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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by CowsGoMoo

  1. So how's everyone doing today? Not that I expect people to answer.

  2. Server is Bach

  3. Whup! Everyone panic!

  4. Whup! Everyone panic!

  5. Whup! Everyone panic!

  6. Whup! Everyone panic!

  7. Whup! Everyone panic!

  8. Whup! Everyone panic!

  9. I've fallen down the stairs two times this week. All on the same staircase too. That staircase really really hates me. ;m;

  10. I've fallen down the stairs two times this week. All on the same staircase too. That staircase really really hates me. ;m;

  11. Herro. I can seez you )0(_)0(

  12. Herro. I can seez you )0(_)0(

  13. Now I'm getting Obama Care ads, thank you golden VIP. :C

  14. Imagine a Superhero that can fly, but is afraid of heights. His greatest power, is also his greatest fear. Huh...

  15. Imagine a Superhero that can fly, but is afraid of heights. His greatest power, is also his greatest fear. Huh...

  16. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: The Theology sect of the Ascended was represented by what colour?

  17. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: The Theology sect of the Ascended was represented by what colour?

  18. I won ME2! -confetti and cheese falls down from the sky, giving you a confetti and cheese filled day-

  19. My tip of the day: Don't try to impress a girl by reading a book while walking down the stairs. You'll end up tripping and hurting yourself. Owch...

  20. My tip of the day: Don't try to impress a girl by reading a book while walking down the stairs. You'll end up tripping and hurting yourself. Owch...

  21. My tip of the day: Don't try to impress a girl by reading a book while walking down the stairs. You'll end up tripping and hurting yourself. Owch...

  22. My tip of the day: Don't try to impress a girl by reading a book while walking down the stairs. You'll end up tripping and hurting yourself. Owch...

  23. My tip of the day: Don't try to impress a girl by reading a book while walking down the stairs. You'll end up tripping and hurting yourself. Owch...

  24. This was asked on the Facebook and got many responses, so it'll be asked here as well. If you could give one piece of advice to other roleplayers, what would it be?

  25. Diplomacy may have committed suicide today. I don't know.

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