisoning..I'll yet you guys know in the morning

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LuZZo_RaGaZZo
    3. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      How do you yet someone know something?

    4. gingernut97


      Okay, I'm still alive and healthy :D +100 xp cooking

  4. Listening to the white stripes, why did you have to break up ;_;, WHYY!??

  5. Computer crashed 'cos of overheating, putting my fan on full to cool it down :( Hope I didn't break anything...

  6. Too scared to go on OOC :

  7. Sitting back drinking a glass of peartiser, this is the life.

  8. Oh thank God I wasn't on when the server malfunctions *starts hugging his minas*

  9. Steam summer sale= Buy ALL the games!

  10. Just saw a runescape poster in the school science block...wtf!?

  11. Ever since the Dawnguard DLC and the walking dead I'v been obsessed with crossbows, any good crossbow deals in the UK?

  12. Just had the best idea for a new character- A fat cook with nothing special about at all- I've been toying around with the idea for a while and I'm liking quite a lot as it will involve some good, engaging rp :D

  13. Bored of all my music now, any one know any good clutch albums?

  14. Dammit teacher, must we go in groups? (Not a team player :P)

  15. How I feel about homework:

  16. Getting so bored, no one at Legion camp to RP with :/ I better start watching some Doctor Who whilst I'm waiting...again

    1. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      Entertain yourself by lookin

      g at an weeping angel, and see how long you can stay without blinking.

    2. gingernut97


      Or by being able to bear watching any of the weeping angel episodes... Too scary :<

  17. Is waiting for the server to come back up whilst watching Doctor Who

    1. Chikachu


      You're officially my favorite person ever. Go Doctor Who.

    2. gingernut97


      Oh look...play new episode? GERONIMOOO

  18. Just had to delete my status after scrolling down and seeing Respirens status.... gingernut97=total noob

  19. Thank you so much disney for screwing up every marvel character I love, I just hope you don't ruin Deadpool and turn it into another kids movie...

    1. Narco


      What movie are you referring to?

    2. gingernut97


      Pretty much all the avengers, Spiderman, Hulk, deadpool in wolverine: X-Men origins and the whole fantastic 4 team. They also ruined commander Hill in the avengers movie (yes,yes I know she's not a super) by making her likeable. Yes I do know that there are multiple universes in Marvel but I'd prefer if they kept everything like it is on Earth-616. Wow...look at me go...quite the rant, no?

  20. Going to a barbecue today! #pleasepleasedontrain

  21. Finally cleared my desk, now to vigorously rub off the mug stains whilst watching criken

    1. Space


      Yeah... The mug stains...

    2. TheoRev


      I was like Wha.. then i read the mug stains part.

    3. gingernut97


      Oh good god...not like that...

  22. Sweet jesus, giant custard cremes from costa coffee=heaven on earth

  23. Had a power cut last night just when the legion was about to go into battle -_-

    1. Mucky


      they got there ass kicked any way :p

  24. Was on a good rp server and saw an 11 year old cybering http://i1196.photobucket.com/albums/aa410/phaazepaz/oh-god-meme.png

    1. Dasaro


      XD That's frickin' disgustin...

    2. gingernut97


      Aye, gmod lite rp servers are a no no zone

    3. Shuness
  25. Taking my time on trying to draw my own character #ohgodhelpme

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