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Enyahs V.

Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Enyahs V.

  1. alright everyone. you can vote again!

  2. I sleep until 2 pm. so keep it down when you are all screaming in terror from your timely deaths. Thank you.

  3. For the australians :

  4. How would you rate my roleplay, on a good day?

  5. In 206 days I will be 21. Need I say more about what will be there? No >.>

  6. *watches markus closely

  7. Male dark elves are aloud to live amongst the Mori peacefully. Also I offered myself to give him and my wife their freedom. Therefore Joel hanging out with the Mori' is not fairy tale. Infact many dark elves do while not being enslaved.

  8. There is a post in the menorcrest cave rp forum about Mori' and dark elves.

  9. I need you to come online for some rp.

  10. I sure hope you have notifications on your phone or something. Cause I am back! :D and I misses you :'(

  11. Eli is missing. RP trying to find her if you want. But she isn't dead no matter what Dusk says.

  12. I know rep doesn't relly matter but you don't deserve a -1. fixed :3

  13. I am bored. Entertain me jester!

  14. Where are you? D:

  15. Your comment just made me laugh so hard. In a good way of course :)

  16. Welcome person I have never seen before and totally didnt invite to the server. ;)

  17. We should talk in TS later about this musician thing.

  18. Awww... you took out that part in your signature D':

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