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Posts posted by CowsGoMoo

  1. The unguarded path, is always the BAD path.

    If something is too easy to be true, then it's definitely not true. That's just how life works! Let's go and beat up some guards. We're Lone Wolf for Christ's sake, and Lone Wolf NEVER dies! Well... Except for that ONE time... a few moments ago, when the cake was like a lie... and those other three times... when we-- THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT!

    We don't die, so we gotta take all the risks.

    [Edit: Ugh. Double post. My bad! The internet in this hotel isn't the greatest... Vacationing! Whooo!]

  2. The unguarded path, is always the BAD path.

    If something is too easy to be true, then it's definitely not true. That's life for you! Let's go and beat up some guards! We're Lone Wolf, and Lone Wolf NEVER dies! Well... Except for that ONE time... a few moments ago, when the cake was like a lie... and those other three times... when we... THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT!

    We don't die, so we gotta take all the risks.

  3. "Okay... urhrh...."

    A teenage kid clicks open a new tab, and types in a website hastily. He clicks on a small button, reading, "I forgot my password". Then, the boy enters in multiple emails, before finally gaining access. He occasionally pops back to this thread, and tabs out, typing furiously into his keyboard. The boy frowns slightly at the Security Questions...

    "H-hey Timmy? What is your favorite place to visit? Oh, and your first pet's name?... That is, if you have one... or, had one?"

  4. I don't think I need to say much to prove that Timmy is fit for a role such as this.

    We've all seen his work in the App Team, and on the Wiki, and you don't need to be a friend of his, to say that he has an excellent personality.

    He's one of the few people that I've seen actively helping out and supporting the Lord of the Craft community, in a nice friendly and calm way that makes you feel as though you've known him for years.

    The only negative thing about Timmy that I can think of, is that he likes cupcakes. (DOWN WITH THE CUPCAKES!)

    However, I'm willing to set aside the cupcake and muffin war aside, and support his application.

    I truly hope Timmy is accepted onto the Team!

  5. Why do we even have a Flask of Holy Water? Seriously. I don't think we'll be fighting any zombies or vampires anytime soon. Drop that Flask!

    Also, let's drop... a rope. I don't' think we'll need TWO ropes, and if we ever do... you can just point at me, and call me bad names, mmkay?

    I say we take the pick, because the pick will PICK which destiny will befall us! Well, of course, the pick can still pick a bad destiny, but EVEN SO.

    Which way...? Well, let's let the pick decide! The pick picked nothing, because the pick doesn't actually exist.

    Ehh... seems like the West is the best.

    So let's go West.

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