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Posts posted by CowsGoMoo

  1. Sorry! I planned on posting today, but I'm currently stuck in China Town in SF after my car lost power.

    Sorry with the late reply, I'll try to do something about that flying Dom later!

    - sent from iPhone

  2. Domelvia didn't know the warm wet feeling coming down from the back of her dress was pee, or just the rain. Domelvia was ashamed of what she knew it was. She makes a mental note to punch herself if she lived through this storm.

    Her eyes were sealed shut, and she gripped onto the grass tightly as if her life depended on it.

    Zaaap! Booom....



    Domelvia chokes on her saliva, and begins to cough, sobbing at the same time.


    Domelvia's hair rose, as she felt a flash of heat right next to her. Domelvia gulps down her saliva, and gasps. That one was awfully close.

    She heard people screaming and yelling, some screams sounded far away... Did the wind blow some people away? It was impossible, such big winds would be ridiculous and unrea- Domelvia suddenly realizes she is floating in the air. Her eyes snap open. The wind had not blown her away only because of her grip on the grass, which was surprisingly firm on the ground.

    Domelvia screams, crawling forward in her floating position, her hair blowing madly out from behind her.

    THFUNK, Domelvia jerks back, THWUNK!

    The grass, it was... it was... SNAP! The grass uproots.

    Domelvia suddenly remembers a conversation she had with a man who she had met on a tree,

    "I wish I was bird, like Eri!... I would fly around, perch on trees... and well, do bird things...! Wouldn't that be just greeeeaaat!?"

    Well. The wish just came true.

  3. Ever, since you're rather busy right now. I guess I should take the initiation of continuing the RP?

    Again, if you guys do not like this situation, feel free to void this and make your own, or say so yourself.

    Ever has two situations planned out, if he feels like mine is somehow not following his, he can also void this completely..

    I'll just attempt to continue the RP, since... well, nothing is really going on anymore, and I'm REALLY curious what's waiting for us at the Temple. (Aside from of course, the army of dwarves just waiting to gut us with axes.)

    Domelvia frowns, the sun in the sky was too bright, even with her eyes shut. She opens her eyes and squints, the sun was in the middle of the sky. Domelvia groggily sits up and looks around, it looked as if they had packed up the camp, and was beginning to set off again.

    "EVERYONE! Pack your things! LAAAST CALL! We'll leave anyone who doesn't leave, RIGHT NOW!"

    Ugh, it was that noisy eye-patched man again...

    Domelvia stumbles on her feet and shoves her tiny blanket into her bag. Her hand brushes across her ultimate weapon, an orcish dictionary. The book was bound firmly with thick leather, amazingly enough, it had saved her life MANY times. She quickly stumbles back on her feet, and quickly looks around seeing that the group had already gathered. She sprints over, forgetting about the fatigue she is feeling, and before she knew it, they were off again.

    The days passed by quickly, the group was not as silent as before, laughing and loud rambling is heard throughout their adventure. The forest suddenly became extremely dense on their forth day, the sky disappeared in the leaves and the sound of the wilderness can be heard. At night, wolf howls were heard, so they decided to set a person in charge of the fire, and had shifts for people to stay awake at night, making sure nothing dangerous enters camp. The dense forest ended as quickly as it began, and they suddenly found themselves on a plain.

    "Careful, the winds during storms here are capable of making halflings fly, and any poor fellow roll on the ground for miles. The lightning is also fabled to turn any one who is struck by it, into cooked porkchops! I wouldn't complain about that though, I'm starving!"

    The plain proved to be extremely easier to travel, the ground more smooth and straight, unlike the forest's uneven surface and many trees. They had traveled a great distance by the third day.

    "Seems like we're actually getting somewhere!"

    Then, on the fifth day...


    Drip. Drip. Drip.

    Ba. Da. Ba. Dum. Ba dum, badum, badum, badum, pata, pata, pata.

    The whole group turned and looked up at the sky, it had began to rain almost magically. The sky was clear, there wasn't even a cloud in sight! Then, quite suddenly, the whole sky became dark and covered with clouds, the rain was pounding against the group. The wind roared angrily, their clothes blowing wildly in the wind.

    ZAAAP!, the ground, only a couple feet away was struck by lightning, leaving the grass charred. A thundering sound is heard three seconds later.

    "Everyone! Get down!"

  4. You have valid points, but... there's a SOLUTION RIGHT THERE, and a very simple solution too! I don't see why you are not taking it.

    I don't see why you cannot build a tower, and a connection of paths... somewhere else?

    That forest is gigantic, why do you have to plunk it RIGHT on top of a very beautiful witch house or whatever?

    You clearly see that people are not happy about your choice, and you still continue to force things upon them when this can clearly be very easily solved, by just moving the tower you plan to build, like... twenty blocks to the left a bit?

    I myself, have passed by that building, and I've always loved it.

    It makes me sad, how it's just going to become a dull regular ol' building.

    I remember the first time I came across that building, it was AMAZING.

    Now people will just see a regular ol' tower, and go, "Oh, okay."

    This house right there, is one of the few things that continues making this server mysterious, adventurous and exciting. Seeing something old and ruined, something that the people on the BUILD server built is always great. It's like you war-claiming all of Hanseti's ruins, and turning them into "barracks". Are those not abandoned too?

    I'm sure MANY people will not be happy with that decision at all, either.

    I remember visiting it multiple times too, often one of my many "sight seeing" locations on my travels to that forest.

    Do you really want to get rid of this building, that holds a lot of sentimental feelings for everyone?

    It's a win-win situation, if you just move the darn tower somewhere else. It wouldn't even make a difference at all. It makes me question why you REALLY want that plot? Why is it so god darn IMPORTANT, that it MUST BE THERE, no where else? Just because it's abandoned? How about the other parts of the forest, those are inhabited, are those not abandoned too?

    This building isn't even ugly, it's rather the opposite. It's friggen magnificent.

    Why in Asulon would you want it to be gone?

    You know I'm serious, or unhappy about something when I don't use the color purple.

    Shoot. I just did. omo;;

    Bleh, my typing gets all weird and jumbled up when I try to state my feelings about something.

    This is why I am not good with this kind of stuff. ._.

    EDIT 2:

    Actually, I did not. I read through every single post here.

    EDIT 3: Let me reword that.

    "Actually, I read through ALL the posts, I did not see you say you would not destroy that."


    Must have missed it or misinterperated something.


    It's late. I'm sorry. ._.

    Now I'm just confused.


  5. Domelvia blinks, the fire goes out, and the sound of rustling is heard.

    "Uguuuu... Goodnight to you toooo!"

    Domelvia grumbles and collapses back on her blanket.


    Domelvia sighs, and shuts her eyes tightly. Wishing once again, that her hearing wasn't as good as it is.

  6. Domelvia burrows her face into her purple pillow and shuts her eyes tightly.

    The night was fun and rowdy, everyone seemed to have had a great time. Domelvia shared a few laughs, and finally she felt more at ease with the group around her. Domelvia grimaces, remembering what happened when a man offered her some ale, "It's too bitter." was what she replied with. What sort of stupid excuse is that?! Domelvia makes a mental note to punch herself in the morning.

    "He...ehehehehe... smfth... hah."

    Why does that COD HAM woman keep giggling in her sleep! Is there something THAT funny in her fudging DREAMS?! Domelvia growls, it had been keeping her up all night!

    Domelvia flips over in her sleeping position and faces the starry sky. Domelvia sighs, the stars were awfully clear out here, and amazingly beautiful.



    Domelvia's ear twitches,she grumbles.

    ANOTHER person who's still awake, he better not be thinking on sneaking some ale into his mouth! I've had enough with drunk giggling women, I don't need drunken men stumbling over people...

    Domelvia sits up and stretches, before rubbing her groggy eyes.

    "Hup-Hup...Hup!", Domelvia jumps onto her feet and groans, her feet were awfully sore, she didn't know how she would be able to continue walking tomorrow. She hoped that the group will not recover by then, or she'ld have to CRAWL to wherever they were heading.

    She glares into the darkness, the moon was only one fifth full, and the only other source of light was a dying fireplace.

    "Whooooevverrr yooou aaare! We don't have any more aaaaallllee! You should go back to sleep, you drunk!"

    Domelvia frowns, remembering to not be rude and adds, "Sir." at the end of her sentence. Domelvia stands in the darkness for five seconds, where it seemed like the person she was yelling at had stopped moving completely. Domelvia realizes it might be a woman too, and quickly adds, "Or Ma'am!"

    Domelvia's ear twitches, listening into night and hopes for a response.

    I feel like I'm hugging this RP thread.

    If you want to be the one who interacts with Nikola, you can go ahead and void my post completely and make your own!

    I only made this, cause I honestly have nothing else to really do.

    Edit: And by hugging, I meant hoarding.

    Edit2: And by hoarding, I meant hogging. Which... I think means the same, but that's what I originally meant to type!

  7. Domelvia blinks.

    Three orcs lay dead on the ground, the other three were unconscious.

    The man that was used as a pointer earlier is still curled up in a nice snug ball.

    He's not the only man hurt on the field however. Almost a dozen of people are scattered around the area, some dead, others unconscious. Seemed like almost one fourth of the group had ran away, and another one fifth, were either dead or hurt.

    The group sluggishly gets out of their daze, and slowly the group begins to recover.

    Voices are heard, and people call for each other for support. Slowly their suspicions and doubt about each other fades away, nothing bonds a group together better than defeating a blood lusting group of orcs.

    As night nears, the group agrees to stay here until everyone has fully recovered. The dead were buried, their graves made from the twigs by the side of the road. The orcs' fate however, was unknown. A group of men had dragged their bodies away, and returned afterwards, wiping their bloody swords off with cloth.

    That night, a couple of buckets of ale was passed around, and soon, almost everyone was drunk and rowdy. Everyone celebrated, even though almost half the group was missing or hurt, they were happy and joyful that they were still alive. Cheering and laughing could be heard throughout the night.

    The group's unease and suspicions had finally started fade away.

  8. Okay, OKAY, let's give Ever some time to respond, since he will be role playing as the orcs.

    We're sort of throwing a bunch of attacks on the orcs, and all they're really doing is roaring and ... yeah, roaring. Oh, and also dying.

    Let's just stop posting for now, and give Ever some time.

    All these posts might get a bit overwhelming.

  9. Not at all, you're on the ground, curled up in a nice warm safety ball. Definitely safe from orcs and all, you know~

    The man is some random extra character that none of us are role playing as.

    If you read closely on my last last RP post, there was "an unlucky man" who was already stabbed. The unlucky man is the man I referred to on my other post, I mean, you don't go around continuing to kill innocent travelers, with a dead guy's guts dulling your sharp axe.

  10. Domelvia sees two arrows fly past, and two orcs collapse on the ground seemingly simultaneously.

    Move, legs, move it... Come on, get out, go away from here...

    Domelvia doesn't move at all.

    A roar is heard, and man's scream echos through her ears.

    Come on stupid legs, stop being duumb, you aren't Cainir... come on... come on...

    The strongest orcs plucks off the man on his axe and throws him to the side. The orc advances forward, arrows bonking off of his armor, seemingly not affecting him. He swings his axe around and gives another loud roar.

    Domelvia's feet take a step foward, Foward?! Why am I going foward! Not foward! Are you insane! What are you doing?

    Domelvia takes a step back, Yes, there you go! Now... get out of here... Come on, let's go feet...

    Domelvia proceeds to take another step foward, and then another step back again and then foward again and then back.


    Domelvia does a little panic dance.

    It's alright Ever~! Take your time. All these posts at the same times DOES give the effect of everything happening all at once.

  11. "HELP!"

    Domelvia frowns, "What? What's going on?"

    Suddenly the silent group erupts with noise, the sound of metal hitting metal, and wood against skull, yelling and screaming rings through Domelvia's ears.

    Domelvia yelps, as she gets pushed around by the now panicking group. A load roar is heard from the front of the crowd, and people are seen scrambling back the way they came, forgetting about the promise of treasure and fame that lies ahead.

    Domelvia finds herself on the side of the road, dizzy and confused. She clutches onto her bag tightly, trying to see through the chaos. What she sees almost makes her turn and run away herself. She can count about five... maybe seven burly and muscular orcs in front of the road. An unconscious man is lying towards the front of the road, blood trickling under him. The only weapons she can see are splintery wooden clubs, and... what seemed like the strongest out of the whole group of orcs with an iron chestplate, his iron axe is through the chest of an unlucky man. Possibly he is the leader?

    I think anyone can take the role of the orcs. As long as your not taking the role of the orc fighting the character you're currently role playing as.

  12. I'll suppose Nikola just follows us throughout the whole adventure?

    Domelvia sighs, her feet dragging along the road, Why did I think this would be fun...?

    It had been a couple of days since they've set off on this adventure, the days were passing sluggishly along. Their daily schedule was quite basic, during the day they traveled, and during the evening they looked for a place to settle down. Then of course, at night they ate and slept. Domelvia kept her deal with the cooking job, and an accented man was able to produce some meat, he had a nice walking stick, "I was going to get Hapsi to cook this for me...", was what he said. Well, not exactly what he said, everything that came out of his mouth became all weird and accented. Domelvia wondered where he came from.

    The group was almost always tense. They were almost all strangers, no one really trusted anybody. Domelvia could almost taste the suspicion in the air. Domelvia tried her best to stay next to Ariana. How strange... I feel more comfortable with Ariana, who I feel the most uncomfortable with...

    Domelvia turns to her shoulder, to see the unwelcoming sight of nothing. Eri had flown off, and left her alone again. Eri seemed to enjoy this adventure, he was able to soar freely in places he's never been and get some fresh air. He would often be gone for days. Well, at least HE'S happy...

    Domelvia glances up at the sky, the sun was blazing and hot, almost like a burning fireball in the middle of the sky. Omoooo... It's still afternooooon... Domelvia groans and quickly stops. Ariana was looking at her, she quickly straightens up her posture and gives Ariana the widest smile she could muster. She even adds a double thumbs up. Why did she add a double thumbs up? That was just stupid... Domelvia makes a mental note to never do a stupid gesture like that.

    Don't want her seeing me like this, she'll just tell me to go home... Not like I wouldn't welcome that, but... Domelvia frowns, why did she even continue on this stupid journey? How far away was the Cod Ham wherever they were going anyways? The person leading them seemed like quite a tracker, they really stopped for anything. However, the tracker seemed as if he had no idea where he was going anymore. I doubt we'll be arriving any time soon...

    Domelvia sighs, and mumbles a cheery tune under her breath, the group silent... Rarely anyone talked, or even if they did, it was all in whispers, only that noisy eye-patched man liked to shout a lot.

    "Cus there's a cow, there's a cow..."

    "In my soup in my soup..."

    "That might be why... that might be why..."

    "It smells like cow... it smells like cow..."

    "There's a cow, there's a cow..."

    "In my soup, in my- Soofth!"

    Domelvia yelps as she bumps right into Ariana. She looks around quickly, the group seemed to have stopped. What was going on? They were definitely not even close to the temple...

    I guess I'll leave it like this, and let someone else continue it? Perhaps, from another perspective leading up to the encounter. Perhaps to find out more about why we stopped, or what happened, or really whatever.

    You're free to do anything, I guess this was just a "Leading Into" post.

    I might've forced some actions/personalities on people, I hope that's fine. If it's not something your character would do, just say that in a spoiler, and we would completely void it.

  13. Domelvia nods, and shifts her bulgy pouch.

    "Yes... O-of course! I'm always ready! Haha... heh...", Domelvia's laugh trails off, she realizes she actually still has no idea what she is getting herself into. "For Treasure." That sounded exciting enough, she guessed, but she has this uncomfortable feeling that she's getting into something more than she could handle. How far was this temple anyways? How long would this adventure even take? She also had this tugging feeling that this is probably a very unwise and dangerous journey.

    Domelvia shrugs off these thoughts off and beams, "If everyone is set, we better not stray for any longer! Anyone who wants to stay should tell us nooow!~"

    Domelvia does tiny excited jumps before turning bright red and settling down. Her apprehensive thoughts from before, forgotten.

    "Eri, this is going to be SO exciting~!"

    We should probably get going on the adventure now.

    Ever, if you don't mind, may you push us towards our journey? Describe what we will have to go through to go to the temple, or should one of us do the honors?

    You know the difficulties we will face on the journey anyways, so I would think that you would make a post soon?

  14. Domelvia squeals with pleasure, and looks around the group, "When will we be going? Where to? And..."

    Domelvia frowns for a split second before laughing, "I-I actually haven't even found out what this is all about! Does anyone care to explain all this to me?"

    Domelvia tugs at her dress nervously, "I-I mean, if it's not a problem or anything.. I just... sort of popped in here... I hope... that's fine..."

  15. Domelvia raises her palms in the air, "Not at all! Even if I ask, you can just refuse. Not like a weaponless girl like me can do anything about it!"

    Domelvia beams excitedly and whispers to Eri, "Isn't this great!? We finally get to do something EXCITING."

  16. "Ehm?", Domelvia frowns, her ears perking up,"Money?".

    Domelvia takes a glance at her bird and then back at the strangers, her eyes filled with curiosity. The call of adventure welcoming. Well, a lot more welcoming than going back home to another boring day at home.

    "I may not be much of a fighter... but, I've been told that I can make cook up some DELICIOUS food. My family always tells me that when I cook, the food seems to MULTIPLY. I don't want any jewels or anything! May I just please come along?"

    Domelvia leans forward, her eyes are filled with longing, sick and tired of having such a dull and plain life, "Anyways, if we're seen... " Domelvia motions at her rather small size and lack of weaponry, "I don't think anyone will think that I'm a bandit."

    "I would just be a simple cook, to help you have a nice meal before a day of adventure!"

    Darn, this color scheme is a lot more complicated than I thought. ._.

  17. Domelvia squeaks and opens and then closes her mouth, totally forgetting what she was just about to ask her.


    Domelvia blinks twice and then turns to Eri and then back at Ariana, before saying slowly, "Erii... was just wondering... do you know what's going on?"

    Domelvia looks around nervously at the large group of people, shifting her feet around uneasily.

    "It just ... seems like... something REALLY important is going on..."

  18. "Cuz there's a cow in my soooup~ "

    "In my soup, in my soooup~"

    "That might be why, that might be whhy..."

    "It smells like cow, it smells like cow!"

    Domelvia skips down the path to Roseus, singing a cheery tune. A small pouch swings wildly at her side. It is bulgy and seems to be stuffed with different assortments of items. A small bluejay is perched on her shoulder, clicking happily to her song.

    ""There's a cow, there's a cow."

    "In my soup in my soup."

    "If it's not too much of a trouble, can you remoooove i- Ore?"

    Domelvia stops in front of a small inn, by the name of "Hapsi's Haven" she usually passes along on her random wanderings. A large group had crowded around the entrance and there seems to be a lot of commotion. Domelvia tugs at her ear nervously, the shop usually rather empty when she runs past.

    "Omoo! I wonder what's going on, Eri?", she turns to the bluejay on her shoulder, which gives her a click as a reply.

    "What? You see..." Domelvia lowers her voice, "Misses Serious-Face?"

    Domelvia shivers, just the presence of that serious faced woman with her buisness-like state made her uncomfortable.

    "Maybe she knows what's going on?" Domelvia really disliked having to talk to the woman, as it only makes her overly awkward and uncomfortable. Her curiosity was too strong however, and the group seemed to be rather excited over something...

    Domelvia squeezes past the crowd, shoulders and elbows banging her and knocking her around. Clutching her pouch tightly with her hand, making sure no one would be able to pickpocket her precious items, she finally making it over to where a quite annoyed yet serious woman is, she turns bright red and tugs on her sleeve.

    "E-Ehm... Missus, excuse me..."

    Domelvia notices that Ariana seems to be rather preoccupied, and hopes by Aeriel she isn't interrupting anything.

    Ay, Hamin, I was pretty sure everyone was outside to begin with. So that's how I role played it. I hope I'm not mistaken.

    I hope it's fine if I pop in~

    I made my actions color coded, and stuff. And I will always make my text YELLOW when referring to someone in this forum RP.

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