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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by CowsGoMoo

  1. Hehuheuhueuheueuh.

  2. Hehuheuhueuheueuh.


  4. Hehuheuhueuheueuh.

  5. Hehuheuhueuheueuh.

  6. I have successfully installed the Aether mod. I am enjoying it so far...though I just got to the Aether, but yeah. I can't wait to see the wonders of the Floating Islands :D

  7. we liberal democrats are sorry

  8. Happy punch a priest day.

  9. Inspirational quotes all sound cheesy to me. I don't know why...

  10. Inspirational quotes all sound cheesy to me. I don't know why...

  11. Kill a man and you're a murderer. Kill thousands and you're a conquerer. Kill them all and you're a God.

  12. I love everyone who exists or will exist in the world for all time. But not anyone who exists outside the world or ever will exist outside the world. Those people are mean.

  13. It's so cold and lonely in this status message. :

  14. The prize is still available. 100 minas to anyone who can guess the two interviewees in the coverstory of tomorrow's Flagship.

  15. That awkward moment when you mix up hands, eyes, hair, head, etc, while emoting. >_>

  16. First person to guess where this was taken gets a cookie http://i.imgur.com/NLXIBtI.jpg

  17. Okay guys, you've seen my face. Now gimme catnip.

  18. Staff killed my dog

  19. 362 days ago... oh my lanta.

  20. I went to the grocery store to get food and came back with coke, a big bag of chips, and some crackers. I wouldn't make a good adult.

  21. For all of those Walking Dead lovers.

  22. I feel so lame for doing this, but... Can you guys help me out with a project? It requires people to answer a survey, and I'm currently 10 people away from the requirement. Here's the survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1iSd5iDAez2Ey0Argh1atwUdVHoUVt4EBGSqg7sSQXDQ/viewform (It's a google doc, and it ain't that long at all.)

  23. I feel so lame for doing this, but... Can you guys help me out with a project? It requires people to answer a survey, and I'm currently 10 people away from the requirement. Here's the survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1iSd5iDAez2Ey0Argh1atwUdVHoUVt4EBGSqg7sSQXDQ/viewform (It's a google doc, and it ain't that long at all.)

  24. I feel so lame for doing this, but... Can you guys help me out with a project? It requires people to answer a survey, and I'm currently 10 people away from the requirement. Here's the survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1iSd5iDAez2Ey0Argh1atwUdVHoUVt4EBGSqg7sSQXDQ/viewform (It's a google doc, and it ain't that long at all.)

  25. The one major setback of having a family that owns a daycare is that you get nursery rhymes stuck in your head. It's horrible. ;m;

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