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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by TheoRev

  1. Finally cleared my desk, now to vigorously rub off the mug stains whilst watching criken

    1. TheoRev


      I was like Wha.. then i read the mug stains part.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Ha ha! Snuck onto a computer on vacation, first internet access in a while :P

    1. TheoRev


      Thats like me last year at spain. My hotel had an internet place next to an arcade, and i got called sad for going on the computers

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Who can make a medium sized logo for a good cause? :3

    1. TheoRev


      What of? I can give it a go.

  4. I'm breaking the norm for Guilds. Instead of making a guild against monsters and such, I shall be making a special academy. I'll have the post up tomorrow so people can be amazed :3

    1. TheoRev


      Mmmm like a school? Perhaps a skill trainging type thing? Im interested

  5. Does anyone know any good Anime to watch?

  6. Fix my aunts HTC? Sure, Fix my brothers laptop...I'd rather not go near it, thanks.

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