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Everything posted by Aerinyes

  1. While correct there.. its a tad convoluted, and thats assuming we have a word for arrow which we do not. Or at least as far as I can see. Like for example, the words for Dark Elf, Wood Elf, and High Elf should be in the list, rather then having the would be users try to figure it out. For example I didn't know High Elf meant Blessed Elf, instead I thought it was Noble Elf. Unless we want to spend time correcting people, the information should be out there.
  2. I think it would be easier if the table in the thread and the wiki had a section for the Common to Elvish listings in alphabetical order. Right now its Elvish to Common with the elvish in alphabetical order and that makes it hard to find things.
  3. I was recording some words down yesterday and organizing them so its easier for me to reference when I found there is quite a few words missing. I'll list them here: High Prince* Prince* King or other non-elf noble titles Sword Swordsman Warrior Archer Ranger Bow Arrow Quiver Fletching *I don't see the elves as distinguishing between prince and princess in their language. Elves seem to treat males and females in equal capacities. In fact the only difference would probably be in anatomy.
  4. It can be confusing because the elven langauge is meant to be overly poetic. Which is probably why it won't catch on as a common language itself (thats why we have common :mrgreen: ). But for formal occasions and a smattering here and there, it will become very prevalent which is what I think the intent was. I used to know the drow language about 7-8 years ago, its grammar rules and such were almost identical to english, except simplified a tad. It ran the full gamut, with pluralization, adjectives (bad, worse, worst), and possessive nouns, ect. Example of Grammar Rules With only about 2-3 weeks of using it, I was pretty fluent in it and could hold a conversation in about 80% drow. The other 20% were words not yet defined. Can't do it anymore however :mrgreen: But one thing I do remember, is if you use the words, I, you, me, as well as words for addressing someone (my'lady, my'lord, my friend), greetings such as hello, bless you, good bye, and words to describe the race you're talking to. You will learn the language very very quickly. I'm wondering if the same could be done with this elvish language. Also common phrases should have priority when making the language. Such as: "How are you?" "Stay safe" "Good Morning" "Good Evening" "Good Afternoon" "Get back/away" "To arms" And anything else LotC related like "Beware! Undead!" ect.
  5. Alright.. next question :mrgreen: Mali'ame is Wood Elf? What would High Elf be? Mali'laurir? And how do I get in on this zealous quest? :mrgreen: I'd love to be able to contribute in a ICly manner and help spread the elven culture around a bit. A little language would help the elves act like elves instead of human I think. At least in a small way.
  6. OOC did I use the connotation properly in my above post? Also how much of this language do elves actually recall? Is there resources in Laurelin to actually study it? I appreciate the work thats going into this. But how does all this translate into RP and IC terms? I'm seeing these words crop up alot lately and don't want to get accused of meta gaming if I identify one or two of them ICly, but I still want to be involved with it.
  7. OOC- How do you say Dark Elf in elvish? Would it be Mali'Ker or Ker'Mali? Or is there another word used for them? Also would such a term (along with other subraces) be lost with the language, or that bit retained?
  8. Usually score between 5-10 on the test with a character, though mine on LotC is a -1... Though I think this is because of the character not being so combat oriented.
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