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Status Updates posted by CptSillyFrog

  1. I need a hug...

    1. EmeraldStag
    2. Samler


      *huggles* We all need a hug once in a while.

  2. My ME3 CE just came in! *Screams like a little girl*

  3. Frustration level at maximum capacity.

  4. Took me a whopping hour and a half but my quest is done: My Xbox is running silent again. Still consdering getting an Xbox Slim with the Mass Effect 3 Vault though.Choices choices.

  5. Most difficult quest ever: Opening my Xbox 360

    1. Sinstrite
    2. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      That's aganist the laws! :O -whistles "Totally... against the laws.." :P tries to find a hideing spot-

    3. RenownedWolfman


      *tucks something into a drawer* "Yeah, who opens their xbox, that would be so strange." *continues tucking his seven piece xbox into his drawer*

  6. Arik, Druid of song freaking Owns! WTB Download NOAH!

  7. Hell yeah, Received Mod Status from my fav Twitch Livestreamer :D

  8. "Hoorah"Valentines Day....I wonder how many people of you are thinking "Ow Crap!" right now.

    1. tomahawk90
    2. Ever



    3. XkynarethX


      forEVER alone, eh?

  9. Worst day at work EVER! *sigh*

  10. TotalBiscuit can be such an idiot at times lol

  11. Skyrim Creation Kit NOW available on steam!!!

    1. Danny



  12. The lovely moments when you realize that you are talking to yourself ]:

  13. Another The Darkness 2 livestream event with prizes and the awesome Elizabeth: http://nl.twitch.tv/kona

  14. Need more cloth! Wonder if i can get a hold of a red piece of glass...hmm

  15. Another day just at home, another week not having to work sucks at this point ]:

  16. Gods no! Forgot about the Tera Beta D:!

  17. Cookie time, any time!

  18. Hell yes! Finally a new Epic Rap Battle of History :DD! Master Chief vs Leonidas.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      Master chief owned Him :D

    3. Sinstrite


      Omigawd, *YEWTUBZ HIS YOUTUBE*

    4. Sinstrite


      Chea' Chief killed that ish.

  19. Nothing like a cold chicken leg in the middle of the night :P

  20. The captain is signing off, cya all on sunday!

  21. Never enough mossy brick around. :)

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