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Nworb Mas

Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Nworb Mas

  1. I saw that picture you have and I thought: "Damn that guy looks exactly like Kurt Cobain" Then, I realized that it was Kurt Cobain :P

  2. Yeah, quite a big fan of him and Nirvana, it's like one of the only bands I listen to apart from Foo Fighters and Red Hot Chili Peppers :3

  3. Yeah, quite a big fan of him and Nirvana, it's like one of the only bands I listen to apart from Foo Fighters and Red Hot Chili Peppers :3

  4. ur a cybr blly n u blly mi

  5. omg ur a blly, u cme otno my prfyl n sya all stff 2 m btu u r jus lyn n u knw u r a blly an i'm nt, so sy srry yh? k?

  6. i dnt evn knw y u blly mi all teh tme, u jus go n commnt on my profyle n blly mi n u try 2 mke mi lok bd infrnt of ppl n u r rly th bd 1!

  7. omg i shud bn rprt u fr bllyn n bein liyr ooc n jus bien a rly bd prsn in gnrl so I sy u bettr gve mi n aplgy or i wll bn rprt u 4 ryl.

  8. u cn onyl b frend wth mi if u sy srry.

  9. k i thnk we cna b frends now tht u hve aplgisd 2 mi, thx 4 aplgy m8

  10. Heard you're greasy....

  11. Heard you look like Devvo IRL :/

  12. Know I am the c00lest kid around? thx bby

  13. Why have you lied in your sig? You're not sexy m8

  14. Why have you lied in your sig? You're not sexy m8

  15. CEEENAAA!!!!!!!!!

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