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Status Updates posted by Strawberry114

  1. -finishes 70 page project- -dies-

  2. -looks at one full page of comments by Italian assasin-

    New record!

  3. -Makes more coffee-

  4. -sees she has no profile comments-

    -posts comment-

  5. -stalks profile page-

  6. ...Oh. Carry on, then.

    And have fun vacation-ing!

  7. Accidently added you as a friend, sorry xD

  8. All hail the fish lord

  9. And so on this day in 1945, the auschwitz concentration camp was liberated.

  10. Apparently a hurricane is heading towards the northeast.. yay..

  11. Are you on skype anymore?

  12. Be an orc for a week, have half the War Uzg trying to mate with you.

  13. Brooklyn honey~ We just got power back a few days ago and we flooded some, it could have been way worse though. Are you ok?

  14. Check yer skype, knife ear~

  15. Daylight savings, I completely forgot. -_-

  16. Does anyone remember 'stay strong ebo'? How is he doing these days? :P

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