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Status Updates posted by Blackdragonhole

  1. This winter Recess thing for my school is for the entire week. Im sooooo bored at hooooome!

    1. Blackdragonhole


      Only thing I can do is just Drive to the bowling ally and just pratice my skills there.

    2. Lykos


      Hah. "f*** it dude, let's go bowling"

    3. Blackdragonhole
  2. Waiting waiting and waiting... For somthing to happen.

    1. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      waiting waiting and waiting... For Saturday :D

    2. Blackdragonhole


      Im off of school for the entire week... Im bored out of my mind.

  3. Who wants to go flying around the world with wings!

  4. The woodpeckers have returned to my house. Ya now I can listen to there sweet sound of pecking in the morning again!

  5. Stop and Stare you think your moving but really your going nowhere.

    1. Distuth


      And that goes double if you're quoting old song lyrics.

  6. I have had the most weirdest dream.... I cant believe who was in the dream first off. LOTC has now become a dream attack in my head.

    1. Lykos


      I have LOTC dreams all the time... Once I even had a dream about being on the forums. It scares me.

    2. AutomatonX


      Same. Makes me feel as if we are playing too much LotC. But who am I kidding? There's no such thing as too much LotC...r..r....right? ;)

  7. I really hate this cold.

  8. Lets see.... I got dibs on being a Quarian in ME3!!!!

    1. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      I wanna see Tali's face D:<

    2. Blackdragonhole


      ME TO... But that would spoil the game now wouldn't it.

  9. This Chest pain keeps hurting making me not breathe... When will it end!

  10. Days keep going by...

  11. In Valintines day. I just think of it as a normal day. Well feels like a normal day to me. Maybe not to others.

    1. Sinstrite


      It is normal, you shouldn't need a day of the year to help you express your love for another, it should be yearly. It just tugs at the heart strings of those without someone to love, (me included).

    2. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      Only holidays that are abnormal for me aer christmas and newyears.

  12. (My right eye is starting to give up on me.)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Religious_Pie
    3. Ever


      Well when you're seeking refuge in someone else's body because you didn't listen to me, don't complain :< hmph

    4. Blackdragonhole


      You follow yer path and I'll follow mine. May Malin guide ye now.

  13. ((I got a new high series in bowling... 700 Series! All. First game 237, Second game 216, Third game 247, Scholership here I come!))

  14. The race against time will happen... Will ye fight for it or not?

  15. Exploring a vast world.. Full of life and wonder.

  16. Things keep changing and it will never end

  17. Work in progress......... Umm how much longer?

  18. ((brothers birthday today))

    1. Brent


      ((Because this is ooc. Duh.))

    2. Brent


      ((*puts on loud ooc music.))

  19. Time... Time to stop keeping secrets

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Silly. Secrets are what keeps the world from being destroyed.

  20. ....Insane.. Hated... Nothing new.

  21. Do you believe... Is love possible in life?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Salamandra


      Yes, but that joy goes away once you have kids. ^_^

    3. CowsGoMoo


      Whaat? I've always imagined the joy BEGINS when you have kids, the joy ends, when your kids grow up... =n=

    4. CommanderCaleb
  22. Seeing alot more mori all of a sudden...?

  23. So alone... So alone... Why must I live a lonely life now...

    1. Twilight Druid
    2. Blackdragonhole


      ... Cant I just have my own moments to myself?

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