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Posts posted by DrakeHaze.

  1. As the chief Orenian military official, I agree 100% with Temp.  Contrary to what the "good guys" of the server may think, we in Oren are not PvP obsessed maniacs who never roleplay and simply come on to destroy **** - you'd find that those are the people we've been fighting against very deeply.  These raid rules are a direct example of the aforementioned - while this entire war has been rendered a petty annoyance thanks to warclaims no longer being able to be forced, infinite raids is even worse.


    If you're not going to let us warclaim then at least let us roleplay.

    I happen to Rp both an Orc and a Human, whatchu talking bout willis?

  2. Note spam intensifies

    "Ab latz beetray yur anzezturs, kub. Mi nub hidin beehynd skah, latz fayul tu reelyze dat evun ib wi had peeze wid latz wi wuld styll be klompin da breedurs widch ib turn wuld bi klompin wid latz. Stup hidin beehynd yur paypur ab meet mi tu blah zumvere. Mi nub byte. Bryng yur skahin army tu mi, mi nub giv a skah. Zurely latz iz zmurt enuff tu shuw yur peepul latz iz su prowd ub dat latz hav a bakbone? Unlezz.. Latz iz a slug!?" -AUDIBLE GASP- "Zeriouzly, wurdz ab akshunz meen mur den paypur kub. Bi. A. Man. Unlezz ull twiggiez ar juzd feemaylez." he snorts, shaking his head "Latz mayk diz mur diffikult den twiggy burthin.. Err waid, nubash reely haz truble wid twiggy burthin anymur."


    "And you betray your ancestors, kid. I'm not hiding behind ****, you fail to realise that even if we had peace with you we would still be fighting the humans which in turn would be fighting with you. Stop hiding behind your paper and meet me to speak somewhere. I don't bite. Bring your ******* army to me, I don't give a ****. Surely you are smart enough to show your people you are so proud of that you have a backbone? Unless.. You are a slug!?" -AUDIBLE GASP- "Seriously, words and actions mean more than a paper kid. Be. A. Man. Unless all Elves are just females." he snorts, shaking his head "You make this more difficult than Elven birthing.. Err wait, nobody really has trouble with Elven birthing any more."

  3. Grogmar grumbles, reading over the letter "Wai iz id a kubbie is blahin tu mi wit paypur?" he smirks, motioning a goblin over to take note of his words to return to the low elves

    "Uruk hunur diffurz frum yur twiggy myndzet. Unlezz latz hav da ballz tu blah tu mi ib perzun; da Rex uv da urukz, latz vill nebur komprehend owr hunur. Ulsu, ib latz wunt tu bryng ub da pazt su mutch, nid mi reemynd latz uv da zylvur goiz wi wrekt ib da pazt? Mi nub gruk widch Rex blah dey wuld hab peeze wid latz, bud id wuz nub mi. Ab unlezz dat Rex kumz tu blah wid mi den mi nub giv a zyngle skah ib da urukz wunt tu klomp latz." he shakes his head, looking over the desert before him

    "Twiggiez scurred tu gid a liddle zand ib dere azz krak tu kum peep mi ab blah?" he rolls his shoulders "Latz kaught mi ib a hozh muud. Led uz meed zumvere ab blah, latz twiggiez luv tu blah yub? Waid, dat waz Aegiz.." Grogmar pauses, pondering for a few moments before looking to the goblin "Twiggiez breed mur den zharas, ryght?" the goblin remains silent, unsure of how to respond.

    "Hrmmgngngmgmgmgnnmmm.. Anyveyz, dat iz m uffur. Ledz blah latz pretenshuzz skah. Mi uthur uffur widch mi tink uruk ab twiggy wuld lyke beddur iz a bub'hozh klomp bedween Uruk ab Hygh Elv twiggy unleh. Yub. Dat meenz unleh urukz ab unleh hygh elv. Nub wuudy twiggy, nub darkie twiggy, nub oomiez, stouts, tutunz, snelves, kittehz, ab shaydez... Shaydze bi a rayze lazt tyme mi peep'd. Tayk yur pik, hunur klomp owr blah wid mi." Grogmar sends the goblin off to deliver the message.


    Grogmar grumbles, reading over the letter
    "Why is it a child is speaking to me with paper?" he smirks, motioning a goblin over to take a note of his words to return to the low elves

    "Orc honor differs from your elven mindset. Unless you have the balls to speak to me in person; the Rex of the Orcs, you will never comprehend our honor. Also, if you want to bring up the past so much, need I remind you of the silver cities we wrecked in the past? I don't know which Rex said they would have peace with you, but it was not me.. And unless that Rex comes to speak with me then I don't give a single **** if the Orcs want to fight you." he shakes his head, looking over the desert before him

    "Elves scared to get a little sand in there ass crack to come see me and speak?" he rolls his shoulders "You caught me in a good mood. Let us meet somewhere and speak, you Elves love to speak yes? Wait, that was Aegis.." Grogmar pauses, pondering for a few moments before looking to the goblin
    "Elves breed more then humans, right?" the goblin remains silent, unsure of how to respond.

    "Hrmmgngngmgmgmgnnmmm.. Anway, that is my offer. Lets speak you pretentious ****. My other offer which I think Orc and Elf would like better is a big fight between Orc and High Elf only. Yes. That means only Orcs and only High elves. No wood elves, no dark elves, no humans, dwarves, teutons, snow elves, kharajyr and shades.. Shades are a race last time I looked. Take your pick, honor fight or speak with me." Grogmar sends the goblin off to deliver the message.

  4. Grogmar snorts, brushing off his blade from the human blood he shed throughout the city with his band as the weaker minded fools died in a pit, only to be avenged by a brave dwarf who killed the executioner for his people "Mi zhed bluud ib dere tempul bullskah." the Rex grunts, handing the head of a Gilles Bretagne to Rusk'Gul the new Wargoth of a new clan of warrior Orcs; Gul. "Su whyll da sharaz wuz buzy laffin bout da dumz dat fell ib da hule, wi slaughdered dere kynd ib dere tempul ab dere ztreetz. Drynk frum diz zkull ab reemembur, wi bi da tru winnurz ub diz bub'hozh klomp. Fir Krug, bruddah." he snorts as the wind whips up, sending sand around the area.

  5. What is there to be item hungry over? There are literally over 50 stacks of duped/spawned in iron blocks on the server. You fight to fight, gotta prove something while on the temp server.. I mean, once 4.0 hits we're all just going to be amazed at the builds and lol at other nations that don't have the better builds. Iblees 4.0 is cancer, pls nerf.

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