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El Ricktador

Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by El Ricktador

  1. I like this idea. I think this idea could also be supplemented by requiring nations to have a bank building if they have an auction house and/or a bank NPC. This bank building could require a certain amount of some sort of resource in order to remain functional. If the thieves steal enough of this resource, the bank/auction NPC is lost. Something like that.

  2. 1 hour ago, Blundermore said:

    Wouldn't this just be an issue to do with people abusing mechanics more than "one day alts" is all I'm getting at. 



    I get what you're saying. You are correct. Although the rule against "one day alts" should technically fall under another existing rule/s, there are many cases in which the community has shown that every rule needs to be explicitly written.


    That's all it is. The writers of the warclaim wanted to explicitly state that one day alts were not allowed under any circumstances.

  3. The Warhawkian Chieftain Ereinion is perched within the canopy of a large tree in Elven lands. Clutched within a single hand is a crumbled page that had made its way to him during his scouting journey.


    He recites the first pair of words to himself. "Elves sought," he says.


    The bark of the broad branch creaks quietly as he leans onto his elbow. With a whistle he calls for a hawk that would collect the crumbled paper in his hands and attempt to seek out the individual who had written it.


    On the back of the page a reply would be written:


    "Your words have caught my attention. Should you require manpower for an expedition, you may follow the hawk that has returned this to you. He will lead you to us. Come alone or do not, I will not be."


    A solitary R would be written at the bottom of the reply.

  4. (( Beneath the rough exterior of a PVP goon there is a heart of gold-....and other people's loot. I don't understand how to be a part of what you're doing though. Have you hidden notes for us to find in-game in order to contact you? Or can we just roleplay finding one of these notes you've hidden? Or do we just run into you in-game? Will edit this post depending on answer.))

  5. 58 minutes ago, Ayevia said:

    I appreciate the truth! Thank you ♥ and you don't have to pay minas, I usually do proper covers whenever i feel like it ( which is usuall y one a month or something - but are you talking about stitches' dirtty game? i can't rap ;-;


    Yeah I'm talking about stitches dirty game. You wouldn't have to rap it. It'd be cool to see it just sung in your style. But don't worry about it if you don't want to 

  6. The Warhawke Chieftain walks through the halls of his Keep. His home within the frozen mountains of Urguan. His bandaged arm tracing the outlines of the stone bricks of the walls. The bricks he’d laid more than eighteen years ago. As he paces, his body remains within the halls but his mind leaves the shelter of the Keep.

    Within his mind’s eye, he sees the red walls of Felsen. He thinks of the people he’d met outside of her and the fights that had been had within the city’s limits. He sneers begrudgingly but his mind eases knowing that he would outlive the men within the walls. He held onto that final comfort as he began the letter within his room.

    A Letter to the Emperor of Oren
    “My name is Ereinion Taloha, Chieftain of the Warhawkes. Upon searching through the desolate remains of a fort I had built long ago, I found a Lorraine Cross upon a torn banner. After a night of further research, I learned that the Keep had been occupied by Orenians.

    While this seemed a strange circumstance at first. I found torn tabards and an excess of abandoned military-grade blades of Orenian design that confirmed my suspicions.

    So I send this letter to ask of you to hold counsel on what to do next. If my presence is required, send reply with the hawk that delivered this alongside my own letter so that it knows where to return.”

    A solitary R is written at the bottom of the letter.

    The letter is rolled into a tube and tied with a tight string of leather.


    The letter is addressed only to the Emperor and may have passed through the hands of an individual assigned to act as secretary for his mail.

  7. The Warhawkes

    We are a collection of families that have been a part of the tribe for hundreds of years. We are fanatics of lapis, war and astronomy. We are seekers of knowledge and disciplined fighters.



    ((There are two ways to apply. Applying with a character that was born in the Warhawkes or applying with a pre-established character of your own. If you're creating a character that would have been born into the Warhawkes. Choose your last name appropriately to what your character typically does. Ba'Ikana are the guards of the Chieftain and focused fighters. The Othan family is a family of doctors, farmers, fishermen and other experts of non-combative roles.))




    Skype name:

    A roll of paper makes its way to you. A set of seemingly familiar initials had you been born within the tribe. Either way, this parchment calls for your attention.

    You open the letter that is cold to the touch.

    The letter reads:


    "We are looking for our brothers and sisters that when we landed on Axios were lost. If you believe yourself to have been one of us in another life, or are a lost brother or sister, call for a hawk.

    They know our people's spirits. They will bring your reply to us."

    What is the name you were given at birth?
    What is the race you were born as?

    Whose words are final?

    Do you have ancestry within the Warhawkes?

    If you were to be lost in a place you couldn't recognize, how would you find your way back?




    ((If this application is accepted, we’ll contact you with the absolutely final step to joining. The application is mostly to express interest.))



    ((Hope to see you join the Warhawke parties!))




  8. “A sibling is your only enemy that you can’t live without.”  - Anonymous



    Ereinion stands across the plains from his reflection. The black bushes of his eyebrows scrunch closer together as he speaks to it.


    “We are going home,” Ereinion commands it.


    “Home? Those lands are not our home,” said the reflection.


    “The Dreadlands were a temporary solution to a larger problem. We’ve fixed the problem so now we go home.” Ereinion growls through gritted teeth, his right leg drilling behind him into the snow.


    “You always think for yourself, brother; what about Thea? The others? That fort is a trap— nothing good will come to us!” roared Eraynion.


    “Do not make yourself to be another Jayce! I and the others are going home and there is nothing you can do to stand in my way,” he says as he begins to turn around.

    Eraynion spat near his brother’s feet, then said, “We will let the others decide who they follow.”


    Ereinion continues leaving, ignoring his brother. His anger is replaced with thoughts of home and the tranquility of the impending solitude.




    And so the Warhawkian sons separated that night. Ereinion arrived to the place they had all once called home, thinking of what his father would have wanted for him and his brother.

  9. It beckoned. It coerced. It pulled.


    Ereinion Taloha clutched the wood of his broom. His eyes were shut and he stood his ground, yet it still called for him. It bribed him with the same thrill he'd come to enjoy.


    A thrill of total wrongness.


    He stayed strong and refused to answer the call.

  10. The sign stuff didn't work in Athera and it won't work now. Edit a region welcoming and leaving message. Much easier to see than a sign. You can't always see a singular sign from the many different angles you can attack a village from. At the same time, you can't place a **** ton of signs all around a place. That's not realistic either.


    As of this moment you risk people attacking a place and being punished because they may not have been able to see a sign that is in front of the front gate when they're attacking the farms or something, etc.

  11. 52 minutes ago, Benbo (Wretched) said:

    Most the tomes will be introduced through events accessible to many.




    I thought this was like an Easter hunt and they were hidden throughout the world. I guess I'm now more acquainted with Vailor than I ever have been or needed to be ;_;

  12. I mostly see friends of his supporting him. So I'll throw in my own. Dak and I have haven't seen eye to eye for a while now, but back when we were close he was always capable of answering any question I had about what the Dark Elves did while I was gone.

    There was hardly ever anything he didn't know about what occurred with the Dark Elves after Asulon, this guy is an encyclopedia. I'm not entirely sure what the standards are for an LT these days, but if it's the ability to remember extremely specific and borderline useless facts (lol), then you've got the guy right here when it comes to Dark Elves.

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