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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by loakmendbe


  2. Looking forward to it! Seems interesting in every aspect.
  3. Mmph... I don't want this since if it was just "One Person" Deciding if the undead were to come back, even if it could end any way it could be bad. Since most don't want the undead back, but more minor antagonists.
  4. Scratches his brow and says to the man talking about the guild Hanseti's problems with Renatus are over, so I would not advertise that otherwise it would be giving false information.
  5. Well.. it think they may be busy on writing new lore and such for the black hand, I suggest sending a new one when they say you can.
  6. Nope, that's what you have to do when you make a guild themed off of killing people for pay.
  7. Very interesting guild, this can go far.
  8. Hello my fellow White Ravens, I have recently arrived at the guilds keep, would anyone mind showing me around or letting me in? Thank you if so. - Vl'athar
  9. Minecraft Name: Hightinker RP Name: Vl'athar Why do you wish to join The White Ravens?: I was told by a guard if I wanted revenge against the undead I should join "The White Ravens" I asked him what it was, he explained that it was a faction that fought against the undead. From then On I wanted to join them. Are you against the Undead? Why?: My Family was killed by undead when I was just a lad, I wish to seek revenge and end there spree of killings and unite the world of aegis into a alliance against all of evil. What skills do you bring to The White Ravens? How will these help us?: I am a Warrior, I could be on the front line. But I will need some training, I have only entered the world of aegis a short time ago and I wish to be a great warrior and to defeat any evil in the world. Do you understand and agree with all of our rules?: Yes, They are as good and simple as they can get.
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