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Status Updates posted by Elodin


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Schwaan


      See, you thought was funny, but it really wasn't. What you're doing, makes yourself look like an immature, little child. You're not original either, you're just copying others. I applaud you on being so mature about the matter, good luck in life.

    3. Elodin
    4. brvhrt1005


      *Trollface* You killed one person, Guys, We got a badass ova' here!

  2. i will i cant be on tering the school week so on friday i will.

  3. who won the last creative cafe

  4. hi all please make a comment saying a form of hello in any language you know without using a translator. Thanks Elodin.

  5. go to the CREATIVE CAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you dont i will kill you in game and out

  6. 33 posts hell ya

  7. what is the warn status

    1. danic


      Means you broke a rule and were warned about it, therefor filling up that bar, and if it gets to 100%.... idk what happens )_)

    2. Elodin
    3. Yamnothere


      your account is disabled at 100 XD

  8. how do i know if i my application got exceptid or not

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. everblue2er101


      You have to submit it to the Application Submissions thread. Then wait until a moderator accepts or denies it.

    3. Elodin


      how do i know if the moderator accepts or denies it?

    4. Elodin


      never mind i got it

  9. i have to send in an application but i am still revising it and making it berdy

  10. what is this reputation thing

    1. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      people clicky +1 on posts they like and all of them add up on your main page

    2. Elodin
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