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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by CowsGoMoo

  1. Hi! My name is Kenny, or... if you want to go by my minecraft username, cowsgopoo. I'm super late with this introduction thing, but hey, I've been on and off for the past two years, so that's an excuse, right? Anyways, since I'm probably going to be returning for real now, I guess I might as well introduce myself.


    I have been on this server since... 2011, actually. Started out as a Freshmen, and now I've just graduated high school and I'm heading on over to college. Pretty spooky if you ask me. I'm going to be majoring in Psychology, and hopefully I'll also be able to minor in Statistics. I'm aiming to land a job in researching... though, teaching Psychology or Statistics as a high school teacher is also very appealing to me.


    So you must be thinking... "Oh dang, this dude's been around since 2011? He must've done something super productive and outstanding on the server!" Nooope. I haven't held any staff positions, or really had characters of any notable standing. This donation tag isn't even from me actively contributing to the server with my money, I won it in a skin making competition. I've... just sorta been a dude, who's just sorta been around.  


    Since I'm too lazy to type out more sentences, I'll summarize a bunch of other random stuff about myself in bullet points:

    • I'm Asian, with Taiwanese parents. I know how to speak Chinese, but cannot for the life of me read or write it.
    • I enjoy playing the piano. Pretty shocking, I know. I mean, an Asian guy playing piano? That never happens!!!!
    • My mom wanted me to go into Art for college, but because of the space-time continuum ripping apart due to the breaking of an Asian stereotype, I saved the world by deciding to go into Psychology and Statistics instead. 
    • I enjoy drawing, but I ain't nowhere as good as some of the folks here.
    • My mom owns a daycare. That means my life is filled with toddlers and infants screaming, crying, laughing and slamming on stuff. It really isn't that bad though. I don't understand the hate for kids some people have. They're really just a bundle of fun. 
    • I don't ever want to be a parent though. Way too much responsibility.
    • I like cats, but I have a feeling I'm allergic to them.
    • I took Japanese for 6 years, two years in Middle School and four years in High School. I still suck ass at it. I nearly failed the class every year, but stupidly kept taking it. I don't even watch that much anime, why the Hell did I take Japanese? I literally have no use for it, god dammit. I should've took Spanish instead. 
    • I have a dog. His name is Max and he is the light of my life. 
    • I live in a community that is like 60%+ Asian. My parents can get around on a daily basis without speaking a wink of English. 
    • I have a lisp, because I was born with an abnormally short tongue. It isn't because I'm Asian... >:C 
    • I might be going bald (curse my grandparent's genes). Which means I may shave off my hair and become a Buddhist monk soon. 
    • You know how the tip of your nose usually has cartilage? Mine is really soft and flexible. Which means I can literally boop my nose into my face. It's pretty wild.
    • I wear pants on a daily basis.


    Anyways, since I've been gone so long, there's a whooole bunch of people I have not met/seen before, so it's nice meeting you all, and I hope we can meet each other in-game soon!

  2. http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Roboticization

    I-I can turn people into... mindless robots. That is one villainous superpower. 

    I just wouldn't use it, and hope to god I don't ACCIDENTALLY use it.

    Seems like a shitty super power to use on someone anyways. Gross


    Let me try this again, and see if I get a superpower that doesn't make me feel like a terrible human being.


    Okay. I can hold my breath for a long time. That's... kinda neat I guess. 

    I suppose I'll just... exercise more with this ability? 

  3. I've always thought PvE with roleplay combat events have been fun, but they can be a challenge when you have lots of people. Try to do them in smaller communities! Hop around and find random people walking on paths, give them a good scare or something interesting to see. It's those kind of events that give people stories to tell.


    I agree! Events involving lesser amounts of people is always much more easy to organize, and also less confusing and chat-spammy. I was involved in... one event that had just like, maybe eight people? I actually quite enjoyed that, because I could roleplay and actually knew what was going on. With too many people, it just ends up becoming this large mess of "I don't even know what's happening". 

  4. Holy cow, how did I not see this? I am officially a week late to this. Good going, me.


    Sad to see you go, man -- Not that I'm really active myself, 'nymore, but still. 


    It was always nice seeing you around on the forums, and I'm going to miss responding to your status updates with "TIMMY". And man, was the OOC chat back then real lively and fun. 


    I'm sure the perseverance and hard-working nature of your's is going to get you far. You done did good, man. You done did good.


    Gonna miss ya. ;m; 


  5. Nat had remained silent when the professor made her speech--it wasn’t really different from some of the overly dramatic tangents that her customers spouted while she did their hair. She had gave people like that stiff smile and a nod of her head, usually people like that were all talk, with no intention to actually do anything. However, the professor--although just as caught up in the romanticized image of revolution as the rest of them, seemed to be actively doing something. The gap between the lower class and the privileged was only growing and growing, though thankfully, she was one of the lucky few who managed to land smack dab in the middle of it all. She was part of the ever thinning middle class. She wasn’t quite sure how she was able to live a somewhat privileged life from simply cutting hair, but once in a while, some rich gal would stride in--probably preparing for some fancy party or something--and after seeing that she had done a satisfying job with her hairdo, they would give her a substantial tip for her services. After all, people like that were quite literally made out of money. To them, a couple hundred of dollars was nothing, but to Nat, it was what kept her from teetering over the edge into poverty.


    The other survivors haven’t really acknowledged her yet--probably barely even noticed her in the rush of everything. If there was one thing she was good at, she thought glumly, it was being invisible. Even the professor hardly offered her a glance while giving them all his tangent of a speech. After he finished, a few people spoke out, offering their names, and what they could offer to the cause. When the professor turned to her, she blinked, slightly taken aback. She gave him two rather nervous nods, and said, “Urh, my name’s Nat Kearney…” . He seemed satisfied with that, which made her sigh with relief. She honestly didn’t have much to offer. Unless everyone needed a haircut extremely badly or something, all she had was her extremely limited (or rather, basically nonexistent) skill with a rifle. Even so, a revolution seemed to have been long-coming, with the growing resentment within the cities and the ever increasing separation between all social classes. Clearly, something was wrong with the inner workings of the city, and she supposed it was about time for change.

  6. Nat smiled, holding a small glass of alcohol tightly in her hands. It was a tense little smile, with the sides of her lips twisting upwards to form a grimace. Her dancing partner, Matt, was at ease, staring off towards the center of the ballroom at the dancers a loose grin on his face. They were friends, generally speaking. They talked occasionally, but only when she happened to bump into him while going through her daily tasks, or when he happened by the saloon she worked at. He had pressured her to come with her to the party, and having nothing else to do that day, she agreed to go. She had began to regret that decision. She wasn’t too big on parties--they were crowded, usually stuffy, and loud enough to be migraine inducing--but, she couldn’t deny that they were enjoyable. It was an easy way to take her mind off of things, and some socialization was always healthy, she supposed. It was pretty much crowded, stuffy, and loud in any other part of the walking metal box she was stuck in anyways, so she guessed it didn’t really matter. At the very least there was free food and drink here, and she was definitely going to take advantage of that.
    “Hey Nat!”, Matt called over the noise, jerking his head towards the food area, “Wanna grab so-”



    She wasn't quite sure what happened, but she was on the ground. She glanced around in panic, gripping onto the table she was behind. The sound of gunshots rang through the air. She twitched as the vase on the table next to her shattered, sending shards of glass scattering across the ground next to her. She was frozen in place, her body rigid in fear. Matt was already gone, having probably ran off already--and she had no idea which direction the exit was. She cursed, and began to make her way through the tables, pushing her way through the throngs of people trying to reach safety. She caught a quick glimpse of what appeared to be the side-doors of the ballroom during her scramble for safety, noting the others who were also heading in the same direction. She kicked off her high heels, already regretting her choice of formal attire. Keeping low, she began to sprint towards the others. She hoped that the tables would at least give her some sort of cover against the bullets that still slammed through the building. She reached the exit just in time for a gauss rifle to be thrown straight into her hands. She blinked, staring down at the weapon for quite a moment, before simply letting out a small, “Oh.”


    "We can't stay in the streets, they'll light us up!"

    Right. Bullets. Probable death. Should probably find something to hide behind, she thought to herself. She scrambled for cover, gasping for air still, Aaah, fuuuuck”, she groaned, noticing a large zeppelin heading over towards their direction. She fumbled around with her weapon in her panic. She had a little experience with guns--she had kept a small handgun in her shop, and because of that, had learned how to use most of the basic weapons at a very… well, basic level. She gulped. There might be a chance they could take down the zeppelin with their rifles, but .. wouldn’t that just be a waste of ammo? How many shots would they have to take at it in order for it to finally go down? Finding someplace more solid to take cover in would be a much better alternative. She looked around, searching for the other survivors, hoping for any other cues for further action.

  7. Late-to-the-party.jpg


    Just a tiiiiny bit late, but I appreciate your enthusiasm.


    Happy Belated Halloween to you too! There's... not a lot of food left, but uh. I mean, after Halloween all the stores start selling their Halloween-sized candy bags for half off, so you've got that going on for you, I guess.

  8. MC Name: ---  cowsgopoo
    Your Full Name: ---  Domelvia Flormai
    Your Age: --- 86
    Your Gender: ---  Female
    Are you already a citizen? --- Yes. 
    What skills do you have? Would you be willing to join the guard? ---  I cook rather frequently, but I'd hardly call myself an expert with it. I also did quite a bit of farming in the past, though... my knowledge of it has gotten quite rusty as the years past.  I brush upon some leatherworking too, though I see it more as a hobby -- but again, I'm not the greatest at it. I would make a terrible guard, so that would be a no.
    ((Though, all these skills are at PROMISING at the moment, after the skill reset during the move to 4.0, and my laziness(/ lack of places to work the skills) to actually level them up :<)) 
    Are you moving in alone or with family/friends? --- With a friend. Irie Lanya
    Are you of full Mali'ker blood? --- No.
    Have you previously been wanted by Haelun'or? --- No.
    Do you agree to abide by the laws of Haelun'or and the Concordat? --- Of course.

    Try unselected your second profession, most basic recipes are 'Promising' tier, having 2 skills set seems to limit your non-selected ones to Inept (one rank below Promising).



    Sporadic said this is an oversight, so it will most likely be changed.


    Phew, thank goodness. That's really good to know. Being inept in everything is pretty scary, and makes simple tasks a lot more harder than they should be. 

  10. Everyone is worried that they are going to be constantly raided and forced off the server. If you would have a look at the rules page you would find :


    Consistently depriving another player (or players) of their fun for your own personal gain or amusement, even after receiving appropriate warnings, is punishable if deemed necessary by the moderation teams. This may also be considered harassment. Essentially, don't be a troublesome player that only plays to annoy others or be a nuisance.



    If you truly feel that you are being over raided by a certain group by all means file a player report. These changes state that there is no raid rules but they don't overrule our current rules. 



    The problem with that is... how are you supposed to ban report a whole FACTION? Who would be the one to be penalized in a situation like this? And how many times do you need to be raided until it is too much


    What if you're being raided by different cities? And... if those cities are protected from being taken over... then what can you do to fight back against them? I mean... raiding them back would just further aggravate the situation, and just make everyone madder (that is now a word). I guess talking to the leaders would somewhat help, and would be a nice way to solve it in roleplay, but there's room for disagreements, more anger, more frusteration, that will further spiral out of control and turn into OOC conflict. There's just a lot of room for something rather bad to happen in a scenario like this. D:

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