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Posts posted by CowsGoMoo

  1. First off, hello, nice to meet you.


    Second, Kanji is Chinese. (Kanji = Chinese symbols) The Japanese used to use only Kanji for their written language until they started to come out of their shell and nobody knew what was being written. That is how Katakana and Hiragana got made, along with Romaji. The differences between these two languages is the prononcuations and that the Japanese now mix Hiragana into their written language (Katakana is only for foreign words). When you leanr Japanese, you need to learn both the Kunyomi and Onyomi (Japanese reading and Chinese reading) due to the Japanese using the Onyomi sometimes instead. Everything is contextual. It is very complex.


    Third, I am weak in Japanese. I am in Japanese II right now, but I had to skip a year for this due to Sensei only teaching mornings and I was elswhere for the three periods he taught. I'm weak even in Hiragana again. Then there's the fact I can't really figure out the words. XD


    So, I will try to translate now:

    Hajuya(I think that's suppose to be a little ya for jya)mashite! - (No clue.)

    Boku no namae wa Keni- desu. 15 nan desu yo! Neni ga daisuki desu. - My name is Kenny. I am 15! I love (Neni?).

    Eto... - Um...

    Boku no Nihongo (日本語 ni-hon-go Where The Sun Sets) wa warui desu. Nani o kakimasu ka (ka = ?). ...Wakarimasen. (I remembered that one!) - I am (dunno) Japanese. What do I write? I'm not sure.

    Eee... Jyane! - Yeah... (had to look that up; not heard of it before) See you!



    I basically wrote,

    "Nice to meet you! (hazimemashite)


    My name is Kenny. I am 15! I love cats(neko).


    I am bad(warui) at Japanese. What do I write? I'm not sure.

    Yeah (Or basically just a word filler in awkward situations) ... See you!"


    At least... I THINK that's what I wrote.


    And I said "similar to Chinese", because for some weird reason, some people seem offended when I say Japanese Kanji is identical to Chinese characters. o_o

    -shruggle- I dunno.

  2. Hello there, person I don't quite know that much!


    I'm learning Japanese, though I'm not really good at it! I gave up on reading your sentence because I could not read any of that Kanji for the life of me.

    Although I also know how to speak Chinese, I can't read or write it! Which is why Kanji (which is very similar to Chinese characters) gives me such a difficult time and an extremely bad migraine when I see it.


    Which is also the reason why I'm going to type out a Japanese introduction sentence with only Hiragana characters and very horrid grammar! 


    I hope I have not burned out your eyes with my horrible Japanese. 
    And again, nice to meet you. :>
  3. I'd say surrender. And by the way, what happens if the Lone Wolf dies in this?


    He doesn't.


    LONE WOLF /never/ DIES!




    We just rewind, and go to the point in which he was still alive, and continue on.


    Of course, when we die, we feel sad, because we have failed Pi4t, and added another death to the death count.

  4. Damn dats depressing.


    I didn't mean for it to be depressing. That's just how we work! :}


    We always look towards the future, and never at the present. We wait for what we think will happen in the future, dreaming about it, hoping that it would happen. It's basically what drives us.


    My point is, some thing we wait for is worth the wait, because if you get what you waited for, then all is well!

    So no, it's not depressing.


    The more waiting = the more important the thing you gain from all the waiting is. So our life is filled with important things that we've gained from waiting and waiting and waiting!

  5. What's wrong with waiting? Isn't our whole life just waiting? You wait for school to end, then you wait for dinner, then, you wait for the time you FINALLY finish homework, and then you wait until you go to sleep. 


    You wake up, and you wait some more, and you graduate from high school, and wait for college, and when you're in college, you wait until graduation, and when you graduate, you wait until you get a job, and when you get a job, you wait until retirement, and when you retire, well... you wait until you die.


    Surely we can handle some more waiting to add upon our life of waiting, right?

  6. A guide on how to speak Orc, or maybe an Orc RP guide in general. I know speaking the Kha accent turned me off a bit when making my Kha. But Geo made a fantastic guide explaining how the accent worked, and I picked up on it easily. Just a suggestion. And also more honorable orcs and less bandits. I'm glad to see that you guys are taking the initiative to fix problems that you may have, something I feel all the races should do in preparation for 3.0, honestly. 


    I swear, there used to be a Blah guide buried someplace in the Forums. However, after searching around, I can't seem to find it.


    Looked closer, and found an Orcish Dictionary of sorts: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/13396-orc-dictionary/ 

    (I miiiight've used it on one or two occasions, to help me better understand the Orcish language. -puts hand over mouth and grimaces- Whoops.)


    I swear, there was also an Orcish RP Guide SOMEPLACE too...  but if there isn't, I agree about needing some more informative Orcish posts.


    I've been on the server for a year and a half, and I really don't know anything about Orcish culture. That just might be me not paying attention to posts and threads, but perhaps you should COMMERCIALIZE the Orcish race a bit more? That might gain some more attention from newer players (or even older players), and thus add to the Orcish population! 

  7. Oh! It's back!

    Yeah. I was wondering where everyone ran off to, and could only watch helplessly as this thread was buried by all the other threads.

    Running- Not good. We'll be seen as COWARDLY to these nice people in the crowd.
    Surrendering- Also cowardly, but if done with STYLE, we will win back the citizen's approval, and perhaps they will help us escape! We can flick our hair, and give a wink as we surrender. Or, we can smile broadly, as if he just asked us out for a nice dinner. Yes.
    MURDER- Well. It's pretty god damn badass, but we'll die. I mean, sure, we're LONE FUDGING WOLF and all invincible and everything, but we're also allergic to stab wounds. Tragic, I know.

    I vote for surrendering with style. What would be pretty cool if we broke out in dance or something, and just started to rock the whole crowd. Too bad this isn't High School Musical. Even if it was, it would be called Vassgonian Kingdom Musical or something. I don't even know.

  8. Banned, because I already banned you. Wait, no. I'm also banned.


    Can a banned person ban an already banned person? And if that's the case, can the now banned person, who was already banned before, ban the person who banned them, who was already banned to begin with?


    Wouldn't that just make the person that you've banned, angry, and ban back the person in response? And, if you're banned, how can you ban a person that banned you in the first place? And if you're the person that's being banned by an already banned person, could you refuse to acknowledge the said ban, and continue being un-banned? If that's the case, then wouldn't the person who you just banned, do the same to you? I mean, you were banned also, but you just refused to acknowledge you were banned, so you continued to ban other people, who were already banned, but also refused to acknowledge that they were banned, because the person they were banned by was already banned? 


    So wouldn't that just make all this banning pointless, and not really banning to begin with? Unless, we were to be actually banned for these stupid things, and thus, cause the person who banned for such a stupid reason to be banned also, for the over-usage of one's power? So in the end, wouldn't we run out of banners, and not be able to ban anyone anymore?



  9. I've actually... seen you around, although, I haven't directly talked to you or anything. 


    You've certainly made enough of an impact for me to remember you though, even though I don't know you.


    Sooo, I think I'll give you an 8/10, for being memorable!

  10. Wow. So much reading!

    I'm a bit disappointed there was no...


    "If you want to make love with Madelon, turn to 69."


    Buuut, I'll take what we've got! We have yet again, MURDERED another person! BWAHAHAHA!


    Now, since we're Lone Wolf, and can't possibly die no matter what, as seen from our AMAZINGLY low death count. I say we take NO ITEMS. We go in there with what we have. Which is actually, already quite a lot.


    Now, I choose Mind over Matter as our little perk, because... who DOESN'T want to move things? I mean sure, we can probably only move like a feather or something, but even so, that's AWESOME!


    And also, drop our stupid diamond. Why do we even have that jewel? Who the hell needs diamonds anyways? I mean come on. It's just a GLITTERY ROCK.

  11. Hrmmm... I think we should crash this cult party.

    Jump in, drink some beers, get some chicks (preferably Madelon, she is SUUUPER hot), drink more beers, party a bit, and ... oh yeah, kill that one guy with the dagger, who's about to do an evil ritual to summon this horrible all-powerful undead demon that would probably kill us all.

    Theeen, we ditch the party, cause the party-goers'll probably be a bit angry that we just murdered their leader.

    We'll probably get some beers thrown at us, and perhaps some spears. Hopefully, we won't die.

    Really. Sometimes Lone Wolf makes the weirdest decisions. There's gotta be another way out of this situation, other than "WAVE HANDS AROUND LIKE AN IDIOT", and "JUMP IN AND STAB EVERYTHING LIKE A MEATHEAD".

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