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Posts posted by DrakeHaze.

  1. Integral? Maybe, detrimental to the entire race from limiting general RP with others and driving away new players from the, NON existent learning curve, no, not even a curve, A WALL? Absolutely. 


    Butchering the English language is fine, so long as people can still understand it generally for the purpose of RP. Butchering it to the point that no one can even understand it OOC'ly just makes it un-enjoyable to the extreme. That's when it needs to change for the benefit of both parties. Yes it is cool how you can mash the keyboard sometimes and come out with something that could somewhat be considered "May I take your coat" in Orcish, but how is it fair to anyone that you are making it so difficult that they can hardly even read what you're saying. 

    The only thing that's making the speech patterns of orcs difficult to understand is the Tusks, last time I checked, if you stuck a spoon in your mouth, you didn't take Alienieese on as your primary language when speaking, people could still barely understand you. 


    But hey, it isn't really mostly for my benefit, go ahead and continue doing it and making it impossible for people to have a good RP experience with your character's when they can't even understand half the text you're putting on screen -IN A TEXT BASED GAME- and making it near to impossible for new orcs to emerge properly because of that 90 Degree learning curve. 


    Also, when was it that one or two average players dictated the whims of an entire race when it comes to changing things? Doesn't quite happen with the Humans, Elves or Dwarves, and I don't suspect that it happens with the Orcs either. So really, it is entirely up for debate and can't just be put down as a "no go".  

    When I spoke the blah it was literally just plain english with a lisp and two or three actual words from the blah such as "Lats" and "Klomp". Nobody had a hard time understanding me. I stuck a spoon in my mouth and I didn't sound like an Alien either but Orcs are a different race not green humans, how are we actually supposed to know the biology of an Orc? Sure we have some small details about what the Orc looks like, and we have movies everyone watches and say an Orc looks like something from LoTR but I haven't seen a full skeletal representation of a LoTC Orc. Also, if you're born into a different language... let us say Spanish. Eventually you decide it's time to learn english, you're not going to speak it completely the same as someone who was born into the language are you?

    Then we get into the "Well the server can't understand you so just make yourself understandable"... sure they can do that. However do you actually think that if Orcs spoke common or english or whatever that it would draw allot more players into joining the Orcs? I don't think so because I think it would be the same. Not enough things to do but HEY now we can speak the same language so we can understand eachother and...ya.

  2. When I used to play an Orc I found very few problems within the Orcs. Mainly the amount of players we had hindered RP within our own city so I always went to Oren to RP. I had very enjoyable RP with the Orc blacksmiths. I knew little to nothing about shamans and shamanism IC as literally none were present while I played (Maybe like 2). I never had any problems with every race trying to kill me if I left our land, even during the war with the dwarves, 1 or 2 dwarves picked a fight but usually it was just a RP scrap then we went on our way. Within our city really the only good RP was story time. It's either fight in the city, build, cut trees or drink and run the gauntlet a few times. Hunting events were always fun, especially when we had to capture the jabbernaks or whatever xD

    The way I see it is RPing another race is just more enjoyable straight up. There are more things to do where allot of people reside (Cities) and everyone is doing their OWN thing. Take Oren for example, you got some knights running around doing knightly things, you got nobles killing peasants, making money and what not... then you got the random people trying to pull off assassinations or steal things or even just mug someone... taverns and brothels for a completely different RP. I think the Orcs just have little to no diversity with Orcish RP and just not much to do with JUST Orcs. I'm sure it's changed over 4 months but I wouldn't know.

    Another point I should make is that it's more appealing to play a beautiful elf or a handsome human or a pudgy dwarf than it is to play an aggresive Orc. Oh and Game of Thrones. Just make a Orc version of it and everything will be fine xD

  3. If groups of 10+ are killing everyone in the badlands, then they can have the badlands - you don't need to go there so they can stay there. Or they'll ruin their reputations in-character around the realm and hordes of good guys will go slay them. Like I said, the badlands is a place for players to get their heart racing without GM or event-team involvement. There absolutely is roleplay in pvp, their actions can and will be spread and IC reputation is everything. If stories spread in-character, the bandits and warriors you speak of would be turned away from every Inn and Tavern in no time.


    Or atleast that's how it used to be.

    Or the Orcs could go live there and nobody will care xD

  4. I agree with Mog.One thing we could do is what the Dothraki in game of thrones do.They have a bunch of nomadic hordes and a main city.THe hordes go around all the place pillaging and travelling and then meet back in the city.If we do this it would be better for new players and help us still have that nation status and not just be a group of murderes

    When I think of this I always seem to get the idea of the 'nomadic hordes' being the different clans going out and doing pillaging and stuff their way with their own traditions, then returning to the main Orc hub to boast about their clan's strength and stuff. I like this idea as well as what Mog said. Surely we needn't go full nomad. I think we should focus more on clan traditions and really emphasize what it means to be in a clan.

    Another thing we should take a look at is Whitewashes. Why is any player drawn towards being a whitewash? What is it that makes RPing a Whitewash appealing in the eyes of a player? I honestly don't know.

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