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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Supremacy

  1. Elrosse is half wood elf! The high elves don't know! Nice hiding it thar.

  2. Death is a pain that never dies. It only fades, slowly. Regardless if you lost someone in 9/11 or lost your beloved pet 11 months ago. The pain will always be there... Just dulled by time. The dull blade still will bite, just less often. All you can do is remember. Let them rest in peace.

    1. Lym


      Déjà vue. I just saw a status on Facebook about the exactly same topic.

  3. Don't have one yet XD

  4. Thank ye sir, I like your lore also :)

  5. With that - I believe this lore is balanced enough, and has been reviewed enough to be put up for review by the MAT. Any balancing suggestions made by them are welcome such as weights (Increase/Decrease or any other desired change) , speed, anything brought up here or even any other concerns they wish to balance. A PM has been sent to Mezegura to notify them as such.
  6. "Is it so hard to simply abide by the lore set out for your characters? Everyone should feel the need to be a "special" or different character; because they're not! I'm sick of seeing Wood Elves running around with pale skin. " ~ Cappy | Greatest comment ever.

  7. "Is it so hard to simply abide by the lore set out for your characters? Everyone should feel the need to be a "special" or different character; because they're not! I'm sick of seeing Wood Elves running around with pale skin. " I officially love you for that comment.

  8. Any final alterations can be debated by the MAT if they desire. Personally I don't see this required in light of Polgrath's comment below.
  9. Thank you Roxforbraynz/Elwen, I have very much indeed been trying to make this as balanced as possible. The only solution I can see is adding sound to telekinesis, wouldn't fit perfectly but would be a solution. Or, alternatively making surprise combat with telekinesis something which requires OOC consent much like Blood Evocation does. This would leave a solution avoiding such an over powered method which I personally can not see it to be used often. However I don't feel like this is too much of an issue that it needs to be adressed, but I will try to incorporate it. EDIT: That has been included temporarily (and will remain unless another better suggestion is made) as I found it a good idea.
  10. The goal of this is not entirely to be a combat tool. It is more to add an interesting form of magic I feel is missing. In doing this I attempted to make it have very good utilitarian abilities, but also with that came the ability to use it for fighting. In order to balance this however, I do not mind if it is tweaked so that a sound or such is made to make it more balanced if the MAT deems such to be a fitting alteration though personally I do not see the ultimate need as many other things can be used to a similar end. In the end I am perfectly happy to have the MAT balance the magic, in particular things like this and the weights which can be lifted at each level. I would agree with ski_king3, everything has the potential to be more powerful in some situations than others. Wordy Explanation:
  11. That is a fair comment, if they do not notice it, nothing can be done. If they do notice it however merely knocking the dagger out of the way will prevent such a fate as the telekinetic will lose focus. However, in saying that what is to stop all other forms of magic or other methods of combat from doing a similar thing? A tendril from a shade? A snake from a conjurer? Poison from an Alchemist? Even a swordsman walking up to someone from behind quietly. To this I am simply saying that it is not that difficult to sneak up behind someone and kill them without this, however in all honesty I have never seen someone let themselves be caught off guard in such a way. All I wish to point out is there are many other ways in which someone can be killed while they are not paying attention. Your point however does retain a great deal of validity. This is something that may need to be fixed, and through this I am not entirely sure how. Perhaps levitating objects give off a sound? It would be slightly out of place, however if it were high pitched and fitting it could make sense. Any ideas?
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