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Status Replies posted by Spacewolf

  1. Quote of the day "Your not half as smart as you think." "No but I'm smarter than you."

  2. Who will win the Fight? James Horen-Hightower, or James Horen-Hightower?

  3. We are trying to push a cow 200 blocks to a group of bandits who asked for one. Stahp the crashing!

  4. Enough with complaining about the mobs! " Too little! " " Too less! "

    1. Spacewolf


      Why would you need a better reason to light up your city?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Good/Morning/Night Everyone! I'm going to watch a movie! -PS i'm sure you don't care.-

  6. Question, LOTC community. My cjharacter, Rusen, has changed like... radically, to the point where I cant even tell if it is still him. I mean, he has the same history and what not but... anyways, question. Should I continue him, as Rusen, or make this into someone new? I love my character, but he has changed so much, I cant tell if it is even fair to call him the same character

  7. what happened to teh sever and all that ?

    1. Spacewolf


      I was worried someone else was gonna buy the site.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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