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Posts posted by CowsGoMoo

  1. wwisfjafieeeeeeeeghwoajjeifautjgotwoijotweogwegdssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

    O-Oh... Whoops. Sorry, that was me flailing all over my keyboard. It's just that... NGGHHH. Can't talk, can only....






    Congrats to all the new GMs!

  2. Whaat! Let's go investigate. Lone Wolf doesn't back down from exploring!


    Lone Wolf the Explorer, off into the wild for another adventure!


    Dora Lone Wolf the Explorer!

    Boots Banedon, that super cool exploradora! 

    Need your help! 
    Grab your backpacks! 
    Lets go! 
    Jump in! 



    You can lead the way! 
    Hey! hey! 

    (Jesus. I didn't know Dora the Explorer's theme song was this HORRIBLE...)


    Hopefully, we don't bump into Swiper... That guy's one nasty fellow. If we meet him, we'll have to yell at him, "Swiper, no swiping!", to get him to stop swiping things!

  3. As soon as it clears the bolt-hole, you pull open the

    stone portal and race through


    I-Is it bad... that I read that as... "As soon as it clears the BUTT-hole"? I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when I realized my mistake.


    Anyways, I think we should just go for the bird. What could that dumb guard even have? The only thing that's more scarier than the GROUND, is a sword through my EYEBALL, and something like that happening seems likely if we dilly-dally with some dead guy when we have everything we need.

  4. Well... I'm going to head down the path.


    The portal sounds scary! Even if it isn't a NETHER PORTAL OF DOOOM. Perhaps I would've chose it if it was called "DOOR" instead. But nope! The harm is done! It's a portal, and I want nothing to do with it! 


    Down the rather dark, scary, and possibly filled with cannibals path!

  5. Home Alone style!


    Push that drum down the stairs! What else do we have? Check your pockets for marbles! Darn! We don't have any! Do we have icy slippery stairs...? Ahhh, this is in a desert, so no we don't! How about lotsa string and buckets? No? Well, let's just push that piano in the corner down the stairs! What? The piano doesn't exist?


    I guess a drum will do then...

  6. All your posts make me laugh. Anyway, arch.


    They do? A-Ahhh! A... A compliment! WhatdoIdoWhatdoIdo!? Waaaah!


    A-And... Yeah. I forgot what an arch was. Which is really awkward. >_> >_< <_<


    And also. I'm not sure what you mean by the one that is sensible... I mean, one leads to the garden... which may or may not be closed off, and the other leads to a tower... that will probably....

    Ooooooh...  I see!


    Yeah. Tower. Definitely. 

  7. Panic running to the ARCH!


    Mainly because I'm not quite sure what an arch is. What exactly is an arch?


    Whatever it is, it sounds safe. It also sounds like it turns to a safe page. 381 is a very nice number. If you add it together, you get 12! A perfectly even and dividable number.


    See, if you add up 317, you get 11. An imperfectly odd and a prime indivisible number. If it's prime, it's probably a mime!

    And I HATE mimes.

  8. . . .


    Jump out of the window straight into a lake! Make sure to do a double back flip, and land with your hands pointing down to avoid injury. The judges shall rank us a 10-10-10 for that stunning display of diving!


    Then, we'll be sent to the Olympics and... we'll win a billion gold medals! Whooo! Go Lone Wolf!


    See, running away wins you medals. The more you know!

  9. Well, doesn't seem TOO ominous, right? Foot prints leading into a dark scary tunnel with only one route out... Probably hidden for a reason!


    But stuff like this is pretty much normal for our good old protagonist LONE FREAKING WOLF, so I mean, it's just second nature to venture into the dark scary cave that probably has a bunch of ghouls and scary stuff inside. That's just how bad-ass LONE FRIGGIN' WOLF really is.

  10. Blacksmiths are friendly.


    If you go to the blacksmith and pretend to be a regular old citizen, I'm sure you'll blend in quite nicely... but then again, we're LONE FRIGGEN WOLF. Basically, we're the midevil Justin Beiber.


    And you know what midevil Justin Beibers don't need? ARMOR! Because, goddammit, we're FAMOUS!


    Go on ahead! Lone FREAKING Wolf doesn't need armor! Only NON-famous and not FABULOUS people need armor! Pfffft!


    We are just...


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