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Status Updates posted by tomahawk90

  1. `the note in your home'

    Aye Sedrik, Im off tu ot'er duties. Ye can send me the bird I left if ye need me. Be car'ful around that las Raven, s'e was goin about town sayin ye were stalkin 'er. Ye mig't politely appoligise to 'er, and back of on 'er a bit will ye, before ye get us bot' in trouble. Urvil

    ((you have only read this if you have been ...

  2. "consider changing your battery". Kind regards, your laptop.

  3. been .. home, the note is there somewhere!))

  4. Connection Lost - Internal exception: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset.. what does it mean and who do I contact to help me?;)

    1. Dante


      Downgrade to one 1.1. Many use MUC because it's Vaq coded so you know it's good ^_^

    2. DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      Means the server crashed.

  5. does anyone know: what does MC actually do when it converts worlds to anvil? Scale the map, heighten it, a combination?

    1. Volutional


      I don't know but my worlds seem to go wierd...

    2. tomahawk90


      well, I havent tried or experienced problems myself, I just want to be ahead of trouble here;)

  6. everyone in texas still in one piece? Read in the news it was pretty bad out there..

    1. 0000


      No-one died. It says right there. No one died.

    2. 0000


      But hopefully nothing else has been too problematic.

  7. For those interested in beautiful photography, here is a website of a Dutch photography contest. I've linked to this years nominee's, category foreign, hurricane Sandy. If you like the photographs, to the left are all categories, if you click "Historie" on top you can view photos of every year. I can translate more if someone is interested in what we in The Netherlands think are beautiful and meaningful pictures and why. http://www.zilverencamera.nl/nominaties-2012/buitenlands...

  8. Help, I cant find any place to ask for help in adding some features to a server.. I know there are people here who know if what I want is possible and how, but where to ask?

    1. Lirinya


      If you mean your own, ask in the Minecraf tthread. If you mean LotC, use Support and feedback or Ideas.

    2. tomahawk90


      thank you Liri, I have taken it to the minecraft thread ;)

  9. hi there, I found you because you were the last person to look at my profile ;) dont know how you ended up there, just wanted to say, if you need any help showing you around ye can ask me, I dont know that much but am willing to help you and your friend ;)

  10. I be lookin' for the Dwarven Architect I helped buildin', I owe him some stuff. Ye help me with 'is name?

    1. Skippy


      Description? Do ya know 'is clan? W'o was 'e workin' fer? Alras? Kal'Karik? Sum'hing else?

    2. tomahawk90


      Kal'Karik t'was, 'e was buildin on the 'arbor. 'e was wearin' armor with gold decoration and 'e was an architect. Dunno more..

    3. tomahawk90


      me found out, me means exodawn!

  11. I like your about me page, got me listening to it again ;)

  12. NPC and shop plug-ins.. I was never part of Aegis, anyone care to explain how they work? Who can have NPC's and what can they be used for? Will one need an NPC to run a shop while you are offline? Do you have to be a donator... so many questions..

    1. everblue2er101


      NPCs and shops weren't linked for most of Aegis. NPCs can take any name, and will use the skin of a player if it's made with their name. they can be used primarily for better RP. Need to be a donator.

    2. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      You can read about the autoshop on the wiki, thats where I learned about it.

    3. tomahawk90


      thanks you two!

  13. Should we still get minas from voting? If yes, who should I contact how, to ask why my money is all gone and I'm not getting any from voting? thanks!

    1. Felix (Robsbawm)

      Felix (Robsbawm)

      You no longer get minas from voting and about the minas wipe, don't worry, it wasn't just you: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/47009-claiming-minas-with-a-charter/

    2. tomahawk90


      thank you good sir. The post says everyone else gets 500M, did that happen?

    3. Felix (Robsbawm)

      Felix (Robsbawm)

      I'm not sure if it was everyone or just new players. Anyway, 500 minas is nothing, I lost that in my first 30min of play by dying several times in a row. Ah, good memories. If you have a few basic supplies, or if you can kill mobs, or if you have a job, you should do just fine.

  14. skiing in the French alps, cya!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. tomahawk90


      casual enough for me mediocre, I have enough difficulty staying upright on skis ;)

    3. PoseidonisKing


      Luckey, I live in the east in the U.S= no good slopes :(. Hit dem kicker's!!!

    4. tomahawk90


      you seem to assume I update every day ;) I liked skiing ('t was my first time ever) a lot, but it was just for a few days so Im back for quite a while already ;) for me its was a 17hour travel (one way), you might make it to a mountain in that time as well I guess?

  15. study counselor just told me I have to work very hard to make it.. finishing the statement by saying: "you'll have to live like a monk for the coming weeks". So this is to let anyone interested know I won't be around at all coming time, and that when I do come back and succeeded I expect to be a monk alright.

  16. study study study..

  17. survived queensday (national holiday), just a headache,

  18. ye all, me just wanted to say me be here fur less then a week and me be amazed at the average age of ye all in relation to the stuff ye post, be it great story-tellin in Lore or *notes on gates*, be it yer friendliness to new players, be it yer use of language in arguments. Ye gave me back me trust in this 'ere world (and with world, me means Earth for once), That be all.

    1. Hiebe


      aye anytime mate goodluck in this world

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