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Status Updates posted by Kiiztria

  1. how i hate not being able to check my messages

  2. How is everyone today?

    1. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      I'm being ultra defensive today

  3. How is everyone?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kiiztria


      Well im glad youre great Shift, because you know I am too!

    3. cruzazul
    4. Kiiztria


      Awesome Cruz! Im glad!

  4. How is everyone?

  5. How long does it take for me to be able to make my name longer than 18 letters after donating

  6. How much is the game neverwinter?

    1. Cyndikate


      The single player game cost money, the MMO is free.

    2. Dizzy771
    3. Kiiztria


      Alrighty thanks!

  7. How to make a power point without teaching anything.

  8. I cock my hat as I please... - Walt Whitman



      i put a hat on my cock as I please - me

    2. Kiiztria


      I bet that's a fancy rooster, top hat and a tuxedo?

  9. I do not like the Team Leader colors... Change them back

  10. I hate cave spiders -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kiiztria


      Yeah thats the only thing that gets me

    3. Kiiztria


      Yeah thats the only thing that gets me

    4. TeaLulu


      carry ale with you at all times, drink some before fighting cave spider, poison neutralized!!

  11. I hope I have my comp fixed and internet before 3.0 starts

  12. I know i know, you all shall blame me for all the storms now xD

  13. I learned the other day that Rats laugh when they're tickled *-*

  14. I may have died and RPly dont remember burning down an Oren wheat field but it was definately well worth it :) thank you to the GM who helped

  15. I miss no internet at my house and my LotC community

  16. I miss the Super Bowl because of work tonight.

  17. I must say it has been a pretty good week! My cousin had a baby, got a few new games, i get paid wednesday, and my lady will be home friday! Good Good week! :D

  18. I think in 3.0 there should be something to the effect of a goldrush once everything gets settled down :)

    1. Telanir


      That would be interesting. :o

  19. I too feel weird

  20. I wish for one day I could go around with crreative and destroy these blasted floating trees...

  21. I'd just like to thank Jade for the new picture :)

    1. gam


      r u a woman now

    2. MamaBearJade


      you're welcome ^_^

  22. I'd like to thank all of the LotC staff for just being awesome

  23. If you see a man with a pig face... There is an RP reason behind it

  24. If you've sent me a message today it wont let me read it my computer is being a ****

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