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Status Updates posted by Sweord

  1. Dinner, and then time to begin slave work for the Kharajyr. ^^

  2. I will get this paper done. Then I will finish collecting my last sources. THEN I will build the Kharajyr Upper-class homes. IF IT KILLS ME. Who needs sleep, anyways?

    1. NekoDanie


      You can sleep when your dead... or get knocked into a coma...

    2. Sweord


      That's the spirit! 'Sides, not old enough to need sleep--even if I spent all day lugging boxes around to help someone move. ^^

  3. Just went to driver's ed. It was just as un-intellectually stimulating as I thought it would be. In fact, I'm pretty sure my I.Q. went down during those three hours. This is why I enjoy college. It doesn't take 3 hours every day for my professor to teach me something. -_-

  4. Nothing removes you from reality better than LoTC. ^^

  5. Someone shoot me. I went into the wrong class on my first day of the semester. D:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sweord


      Man, I did one worse. I stayed there. Least the teacher didn't have a student roster, so I just have to send an e-mail telling him, "Derp, I want to da wrong class, hur." FML

    3. Yamnothere


      *shoots, with A bow to the knee... Blast my aiming, ( admit it, you saw it coming. )

    4. Pliz


      When I went to public school, (Online now.) I had a computer class, and went to the wrong room. I stood there, and quickly ran out. I thought the class was in another room, so I went to that room, and quickly ran out. Turns out computer class was next period. =(

  6. Haaaappy birfday to me. 17 years old. :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eledyr


      happy birthday

    3. Yamnothere


      Happy burfday to you, you live in a zoo, you smell like a monkey, Annnd you look like one too, Hip hip, HURRAAAY, Hip hip, Hurraaay

    4. Dash_Rogers


      Good job! Your still alive!

  7. Gonna listen to music till it's late enough and people log off.

  8. Yeah! Just finished making the first skin I've made for myself in awhile.

  9. Working on a skin for someone, then going to work on my new DWARF character bio. There are way too few of us.

    1. trotski24


      Yeah another dwarf!!!!!!

    2. Sweord


      Yeah, I'm getting rid of my old dwarf char, he's a little, ah, lame. I'm aiming for an alchemist (potion maker) for my new character. He's going to be a little eccentric.

    3. Religious_Pie


      Be a chemist, Mort the Dorf.

  10. So, I got Skyrim yesterday. What am I gonna play today, and tomorrow? LoTC. XD

  11. Guess who just got Google Chrome? So much faster than IE. :L

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sweord


      Eh, I'm probably going to try Firefox next. All I've ever used is IE, and I'd like to see how other browsers do.

    3. Redbaron™


      Chrome is like over 9000 times better then firefox

    4. Redbaron™


      Chrome is like over 9000 times better then firefox

  12. Hmm, I'm not sure if I should change my character for 2.0 or not....

  13. Started snowing awhile ago! Went outside and threw the miniscule amount that's out there at my brother until I couldn't feel my hands. ^^

  14. Was reading a little in my English 121 textbook earlier. A little nervous about starting my first college English class two days after my birthday. ._.

  15. So bored. Not much going on in-game for me.

    1. dapurplesharpie


      Same here, but there really isn't much you can do as a Wandering Soul. :|

    2. Sweord


      Well, you could troll people with doors.... But that's bannable, I think. I don't get why you'd be stuck like that so long, have you tried a /modreq in-game?

  16. Looks like minecraft's being a P.I.T.A for everyone, huh?

  17. LoTC went from 12th to 11th place on Minestatus! Remember to vote, people.

    1. Golden_Harvest_Richards


      lul. people have to be playing in order to vote

    2. Sweord


      I still don't get how a server like super-earth, for instance, is so high up. I went on there a few times, and it's pretty boring.

  18. A little part of me dies when I see someone older than me write so poorly.

    1. Lykos


      Age has nothing to do with creativity... Lets have an example: I know a seven year old that writes some bitchin' short stories... I showed my English11 teacher, and she has said that it is better than some of her other students...

    2. Volutional


      ^ Thanks for reminding me about my Homework in English <3

    3. Sweord


      Not just creativity, just basic spelling and grammar.

  19. I'm glad I wasn't turned into a wandering soul by that bug. They deleted my app along with some other ones when they redid the app section, and I wouldn't know what to do. XD

    1. Dante


      I was scared of that as well

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